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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

You are not making sense, why would allies bicker with each other, I mean we the allies have a common enemy and that being taliban should be our central goal and pakistan is a NATO ally in this war so afghanistan president should stop with bickering and make allies in the region post withdrawal, the canadienne military is already finished with our training mission but we will continue providing infrastructure support in the given decade. How is pakistan supporting taliban?, pakistan is also a victim of this heinous terror acts against humanity and i think it is time we all come together on this issue purge afghanistan from these alqueida symphatizing terror monsieurs from the face of this earth!

You are doing the misstake that the West in past 12 years have done,
Pakistan is not an ally in war against terror or taliban. For Pakistan, taliban are just an very important tool to have presence in Afghanistan and in the area thats why ISI give them shelter, train them, support them and they are the only actor that taliban listen to. Pakistanis and their government has been fooling you guys for last 12 years, they recieved billions in aide but instead of fighting taliban, they are helping them to carry out their attacks inside afghanistan.
.... we are not afraid of it because we know that you don't have the gutts to use it against us.


You don't bomb your half brain $tupid @rse brother. You just slap him on the head. :omghaha:

This is what Pakistani army will do in case when an Afghan policemen becomes too excited.

@Armstrong what is persianised writing??i mean how do u identify it??
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...taliban are just an very important tool to have presence in Afghanistan and in the area thats why ISI give them shelter, train them, support them .....

Considering the topic of the thread " Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan",

your comment doesn't make sense.

How come Karazai is planning to use an ISI tool against Pakistan.

Either Karazai is half-brain $tupid @rse


the very argument you are making.

Hope you understand :lol:

You are not making sense, why would allies bicker with each other, I mean we the allies have a common enemy and that being taliban should be our central goal and pakistan is a NATO ally in this war so afghanistan president should stop with bickering and make allies in the region post withdrawal, the canadienne military is already finished with our training mission but we will continue providing infrastructure support in the given decade. How is pakistan supporting taliban?, pakistan is also a victim of this heinous terror acts against humanity and i think it is time we all come together on this issue purge afghanistan from these alqueida symphatizing terror monsieurs from the face of this earth!

Vive le afghanistan libre !

Again, Pakistan is not the victim of terror. It is the pashtuns on both side of Durrinde line who are the real and only victims of this war and the pakistani leadership doesn't give a dam about it even if all pashtuns lose their lives. The west should understand the conflict in Afghanistan has many dimension and one of them is the Durrand line, without solving this issue, there will be no peace in Afghanistan and the terrorist will be active in the region as they are a tool of ISI.
....... conflict in Afghanistan has many dimension and one of them is the Durrand line, without solving this issue, there will be no peace in Afghanistan....

Ask Kharazai to solve the issue of Durrand Line.

Why beg the West?

Why oh Why?

My dear Afghanistani, why?
Your last sentences doesn't make any sense. We don't care about your AQ khan or AK khan and we never ever dreamed about islamic bomb and we are not afraid of it because we know that you don't have the gutts to use it against us.

I am talking about Afghan taliban. They do not have your notion of Afghan nationalism , they are more closer to deobandi ulemas of Pakistan than to Afghan nationalist.

what is persianised writing??

i mean how do u identify it??


Ok. Sorry I will not make fun of your question. I will not make fun of your question. I will not make fun of your question. I will not make fun of your question

I will not even lol on it.

So my dear poster,

here are few steps you can follow.

1. Do a wiki on "Persian writing" or "Persian script".

2. Do a dictionary search on "Identify".

Put #1 and #2 together. Viola. you got your answer.


Armstrong can sleep a little. It is almost 2 am. I have a day off but he just posted that he has to work on Sunday.

pooor poooooor thang.

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Again, Pakistan is not the victim of terror. It is the pashtuns on both side of Durrinde line who are the real and only victims of this war and the pakistani leadership doesn't give a dam about it even if all pashtuns lose their lives. The west should understand the conflict in Afghanistan has many dimension and one of them is the Durrand line, without solving this issue, there will be no peace in Afghanistan and the terrorist will be active in the region as they are a tool of ISI.

No mon ami this cannot be true, i think you have miscommunication/misunderstanding with pakistan people, I have been on this forum for some time and they are very welcoming and to be frank alot different from what they portray in media. They hate taliban just as much as us, in the boston bombing thread aside from a few bad apples, they openly condemned the henious acts of these terroriste! Look we are all victims of these attacks and the talibuns want us to bicker and be divided like this so they can launch their spring offensive past snigan valley and we have to stop that offensive at all cost. Pakistan is a strong alley with a huge arsenal of conventional weapons and recently Pakisan is getting aid so they can continue their north western offensive and this critical point, we have to stop this blame game and go for the talibuns's jagular.

Once again my dear friend, you need to reforumulate your opinion on Pakistan, Pakistan people are not terroriste symphatizing folks and I mean they have been hit so severe especially the incident two months ago in the port city of karachai. If pakistan people were terroriste, then how come post 9-11 pakistan people answered the call for the global war against terrorism and became NATO allies in this comprehensive war to take these terroriste out.
@Armstrong, I hope i did not over generalize pakistan people, correct me if i said something offensive!
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We know a lot about your army and its capabalities, I guess it hasn't changed a lots since 1973 when 93000 turn their back to indian army

When you guys comparing the military power of pakistan and afghanistan you shouldn't compare the army of two countries, you should compare the two nation, One which never won any war and one which never lost. So guys I have to disappoint you that statistics are not speaking for a **** win
Again, Pakistan is not the victim of terror. It is the pashtuns on both side of Durrinde line who are the real and only victims of this war and the pakistani leadership doesn't give a dam about it even if all pashtuns lose their lives. The west should understand the conflict in Afghanistan has many dimension and one of them is the Durrand line, without solving this issue, there will be no peace in Afghanistan and the terrorist will be active in the region as they are a tool of ISI.

First off, if you people have kept your house in order Pakistan would not have to have supported the Taliban.
You people started poring into our country and spread crime, drugs and guns into Pakistan.
Why don't you take responsibility for that?
Pakistan's main goal is to have a stable Afghanistan so that you people don't continuously come to Pakistan begging for jobs and committing crimes. The Taliban were the only people in Afghanistan who had the power to stabilize your country at the time. Furthermore, just before 911 the Taliban actually eradicated all opium production.

2nd. Pathans on the Pakistani side of the Durand line are super loyal to Pakistan, they have fought in every war and the only reason we have Kashmir is because of them.
You people crying about Durand line is like a poor kid crying about his richer cousin. You are just jealous that they are better off than you.

Finally, if you don't want Pakistan to interfere in your affairs, fine, but own your sh!t. Stop your people from coming to Pakistan, stop your drug operations and stop your guns from Coming to Pakistan. Once you do that, Pakistan will have no reason to even think about you people.
I agree with first half of your post.

Yest Karazai cannot use anti-Pakistani rehtoric to mend Talibanic ways.

Instead the same Taliban (as you stated) will hand this poor sob at the first opportunity.

However I disagree with later part to some degree (in specific) Afghani Taliban sense.

Last time around they did respect our borders and did a much better job in keeping the leftie-and commie Afghanistanis away from Pak-border.

May be it will be different this time. But history should be stated for the sake of completeness.

Why just indo-Pak border. They would rather be in Kolkatta and Mumbai.

Hopfeully not. But that's how the history shows could happen.

I have interacted with taliban (haqqani network guys), they are wishful to bring sharia in Pakistan but its not their priority right now, they are not ambitious to put halali parcham on delhi. But yes about muslim dominated kashmir of India, they want it to free it from them through jihad.
We know a lot about your army and its capabalities, I guess it hasn't changed a lots since 1973 when 93000 turn their back to indian army

When you guys comparing the military power of pakistan and afghanistan you shouldn't compare the army of two countries, you should compare the two nation, One which never won any war and one which never lost. So guys I have to disappoint you that statistics are not speaking for a **** win

Is that why millions of your people are begging to come and stay in Pakistan then? :rolleyes:
I am talking about Afghan taliban. They do not have your notion of Afghan nationalism , they are more closer to deobandi ulemas of Pakistan than to Afghan nationalist.


Afghanistani nationalists are now limited to bunch of half-dead half-eaten ex-communists. Their sole job is to regurgitate the same old rotten, same old fainted slogans against Pakistan.

To tell you the truth,

True Afghanistani nationalism is a "Surkhab ka per"

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