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Kargil’s military success was converted into political defeat: Musharraf

Sir, when they are condemned to be the victims of their own propaganda, then who can change their deluded souls.
Suddenly for these internet warriors, their own media is non credible, in fact most of them sitting behind a screen consider themselves more knowledgeable than what's published in their own papers. A decade after the Kargil conflict, Indian media is still raising the issue and not without reasons.

''Standing tall and dominating the famous Tiger Hill on the Line of Control (LoC) is a grim reminder of the Kargil war. Point 5353, the highest peak in the region which has a clear view of the National Highway 1 D, remains occupied by Pakistan even a decade after the battle.
While the point is clearly on the Indian side of the LoC, it remains in Pakistani control which has fortified it with reinforced bunkers and has even built a special road nearby to carry up supplies for soldiers.
The Indian Army, which made several unsuccessful attempts to occupy the post after the Kargil war, has since given up the post as "untenable" given the geography of the region that makes it fairly easy for Pakistani troops to climb''

Near Tiger Hill, Point 5353 still Pak-occupied - Indian Express

What Pakistan lost from Kargil War:

Better you introspect and tell us...
What would be objective of kargil war from pervez mussaraf.

What were gains and loss if Pakistan in war.

Which are major peaks of importance still with Pakistan?

A war can't be raised without nawaz's concent if so, why did NS went against Musharraf.

Who was supportive of Pakistan action in foreign politico: china or us. Those historical friend did they really stood by Pakistan ?

It was very hard fought battle for indian troops because Pakistan was sitting on top. What india gained was at a very heavy cost. Above all the tall claims of IAF were demolished. For good reasons india also got a taste of war and how difficult it can be with Pakistan.

It's not a sarcastic remark but a worthy question unanswered to most indian from Pakistani point of view.
If @Windjammer @MastanKhan can shed some light on.
That was Mushy's objective ?

Tell me how and why this point makes any difference ?
Your own Netas are on record for saying, ''another Kargil can not be ruled out''!!!.....for they know the Highway which apparently supplies to the troops based in Siachin can be choked any time by the PA.....i believe that's what General Musharaf was pointing to, when he said, we had you by the throat. !!

:lol: You haven't found something new that Pakistanis on this forum haven't in all these years. This has been rubbished plenty.

Gen.Krishan Pal's reason for saying even this is that he faced censure from a military tribunal for faking war reports during the Kargil war and not giving another officer credit. Btw, See the video, don't go by the title. He is only saying India should have further consolidated after the war and the lack of consolidation is what he terms as a failure..
You lost east Pakistan in 1971, I would leave this alone.

The gap in wealth and power is too big in india.s favour.

Drop the rubbish before the Indians take more territory from you in another war
Your own Netas are on record for saying, ''another Kargil can not be ruled out''!!!.....for they know the Highway which apparently supplies to the troops based in Siachin can be choked any time by the PA.....i believe that's what General Musharaf was pointing to, when he said, we had you by the throat. !!

Do you expect the politicians to say something other way around ?

This particular ability of Pakistanis, to pat their own back even in the case of utter defeat, quite commendable..Keep it up..
i think he is going for another elections.......
He might be a better option for Pakistan .

Compared to NS and zardari. Oh I forgot Imran khwab too.

Pakistan need a strong leadership to come out of mess. There are not many leader who can run army ISI and politics together
Strategic peak 5353 :lol:

"When Operation Parakram began a little over three years ago, both the Indian Army and the Pakistan Army began trading ferocious artillery fire up and down the LoC. In the high mountains, sudden winds and unpredictable atmospheric conditions ensure that shells rarely land where gunners intend them to. But, with a direct line of observation available to them, the Pakistani forces on Point 5353 should have been able to pass on corrections that would have enabled their artillery to obliterate Sando Top.

If, that is, the Pakistani troops on Point 5353 had been given the chance. Indian soldiers on three posts, namely Point 5165, Point 5240 and Point 5100, guided their superior 155-millimetre Bofors howitzers with devastating accuracy. Pakistani troops on Point 5353 were first hit with smoke-filled mortar shells, to flush them out of their bunkers, and then with air-burst artillery, which showered down shards of metal at great speed. Well over 40 Pakistanis are believed to have died on Point 5353. Pakistan could not reinforce the troops since the Indian soldiers on Point 5165 and Point 5240 were in a position to hit their supply lines.

According to National Geographic (May 2003), La Rinconada, a village in Peru situated at 5,099 m is the highest permanent human habitation. The magazine records that above that altitude, "there are no permanent settlements" and "civilisation stops." But India has many posts much higher than that in the Siachen glacier, and its troops have fought at upwards of 7,000 m. In Siachen, however, the all-volunteer troops stay for just three months. No one has a choice about serving in Dras. Those who are assigned there will spend two years inhabiting posts higher than La Rinconada — until India and Pakistan learn to live in peace"

That too when IA occupied 2 Peaks on other side of LOC :lol:

"56 Brigade Commander Amar Aul, in charge of the operations to secure Point 5353, responded by occupying two heigh ts on the Pakistani side of the LoC, 4875 and 4251, just before the ceasefire came into force"
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Pakistan won Kargil.:lol:
yeah,,,sure gernail saab.now be happy:D
we happy too,,, kargil proved that limited conflict,without involving nukes,in the so called disputed territory ,is still a possibility.
happened once ,,may happen again:wink:
Now kargil fiasco is rechristened as military success like 1965 was a victory. 1971 war was " we wanted to get rid of Bengalis" Now Kargil was a military success. Great going. Perfectly in line with Al khalid better than T 90, Pakistan special force is No1 so as ISI.
What would be objective of kargil war from pervez mussaraf.

What were gains and loss if Pakistan in war.

Which are major peaks of importance still with Pakistan?

A war can't be raised without nawaz's concent if so, why did NS went against Musharraf.

Who was supportive of Pakistan action in foreign politico: china or us. Those historical friend did they really stood by Pakistan ?

It was very hard fought battle for indian troops because Pakistan was sitting on top. What india gained was at a very heavy cost. Above all the tall claims of IAF were demolished. For good reasons india also got a taste of war and how difficult it can be with Pakistan.

It's not a sarcastic remark but a worthy question unanswered to most indian from Pakistani point of view.
If @Windjammer @MastanKhan can shed some light on.
My dear, as i said in my above post, the idea was to choke the supply to Indian troops on siachin as most of it was transported by the 1D highway, it's a well documented fact that had Nawas Sharif held his nerve for a fe more weeks, India would be forced to come to the negotiating table . Remember, the Kargil conflict happened soon after both countries declared their nuclear capability, hence neither would risk a full scale war thus come to some compromise. Musharaf was sitting with his commanders in Murree, 40 miles from the capital when he recieved a phone call from PM office to see him off at the airport, to general's dismay, that's when he learned NS was heading to Washington. And it's all crack of lies when it's claimed that NS was unaware of the Kargil operation. Here he's visiting the troops during the conflict.

These Indians are so fool-hardy. In the case of a confilict PA can bomb the Indians in Siachen into the snow and ice caves. We control the jugular vein for resupply and yet these Indian silver back gorillas keep beating their chest.


All show no go..

My dear, as i said in my above post, the idea was to choke the supply to Indian troops on siachin as most of it was transported by the 1D highway, it's a well documented fact that had Nawas Sharif held his nerve for a fe more weeks, India would be forced to come to the negotiating table . Remember, the Kargil conflict happened soon after both countries declared their nuclear capability, hence neither would risk a full scale war thus come to some compromise. Musharaf was sitting with his commanders in Murree, 40 miles from the capital when he recieved a phone call from PM office to see him off at the airport, to general's dismay, that's when he learned NS was heading to Washington. And it's all crack of lies when it's claimed that NS was unaware of the Kargil operation. Here he's visiting the troops during the conflict.
Fact of the matter.. you lost..No place for ifs and buts there..
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