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Kargil Vijay Diwas - 23rd anniversary

A victorious prime minister was seen rushing to the US for the celebrations.
It was victory indeed for Pakistan.
Pak captured 120 peaks inside Indian controlled territory and still keeps a few which are the most important ones. That’s what matters. Point 5353 is the most important peak which Pakistan still controls.
Uh, no it doesn't. Every strategically important height like Tiger Hill, Tololing and Dras were recaptured.

"In the war-zone itself, India suffered initial reverses, then brought in more troops, helicopter gunships and fighter jets and began to bomb Pakistani installations across the border. If Nato could overfly borders without any legal sanction, so could they. By May 1999, as the yellow roses were about to bloom, the Indian Army had retaken most of the ridges it had lost. A month later its forces were poised to cross the Line of Control. Pakistan’s political leaders panicked and, falling back on an old habit, made a desperate appeal to the White House."
He was a hero indeed. He chased your PAF planes and crossed LOC knowing that he is operating a flying coffin. You know very well about how shit mig21 is! Still he showed bravery. He didn't opened his mouth even he was brutally tortured.
And in next 48 he was back in home. It was fear of IA in the heart of you beloved Bajwa. You know the whole episode man. Still you are defending your army propaganda.

I can understand being a Pakistan your ego doesn't allows you to accept the truth in front of Indian. But by now you know the truth of your generals and army chief how they fed propaganda to normal Pakistani people.
Remember 1971. Your army were claiming victory just 2 days before the surrender.
Still you believe those generals. Lol watch this.

Yeah lol

Whatever pajeet
India, in turns, controls Point 5070, a strategically important peak along the Marpo La pass. It lies on the Pakistani side of the LoC, about 10 km west of Point 5353.
Indian troops also captured Point 5310 on the Pakistani side of LoC in April 2000.
The peak is of strategic importance because it enables the Indian Army to tactically control 12 square kilometres of Pakistani territory in Karubar bowl. Domination of this area also threatened the Pakistani posts opposite Turtok Sector from the rear
You created new account to post this? They all know about it.
Not convinced we won Kargil: Lt Gen Kishan Pal to NDTV

Pakistan is occupying at least six strategically located Indian peaks in the Kargil sector along the Line of Control" - Rajya Sabha member & senior criminal advocate R K Anand. (30 August 2000)

"Point 5353 is very strategic. In 1992-93, the then corps commander (of India) decided to make a shift pocket on this point and sent personnel there by helicopter. The officers posted there successfully cut off the entire supply to the Pakistani pockets along the LoC for nearly two months."...he said the Indian Army then claimed that point 5353 is "within our LoC and that we have every right to patrol the area." - Rajya Sabha member & senior criminal advocate R K Anand. (30 August 2000)

"Indian troops had tried to capture Point 5353 on May 18, 1999 when army operations were beginning in Operation Vijay in Kargil last year. But it failed...the operation was carried out by a team of soldiers led by Major Navneet Mehta."..."It is not possible to carry out an assault from the northwestern, western and south western approaches,"..."attack on 5353 called off due to bad weather" and that "13 OR (other ranks) injured in Maj Navneet's Pl (platoon) due to difficult trn (terrain)". - Rajya Sabha member & senior criminal advocate R K Anand. (30 August 2000)

"If the army's argument that Point 5353 was never India's is to be accepted, then why did they launch the attack?" - Rajya Sabha member & senior criminal advocate R K Anand. (30 August 2000)

"It looks like our army commanders are wrongly briefing the defence minister," he said when Fernandes' statement was pointed out. "The defence minister mislead Parliament on the basis of the briefing by army officers," Anand said, while demanding action against senior army commanders. - Rajya Sabha member & senior criminal advocate R K Anand. (30 August 2000)

Indians and there delusions
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A large number of accounts have been published by senior Pakistani administrators in civies as well as in uniform, bringing out clearly what transpired before Nawaz rushed to Washington. Complete lack of coordination between the Three Services in Pakistan is a legend in itself.
One sample for those who want to know

Even the US administration has published the details before and after this infamous meeting.

One thing which is VERY CLEAR in all these accounts is something a victorious side never displays.

Pakistan lost any little bit of credibility they had in the international arena in the aftermath of Kargil misadventure.

Spin masters trying to spin a new narrative can’t alter these facts.
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You also think Pakistan won Kargil like other pandu Pakistanis??
I thought you are mature without alcohol.
while you are acting like andh bhakts whom think everything is victory day .
soon you gys will celebrate a victory day when you shot down own chopper killed all onboard 6 officers and your 6 locations were bombed by PAF and at return PAF also shot down your mig-21 and captured pilot.. aysi victories tumko mubarak

kargil was blunder of both sides no one achieves targets Pakistanis failed to cut supply lien for loner india failed when enemy capture 17km inside loc and still some major peaks are under pakistan since that day and india is unable to take back . its very simple .
while you are acting like andh bhakts whom think everything is victory day .
soon you gys will celebrate a victory day when you shot down own chopper killed all onboard 6 officers and your 6 locations were bombed by PAF and at return PAF also shot down your mig-21 and captured pilot.. aysi victories tumko mubarak

kargil was blunder of both sides no one achieves targets Pakistanis failed to cut supply lien for loner india failed when enemy capture 17km inside loc and still some major peaks are under pakistan since that day and india is unable to take back . its very simple .
Lol. When you brainwashed momin can't defend with logic and proofs, you comes down on name-calling and abuse.
You are talking about two seprate events to justify your "veiw".

Balakot strike- First IAF bombed right inside Pakistan territory, not in Kashmir. That was of course victory for IAF as you failed to even track them.
Second day was a stale mate if i think of neutral point of veiw.
But third day was also a clear win for India when you returned Abhinandan without a condition. Although it was diplomatic.

Kargil is the whole different case.
India has achieved all its targets on military front and diplomatic front. PA withdrew from all points it captured.
You are brainwashed by your " neutrals" that you remained on some peaks.
5353 was already no man zone even before kargil. No other peak PA holds what it captured. Listen you own army people and Indian army and political people that time.
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