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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Punjabi bhai kesa he? Teri ghairat ka graph ajkal kesa ja raha he?

Ek dum Upar. Pakistan kai liye kuch bhi karu ga. kio Kai ye Pakistan hi hai Jis nay Hum Punjabio ko Panha di and Pakistan accepted us with open arms without asking any questions about our ethnicity or about our forefathers , we are loyal to the land and give preference to the land instead of giving preference to our ethnicities or forefathers.

And when some afghani bad mouth Pakistan, he should be reminded his Auqaat that at the time partition, Ghairat mand Pathan elders decided to live with Pakistan, not with Afghanistan. Tha't a big slap on Afghanis.
Sir itni aajizi aur inkisaar? Sara pakistan tou aap punjabio ka he...80% of army is punjabi, 80% of beaurocracy is punjabi, 70% of judiciary is punjabi, 63% of parliment is punjabi, most of the industries are in punjab.....you are our new masters sir, punjab is commander in chief of pakistan...we ghairatmand pathans are going to polish the boots of punjabis, we are not beghairat that we would talk about joining pakhtuns of afghanistan.

Afghani Doctor,,, May I Remind you, keeping FATA aside, the amount of education and prosperity in other Pakhtoon areas decides how much pakhtoons join national institutions? Plus cite me one example where Punjabi is given preference over Pakhtoon in such institutions?

A Pakhtoon General Tariq Khan is commanding a Punjaabi Mangla Corps. He is the ruler of around 20,000 punjabis soldiers.

Afghani Doctor, You propoganda is fail because participation in National insitituitons depends on how much educated pashtuns are being produced in KPK.

And that brings an intersting question, how much pakhtoons are there in Afghan National Army?

And How much Pakhtoon Nationalists ANP developed KPK from 2008-2013?
Sorry sir for those mehsuds and wazirs, the thing is sir they are untamed unlike we settled ghairatmand pathans...
Sir do you know mufti munir shakir from jhang, punjab? He came to khyber agency , laid the foundation of lashkar e islam and started acting against bareilvis there...his LI is now led by mangal bagh who along with AI are responsible for deaths of thousands of people in 8 year long sectarian violence in khyber agency...the respectable punjabi mufti munib shakir was also involved in blasts againsts shias of kurram agency but was expelled by tribal jirga on time.
Sir we pakhtuns are thankful to our punjabi master zia ul haq for radicalizing us to extreme.

See Pathans can easily deal with Punjabis yet they were not able to deal with Mangal Bagh, A Pathan. This shows Pathans and punjabis are pakistani's of equal basis no one is superior to one another.

So It was Zia ul haq who started resistance against Russians or Afghans themselves who started resistance?
I agree with you. I have to also admit that I was shocked when I for the first time talked to pashtun who said that he was proud Pakistani and after a while I noticed that the majority of pakistani pashtuns are indeed proud about being pakistani which is understandable giving how the situation has been in Afghanistan in the past 35 years. The Pakistani government has been very successful in replacing the sense of nationalism of pashtuns with islamism and thats why today the pashtun areas of pakistan are the most islamised or radicalized area in the whole islamic world. The pakistan instituation and social structure are designed so that the only way for a pashtun to be successful is to accept Pakistan, otherwise he and lose everything and wouldn't have access to anything not mention being killed or jailed.
I doubt that so many pashtun would call themselves pakistani if they had some real alternatives of living if they had some real back up to fight for their couse.

It is not the islamism or radicalization kid. It is the sense of ownership. We gave Pushtoons the sense of leadership that this country belongs to them too. And that's why Pushtoons are everywhere. They are Cricketers, they are in media, they are in Music industry, they are in military, they are in civil services, business, bureaucracy. Literally everywhere. Our next army chief might be a pushtoon from Tank district. A Pushtoon living in Pakistan has at least 10 times more chance to prosper and even lead his country than a pushtoon living in Afghanistan. Do you think a guy like Shahid Afridi who is loved by the whole country. Who has business in non pushtoon majority cities like Karachi and Lahore. Who lives in a posh neighborhood of Karachi would want to abandon Pakistan and move to Kabul just because for the love of Afghans. Our pushtoons are proud of their ethnicity and are also proud of their country. They are wise people. Not idiots. That they would side with a country like Afghanistan against Pakistan. Nobody exchanges diamond with dirt in this world boy. nobody.

number two the so called leaders of pashtun nationalists like Mahmud khan Achikzai, Esfandyar wali and etc in a join conference declare that they are being a pakistani and that they don't have any kind of intension of joining Afghanistan thats all so that we afghans know that you are happy and we for sure will respect your decision and would recognize the border.

All of the leaders that you have mentioned here are participating in elections under Pakistani constitution. As monkey said ANP has already abandoned the idea of pukhtoon nationalism and are in total reconciliation with the establishment of Pakistan. Mehmood khan achakzai is following the same path. And very soon he might replace ANP to shake hands with Pakistani establishment.

It looks like your condition two is already fulfilled. forget about our land and better focus on your own country. :)
Shame on you and your family for having such cruel attitude toward a human being. Shame on your parents that thought you this sh!t.

That appears to be your culture, your people and your country. Maybe you can teach that shame stuff your brethren first before lecturing us ?!
Karzai has done what we call in urdu "andheray may teer chalana".....even if it wont work, it might have other reason behind it...Pakistan army is like elephant, Afghans were taking huge risk provoking them, they are naturally under pressure...to lift off the pressure and instead pressurize Pakistan, karzai asked Afghan talibans of the response that pakistanis fear the most...the very word TTP has traumatized every pakistani, such brilliant idea by karzai must have confused army generals, they must be revising their stuff whether such scenario can happen or not....ISI played a big gamble by helping haqqani network and possibly afghan taliban...fear the vengeance of afghans, last time i checked Taliban are afghans....the question is whether they still remember back stabbing of pakistan army or have moved on?
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That appears to be your culture, your people and your country. Maybe you can teach that shame stuff your brethren first before lecturing us ?!

Your attitude indicates, you are a violent, s-adistic and i-diot person.
Yeah. This haramkhor was allowed to refuge in Quetta. This time we would give him refuge by sending him to hell.


This is not Karzai, you are just making it.
These Afghans have been holding our progress back for a long time, they are nothing people with only one thing on their mind which is to create as much chaos as possible. They also need to learn not bite the hand that feeds them.

I want all Afghan immigrants, 3 million on these useless fools thrown out of Pakistan and back to their cage in Afghanistan. They can be happy and swim in their own sh*t and kiss Indian a*s like their forefathers used to do.
Really? It is your democratically elected President who is asking Taliban to attack our people.

He asked Taliban to defend their country instead of destroying it. He didn't ask them to kill innocent Pakistani people. You don't need to spread hate and make things.
So if they are asking people to wage a war against Pakistan then can we not simply NUKE them to end this for once and for all :azn:
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