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Kargil’s Muslims turn on India!


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
So much for the patriotic Muslims of Kargil the Indians went on about. Like I predicted mass rebellion is well and truly happening.

Kargil's religious and political organisations released a statement, condemning the Indian government for acting "without the consent from the people". The groups called for a shutdown on Tuesday.

Kargil's Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust, an influential religious group in the region, supported the protest.

Everyone is waking up from a slumber. I have said it before and I will repeat. Modi will destroy India. All this BS talk about democracy, multiculturalism, unity, religious diversity and harmony is falling flat like a house of cards. India is truly a facade and a craphole like never seen before. Modi is doing an excellent job of bringing India to the extreme edge. I expect Hindu fanatics and other minority groups waging wars in the streets of India. The things we have already witnessed are incomparable with what is still on the menu. Just wait and see.
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So much for the patriotic Muslims of Kargil the Indians went on about. Like I predicted mass rebellion is well and truly happening.

Kargil's religious and political organisations released a statement, condemning the Indian government for acting "without the consent from the people". The groups called for a shutdown on Tuesday.

Kargil's Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust, an influential religious group in the region, supported the protest.

Sir with all due respect , it is not about Kashmiri and their reaction …….. Now this is all about Pakistan and Pakistan's Reactions ……. If we only do lip service then this will be fatal for Pakistan (Kashmiris can join india and reduce their sufferings ) , Kashmir is our life line , without Kashmir Pakistan will die in 10 to 20 years .. Now it is on Pakistan , Pakistani elite and Pakistani Nation to chose ..
Kashmiri brother and sisters kept their movement alive after Mushy abandon them and Zardari and NS joke with them(Molvi desal as Kashmir Cameeti Chairman) …… Now they are looking at us for final push ..
Everyone is waking up from a slumber. I have said it before and I will repeat. Modi will destroy India. All this BS talk about democracy, multiculturalism, unity, religious diversity and harmony is falling flat like a house of cards. India is truly a facade and a craphole like never seen before. Modi is doing an excellent job of bringing India to the extreme edge. I expect Hindu fanatics and other minority groups waging wars in the streets of India. The things we have already witnessed are incomparable with what is still on the menu. Just wait and see.
Lol Keep making fantasies, specially when world stops taking u seriously.
Jammu is enjoying, Ladakh is celebrating & Kashmir will enjoy too at a point of time. But Pakistanis will be crying on social media haha
Brothers don't fall into good feel factor of, if some small section of society have protested against the article and we should be looking at the bigger picture. Nethanya the Guru of Indian policy got away with the building of the settlements on the Palestinian lands, and plenty of pockets of protests were held against it but so what? He stole the land and he is keeping it yes or no? When our foreign minster says case is taken into Indian supreme court, then what either it is going to be thrown out or get through with the presidential order, in one way or the other and then end of the story.
Point is have we got enough clout to reverse the article 370 through diplomatic means answer doesn't looks positive either due to Indian sheer size and economic muscle as compared to us and their better handling of foreign policy. We are good at antagonizing even the friends we got. Look at the UAE the country helped us so much during and after 1971 war which camp is it now.
When IK talks about living like Tipu Sultan regardless of his bravery he did lost it, we should be talking about Mahmood Guznavi and tell India we will keep on coming after you and keep on F**king you till we get what's ours and more. What Modi will be thinking, IK is taking about loosing the battle already so he is not going to do anything and as far as protests are concerned sooner or latter they will die down and I have put the first nail into Kashmir coffin and rest to follow.
Message to the world should have been the same if you want to save your beloved Indian arse where your daughter's and mothers get raped we are about to F**k and annihilate them see how world would have moved. We are on a roll since 27th Feb incident and world knows it, we can fight if we have to and message should have been we will attack if we are challenged.
IK lost it in the parliament his message should have been our nation must get ready for the war then world would have moved like they did after 27th February to save the Indian blushes, weather we would have gone to war or not that's the different matter. How many times India amassed forces on our borders and got underhand assurances and buggered off latter. Now the best I can hope for is in getting pass the resolution in UNSC asking India to reverse the article 370 and even I doubt it that will happen, we simply have been just too timid. Here some good friends on this forum start talking about economy and loans and corruption to get rid of first. Lord oh my lord which world you guys are living in get your priorities right, you are about to miss the boat and you are worrying about you had enough lunch in your stomach or not.
I Suggest IK instead of sitting on his cushy seat comes out and face the heat take a world wide flight to the world capitals urgently instead of being showing he is so important that he has to talk to them over the phone and demand for the roll back of the article and also present the case in UNSC too. When the same powers knock at our doors for help or with their demands do they just give us a ring. If that's the case how many times Alice Wells shows up on the Islamabad airport no wonder we got worn out foot paths leading to the airport. We have got it too easy we are talking it too easy and the end result will be easy too meaning none with the slow response.

So far IK and Qureshi work rate is just not good enough , show some urgency, show some energy show us you care, show us some vigour, so far both of you response have been abysmal. IK make a history that in your tenure that you did something good for our country rather then NAB performance alone.
Some one noting the situation carefully & believe me this time all will be legal... No state actors what so ever... So no risk of FATF o_O
India has portrayed Kashmiris as some radicalized Takfiris to the world but factually Shia constitutes 14% of Jammu & Kashmir's population with Sufi Muslims in majority.
Recently, one of the first few videos from IOK started surfacing on social media post- Article 370 abrogation which shows Shiites protesting against revocation of autonomy of IOK.
Indian journalists have claimed peace in the former state. However, a local reported killing of a child and a protest in unknown location. Also some reports suggested 1 death and 100 injured in protests as of now. With communication blackouts in India it is really difficult to know what's really happening in the troubled region.
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