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Karzai asks US to back Zardari



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Nov 1, 2005
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NEW YORK (September 25 2008): Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said recent leadership change in Pakistan has offered for the "first time" a hope of winning the "war on terror" and called for a joint assault on extremist "sanctuaries" along their common border. He also asked the United States to provide full backing to the new democratically elected administration of President Asif Ali Zardari, who took over from former military strongman Pervez Musharraf, in fighting extremism.

Relations between the neighbours were strained during Musharraf's rule, with the Afghan leader persistently accusing Islamabad of not doing enough to curb cross-border militancy. "For the first time, I see in the region a ray of hope," Karzai said at a New York-based Asia Society forum on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. He said Zardari would move away from what he charged was Islamabad's longstanding use of "radicalism and extremism as an instrument of policy."

"If we can all work together, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United States and our allies, I see now possibilities of moving beyond the days where one or the other of us may need extremism or radicalism as an instrument of policy and when that happens, there would be no place for extremists to play against all of us and if that happens, there will be no extremist activity as it is now."

The Afghan leader said Zardari had a "very" good understanding of the tribal region and "the need to change" the situation there. "My hope is he would have the instruments to (wage the fight against terrorism) ... the instruments means backing from the United States, first of all," he said. Karzai spoke after Zardari met US President George W. Bush for talks, also at the sidelines of the UN event.

Karzai also endorsed a plan voiced by his defence minister for a joint US-Afghan-Pakistani military task force that would be empowered to operate on both sides of the border. "A force to act together on two sides of the border? A new idea but a welcome idea, I'll back it," he said to a question.

He also said that any surge in international troops for the war in Afghanistan should be involved in flushing out militants in border "sanctuaries" in Pakistan instead of penetrating deeper into Afghan villages.

Underlining the need to have a regional approach to fighting terrorism, Karzai said any assault should be "concentrated on the sanctuaries - on those that train extremists, equip extremists, motivate extremists and then send them across" to Afghanistan. "The surge, in other words, will work only if you concentrate the deployment of troops at the right places where we need them," he said.
Underlining the need to have a regional approach...

He will have successfully "internationalized" his problem - some of our Pakistani forum members are unfortunately not following this rationale carefully enough.

What will be the implication of such a approach?? What other conflict was awaiting "internationalization", that never came about??

If GWOT is a net failure and countries wish to distance themselves from it, where might a regional approach fit in -- After all a regional approach to WHAT? Only towards what in Mr. Karzai's opinion is terrorism. Does Mr. Karzai also view kashmir as terrorism?? Does Mr. Karzai also view not recognizing a border with Pakistan while asking Pakistan to patrol said border (which he does not recognize), also, terrorism??

Just imagine, a zero, asking US to endorse a lesser zero - Let us all pray at the altar of Western style "Democracy" - our father who art in Washington, hallowed be...

Yet another episode of kleptocracy, after all the gods of Western "Democracy" must be kept in good humour.
So the question is does Zardari really need Karzai support, someone who cant even mantain control beyond kabul.
Seems he does - Karzai might not have authority outside kabul, but the American eats out of his behind, so if Zardari wants US, going through Kabul is not a bad idea -- Wanna luv me, luv my dog first.:cheers:
So the question is does Zardari really need Karzai support, someone who cant even mantain control beyond kabul.

Lets not generalize the issue. No need to care whether Karzai have control out of Kabul or not, the point is that he is backed by the world super power which gives him a tremendous significance in the region. YES Zardair desperately needs Karzai's support if the Pakistani president really wants to please US in 'war on terror'.
Lets not generalize the issue. No need to care whether Karzai have control out of Kabul or not, the point is that he is backed by the world super power which gives him a tremendous significance in the region. YES Zardair desperately needs Karzai's support if the Pakistani president really wants to please US in 'war on terror'.

:rofl: and What this significance realy is ??????

And Mr zardari does not need anay support from good for nothing kaghazai as it will only add more doubts in minds of Pakistani people about zardari.

zardari can easily please his master US by harming ISI and Pakistan army, by weakening Pakistan more economicaly as we are already but this time they are helping US/CIA by creating social insecurity for common people of Pakistan.

there are many things that zardari is following and will follow in future too which can please the sponsor of terror aka US in big way.

Mr karzai is in last stage of his presidency which is something not to be called even presidency but still lets close our eyes to the reality and accept he is a president, hence he will try to bark as much as he can to please US.

At this time zardari will bemore happy to be in league far more anti-Pakistan, enemy of Pakistan Mr Rangeen whom US is mulling to make the next president of Afghanistan.
ladies and gentlemen we have world super puppet mrrrrrrr. 10%! PPP is submissive party to anyone who wiggles that multi-million dollar check!
Lets not generalize the issue. No need to care whether Karzai have control out of Kabul or not, the point is that he is backed by the world super power which gives him a tremendous significance in the region. YES Zardair desperately needs Karzai's support if the Pakistani president really wants to please US in 'war on terror'.

You couldnt be more wrong then this. Karzai is just a dog who barks when asked by his masters in US. Frankly it doesnt matter a $hit what he says and to whom. Also its not what the president want, it is what the parliment want afterall democracy is there at last and thanks god its a collation government and to be honest pleasing the americans will be the last thing on the mind of anyone apart from zaradri right now in Pakistan considering the public sentiment.
Joint border force: Karzai expressed surprise on Tuesday at comments by his defence minister that Pakistan and Afghanistan were discussing a possible joint border force, but said he would support it.

Asked about the proposed force during a visit to New York, Karzai said it was the first he had heard of it.

Well this is interesting - so has Karzai been demoted from the Mayor of Kabul to the mayor of his presidential compound?

But sarcasm aside, it is interesting that his defense minister knew of this, the Americans obviously proposed this the other day as well, but the Pres. of Afghanistan does not.

Given the recent tensions between the West and Karzai - he has essentially called them part of the problem, with their undermining of regional leaders that he considered to be crucial to defeating the taliban, despite some 'faults', and the collateral damage inflicted through airstrikes - I wonder if Karzai is on his way out?
Perhaps Zardari is easier to handle than tougher Musharaf or Kiyani.

Dont forget he is not alone in making key decisions and therefore just dont expect him to bow down to the US wishes just like that. There are two primary reasons for that:

1) The government is a collation and so he has to take the parliment with him on important decisions.

2) He will not alienate the army.
karazai is the agent of US in afghanistan every body know and i will repeat a quote by one of the member that a guy who doesnot have powers above kabul is backing up a president of a country... so funny.....
Dont forget he is not alone in making key decisions and therefore just dont expect him to bow down to the US wishes just like that. There are two primary reasons for that:

1) The government is a collation and so he has to take the parliment with him on important decisions.

2) He will not alienate the army.

These 2 things are unlikely to happen, but that doesn't mean they are not possible. And if Zardari's history is anything to go by then these 2 things dont look all that impossible.
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