Good thats why i say dont mix our religion with politics because politics and interests can get very dirty in most of cases.[/QUOT]
Once we read Kalma, we declare that we willbe Muslims first and deal all matters by the rules of Islamic values set for us.
So if u r a Muslims u have to lead a life as Muslim in all aspects, be it daily chores or be it politics and be it family matters.
Let me put up some thing we should look into.
Islam totaly prohibits bomb blasts and killing of innocnts.
Islam is very clear on suicide bombing or suicides and that is haram.
Islam tells us that we must act as Muslims and help each other and help humanity at largr in all circustances.
Lieing, cheating, bribes, staring at women, businees profits and clealiness is all not only monitored but are examplifies by true Muslims.
May Allah S.W.T help us see the light. Ameen
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