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Karakoram province or Gilgit-Baltistan


Apr 27, 2009
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Karakoram province or Gilgit-Baltistan

The Rise of "Shia Power in Pakistan

The Northern Areas is given the status of a separate province, it will be a Shia-majority province. Pakistan is second only to Iran in respect of the number Shias living in it. The study, the first of its kind, was completed by Khaled Ahmed, contributing editor at Daily Times, who conducted his research during the last nine months as a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Centre in 2006-2007. Entitled “Sectarian War: Pakistan’s Sunni-Shia Violence and its links to the Middle East”,

Historically The Gilgit and Northern Areas have never been part of the Dogra or Bharati Jammu and Kashmir. 1935, the British demanded J&K lease to them for 60 years Gilgit town plus most of the Gilgit Agency and the hill-states Hunza, Nagar, Yasin and Ishkuman. The leased region was then treated as part of British India, administered by a Political Agent at Gilgit responsible to Delhi, first through the Resident in J& K and later a British Agent in Peshawar. J& K State no longer kept troops in Gilgit and a force, the Gilgit Scouts, was recruited with British officers and paid for by Delhi.

Three relevant phases of Shia ascendance could be traced. The first started with the triumph of the Iranian Revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Iran then embraced the strategy of exporting the Revolution to neighboring societies.

The second phase followed the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, when Shia became the hegemonic political group. This situation had an impact on the Shia of neighbouring Gulf countries and the rest of the world.

The third phase was marked by the Israeli war on Lebanon in July 2006. As Hizbullah emerged victorious, a euphoria expressing admiration and respect to its courage and military might swept the region.

On September 7, 2009, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan signed what was called the Gilgit- Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order 2009, purporting to introduce administrative, political, financial and judicial reforms in the Northern Areas of Pakistan which has been under Pakistani control since 1947-48 after local people sided with Pakistan in a uprising against the Dogra ruler. The order re-names the Northern Areas as Gilgit-Baltistan,

The great majority of Pakistan's Muslims are Sunni. Shias form about 15%. Violence between the two communities dates back to the 1980s.In Pakistan, Shias also played a key political role. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, its ill-fated prime minister, were both Shias, Feeling the wind shift in the 1990s, Benazir styled herself a Sunni, but her Iranian mother, her husband from a big Shia landowning family 2009 currently President Asif Ali Zardari is Shias too. Though the more numerous Sunnis eventually brushed Shia influence aside.Thank to a shia president to bring Gilgit- Baltistan a shia provice and open a new debate and hated in Pakistan.

The fourth distinct in the region is Gilgit which is known as Dardistan. The region includes the tributory states of Hunza, Nagar, Chilas, Punial, Ishkuman, Kuh and Ghizar. The people belong to the Dardic race and are closely connected with Chitralis in race, culture and language. They are mostly followers of Ismaili sect headed by the Agha Khan (Muslims). This region was conquered by Maharaja Gulab Singh’s son, Maharaja Ranbir Singh between 1846 and 1860. Thousands of Dogra soldiers lost their lives in the campaigns that led to the conquest of this inhospitable but strategically very important region. The whole Dardistan including Gilgit has been merged with Pakistan and is governed by the Pakistani Central Government. This area has not been included even in the so called “Azad-Kashmir” (literally means Free/Liberated Kashmir

Gilgit Baltistan borders the Wakhan corridor of Afghanistan to the northwest, China's Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang to the northeast, the Indian-controlled state of Jammu and Kashmir to the south and southeast, the Pakistani-controlled state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir to the south, and Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province to the west.

Of the total population of the NA, 40 per cent used to be Shias, 25 per cent Ismailis, who are close to the Shias, and the remainig 35 per cent Sunnis.. The Sunnis were in a majority in the Diamir District,Astore and in a minority in the remaining four districts.

The people of Gilgit and Baltistan had never accepted the forcible occupation of their land by pre-partition Dogra rulers. In 1947, through a popular revolt against Maharaja Hari Singh, they got themselves liberated from the yoke of Dogra rule. The Mirs of Hunza and Nagar and other chieftains of the areas requested Pakistan to assume direct responsibility for the administration and security of the Agency.

Sectarian violence is amongst the most lethal in Pakistan since the mid-eighties. It opposes mostly Sunnis and Shias. Actually, it would be more accurate to describe this conflict as a Deobandi-Shia conflict since the former somehow appropriated the term Sunni for themselves and is supported in its anti-Shia struggle by Ahle Hadit organizations

Shia Revolt for province to be called the Karakoram province when Zia was in power. Bordering Afghanistan, China and India, the area was perceived as strategically important for Pakistan and therefore was isolated from the rest of ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’,

The Legislative Assembly will have 24 members, who will be elected directly and in addition, there will be six women and three technocrat seats. In order to empower the Council and the Assembly on financial matters there would be a consolidated fund.The budget of the area would be presented and approved by the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly.

The Chief Judge of the Appellate Court will be appointed by the Chairman of the Gilgit-Baltistan Council on the advice of the Governor, and other judges will be appointed by the Chairman on the advice of the Governor after seeking the views of the Chief Judge. The number of judges will be increased from three to five. A Gilgit-Baltistan Public Service Commission, a separate Auditor-General and an Election Commissioner will be appointed.

The judiciary of the Northern Areas consists of district courts and a chief court, whose decisions are final. The Northern Areas Council Legal Framework Order of 1994 provides for a court of appeals, but this court has not yet been established.

Despite these all facts, if some one is still having hope of changes from these ruling elites,. No any head of administration has been nominated from Gilgit-Baltistan during 60 years. From 1947-2007 head of administration has been nominated with different designation, such as Political Agent, Chief Commissioner, Administrator and now who is called as Chief Secretary of Northern Areas.

Before 1994 in NAPWD there had been non-local army Colonel as Secretary Works, later for some period that opportunity given to local officers, promoted them as Chief Engineer, but it again failed to continue and reinstated a non-local Colonel as head of NAPWD. And now all senior officials including Deputy Commissioners and SPs of all districts, Secretary Health, Secretary Education, Home Secretary, DIG Police, head ISI, force commander of FCNA and head of Skurdu Brigade, all are non-locals.

The name "Northern Areas" was first used by the United Nations, to refer to the northern areas of Kashmir.

On May 28, 1999, the Supreme Court of Pakistan had observed that, "It was not understandable on what basis the people of Northern Areas can be denied the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution. We are of the view that the people of Northern Areas are citizens of Pakistan for all intents and purposes. They have the rights to invoke any fundamental rights but are also liable to pay taxes and other levies competently imposed."

The Court ruled, further, "We allow the petitions and direct the respondent federation to initiate appropriate administrative/legislative measures within a period of six months from today to make necessary amendments in the Constitution... to ensure that the people in Northern Areas enjoy their fundamental rights, namely, to be governed by their chosen representatives, and to have access to justice inter alia for the enforcement of their fundamental rights under the Constitution (of Pakistan)."

The NA is divided into six districts called Hunza-Nager, Gilgit, Koh-e-Ghizer, Ghanche, Diamir and Skardu. These districts are grouped into three agencies or Divisions called Diamir with headquarters at Chilas, Gilgit with headquarters in Gilgit Town and Baltistan with headquarters in Skardu Town.

Population (2008) 1,800,000 (Estimate) Density 20.7/km² Area 72496 km²

Division, Baltistan,
District, Ghanche, Area (km²) 9,400 ,Headquarters Khaplu Today, the Baltis are; Shia' denomination (10%), Sufia Nurbakhshi (80%), and Sunni-Ahlehadith sect (10%).

District, Skardu ,Area (km²) 18,000 ,Headquarters Skardu
Division Gilgit
District, Astore, Area (km²) 8,657, Headquarters Gorikot. Gorikot lies on the historic junction where roads link to Rattu axis and Tarisheng Base camp-Nanga Perbat and other axis leads to Gudai - Chilum & Deosai Plains linking Astore to Skardu.
District , Diamir, Area (km²) 10,936, Headquarters Chilas
District , Ghizar, Area (km²) 9,635 ,Headquarters Gahkuch
District, Gilgit ,Area (km²) 39,300 ,Headquarters Gilgit.

Each district can boast of at least one lofty peak. Out of 14 over 8,000 meters high peaks on earth, 4 occupy an amphitheater at the head of Baltoro glacier in the Karakoram range in Northern Pakistan. These are; K-2 or Mount Godowin Austin (8,611 m, world's second highest), Gasherbrum-I (8,068 m), Broad Peak (8,047 m) and Gasherbrum-II (8,035 m). There is yet another which is equally great, Nanga Parbat (8,126 m), located at the western most end of the Himalayas. In addition to these mountains, there are 68 peaks over 7,000 m and hundreds others of over 6,000 meters.

The Northern Pakistan has some of the longest glaciers outside Polar region; Siachen (72 km), Hispar (61 km), Biafo (60 km), Baltoro (60 km) and Batura (64 km).

The TJP had contested the 1997 elections as the Tehreek-e-Fiquah-e-Jafferia Pakistan and the SSP as the Anjuman-e-Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan. The TJP and the SSP came into existence after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. The TJP was formed at the instance of the Iranian Intelligence to protect the interests of the Shias and was funded by the latter. It extended its activities to the Shia majority areas of the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and the Northern Areas--NA (Gilgit and Baltistan) and started a movement for constituting these Shia majority areas into a separate province of Pakistan to be called the Karakoram province. To protect the Shias, the TJP formed its own militant wing called the Sipah Mohammad (SM).

After the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Shi'ites of the NA became politically active and started a movement for the conversion of the NA into a separate Shi'ite state to be called Karakoram province. A revolt by the Shi'ites of Gilgit was ruthlessly suppressed by the Zia ul-Haq regime in 1988, killing hundreds of Shi'ites under the that time Brigader Mussraff who was then based in Khapalu.Iran retaliated by assisting the TEJ and the Sipah Mohammad.

In 1988, the Iranian intelligence, it is said, encouraged the Shias of Gilgit in the Northern Areas to rise in revolt and demand the creation of a separate 'Karakoram' province for the Shias. General Zia inducted jihadi tribal hordes into Gilgit, where they carried out a large-scale massacre of the Shias. Moreover, the SSP of Punjab was allowed to open an office in Gilgit, to rally round the Sunnis in the area against the Shias. This resulted in the spread of sectarian terrorism to the Northern Areas, before which it had limited mainly to Punjab and the NWFP.

Sectarian tension between the majority Shias and the Sunnis in the Northern Areas continues to be a concern. Violent protests erupted in 2003 among Shias in Gilgit over the government's decision to introduce a new educational curriculum. Attempts by Shias to campaign for changes to the curriculum led to the imposition of a curfew in Gilgit and several other parts of the Northern Areas in June 2004 after thousands of Shia protestors clashed with security forces and attacked government buildings, offices, and a state-run hotel.
Violence continues in Gilgit and Baltistan and more than 120 persons had been killed in 2005 by October in clashes with State forces and shia protested for curriculm matters.

According to Mohammad Shehzad, writing in the Friday Times on July 10, 2003, these offending sections include, among others:
The incident of wahee (revelation) has been described in a ridiculous manner that shows the Prophet himself was not sure about his prophet-hood. Islamiat, 4th grade, 22; Social Studies, 4th grade, 115; Urdu, 8th grade, 14.

A picture that depicts the Sunni style of saying prayer. Urdu, 2nd grade, 18. The Sunni caliphs have been presented as Khulfa-e-Rashideen [the Orthodox Caliphs] unopposed by Shias. [The Shia do not recognize the first three caliphs as Khulfa-e-Rashideen] Urdu, 3rd grade, 89; Arabic, 7th grade, 46; Social Studies, 7th grade, 12-14.
The Caliphs [that are not recognized by Shias] have been eulogized through titles such as Siddique Amirul Momineen [Siddique, Commander of the Faithful, the First Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique] and Farooq Amirul Momineen [Farooq, Commander of the Faithful, the Second Caliph Hazrat Umar Farooq]. Shias claim such titles are only for Hazrat Ali [the Fourth Caliph]. Urdu, 4th grade, 77; Islamiat, 4th grade, 25; Arabic, 8th grade, 27.
Yazid [who the Shia's accuse of the killing of the Prophet's grandson, Hazrat Hussain]
has been totally exonerated in the Karbala events, which culminated in the extermination of Hazrat Ali's son's (the Prophet's grandchildren) Hassan and Hussain, and their families, and the entire blame has been shifted to Ibn-e-Ziyad. Urdu, 8th grade, 105.
The Prophet's wife Ayesha has been projected as superior to all other women of the Prophet's family through fake ahadiz (sayings of the Prophet). Urdu, 7th grade, 9-10. •
The Prophet's uncle Hazrat Abu Talib has been described a non-Muslim. (Islamiat, BA, 231).

"One of the textbooks of Islamic Studies carries a picture that shows a boy offering prayers in a manner practiced by the Sunnis i.e. hands held together and put on the belly. Shias don't follow this posture. The picture misleads a Shia student about his/her religious rituals," said Ali Ahmed Jan, a Fellow of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD).

Further, "The textbooks have utterly ignored the contribution of Hazrat Ali in the battle of Badar. It is a known fact that he had killed the major chieftains of non-believers and played a key role in Badar's success. Unfortunately, there is no mention of Hazrat Ali in the books. Moreover, the books speak highly of the companions of Holy Prophet but they are silent over the important figures from Ahle-Biat [family of the Prophet]," said Shia scholar Amin Shaheedi.

There are eight ethnic groups, viz; Baltis, Yashkuns, Moghal, Kashmiries, Pathans, Laddakis and Turks speaking eight different languages namely Shina, Balti, Brushiski, Khawar, Wakhi, Urdu, Pushto, and Farsi.

The Shina language (with several dialects) is the language of 40% of the population, spoken mainly in Gilgit, throughout Diamer, and in some parts of Ghizer. The Balti dialect, a sub-dialect of Ladakhi and part of Tibetan language group, is spoken by the entire population of Baltistan. Minor languages spoken in the region include Wakhi, spoken in upper Hunza, and in some villages in Ghizer, while Khowar is the major language of Ghizer. Burushaski is an isolated language spoken in Hunza, Nagar, Yasin (where Khowar is also spoken), in some parts of Gilgit and in some villages of Punyal. Another interesting language is Domaaki, spoken by the musician clans in the region. A small minority of people also speak Pashto. People who live in Gilgit Baltistan, despite that region's being referred to as part of Kashmir, do not speak Kashmiri or any of its dialects.

The four major religious sects are Sunnies, Shias, Ismailies and Noorbukshies. Sunnies are mostly in Daimer and Gilgit districts. The majority of Shias are in Skardu and Ghanche districts. The Ismalies are mostly in Ghizer district and in Hunza sub-division of Gilgit district.
The sect-wise breakdown of population in the Northern Areas is:

Gilgit – 60% Shia, 40% Sunni;,Hunza –100% Ismaili; ,Nagar – 100% Shia; Punial – 100% Ismaili; Yasin – 100% Ismaili; Ishkoman –100% Ismaili; Gupis – 100% Ismaili;

Chilas – 100% Sunni; Darel/Tangir – 100% Sunni; Astor – 90%Sunni, 10% Shia; Baltistan – 55% Shia,20% Sunni,25% ,Noorbukshies.

Road connect the Northren areas to rest of Pakistan. Gilgit-Baltistan border Swat, Dir, Chitral and Kohistan districts of NWFP.
Mastuj-Shandur: (42 km ): There is presently a jeepable track over the 3734m high Shandur top, which is the boundary between the NWFP and the NA. The elevation varies from 2280m in Mastuj to 3734 m at Shandur, which would be the highest point on this proposed road.

Shandur- Pingal( 62 km):Presently, there is a jeepable track along the Ghizar river in Ghizar District. The jeep track descends from a height of 3734m to 2185 m at Pingal.

Pingal-Gahkuch (40 km): Presently, there is a jeepable track along the Ghizar river. Gahkuch is the headquarters of Ghizar District. It descends from a height of 2185 m to 1870 m at Gahkuch.

Gahkuch-Gilgit (77 km): A road already exists, which is now being metalled. The elevation at Gilgit is 1454m.

The Astore Valley and the Deosai plains used to provide the oldest route connecting Gilgit with Srinagar via the Burzil Pass and Skardu through Chotta Deosai and Sadpara.

Now, a project has been undertaken to connect Thelichi with Skardu via Chilum and Deosai to provide a shorter route between Astore and Skardu. The project is to be implemented as follows:
Thelechi-Chilum (94 kms): It will be 24 ft wide with 12 ft metalled. The elevation of the road rises from about 1250 m at Thelechi to 3400m at Chilum.

Chilum to Deosai Plains ( 53 km): This section spans the Deosai. An existing track is to be widened. Its elevation is around 4500 m and it remains under snow for about four to five months in a year.
Deosai Plains to Sadpara(29 km):Will be 24 feet wide.

The elevation descends from the Deosai Plains (4500m) to 2600 m at Sadpara.
Sadpara to Skardu (10km): This section will be 24 ft wide with 12 ft metalled. The elevation is around 2500 m. The area is snow bound for about two to three months in a year.
The Census of Gilgit and Baltistan has to be conducted before election due in 2009 .the demography of Gilgit and Baltistan is changed now ,so better Govt of Pakistan to bring the peace in the region not dived the people on Sectarian line and new Pandora box open where Sunni quarter start calling declared the Pakistan a Sunni state.
The matter of curriculum must be solved through negation not through violent protest and brutality of force used against each other .Iranian and Saudi involvement must be stopped and supply of $ dollars and hatred literature must be stopped otherwise a new war of sectarian is going to engulf whole Pakistan. if both Saudis and Iranians leave them alone or the government of Pakistan fulfills its constitutional obligation and counters the deadly ideological interventions of the two countries in Pakistan
Usman karim based in Lahore Pakistan lmno25@hotmail.com:sniper:
no sequence, many rumours put into this article without even clarifying things, for example,

A revolt by the Shi'ites of Gilgit was ruthlessly suppressed by the Zia ul-Haq regime in 1988, killing hundreds of Shi'ites under the that time Brigader Mussraff who was then based in Khapalu.

now how come that operation was against Shi'ites? I thought it was to capture two posts..

no time to pin point each and every, but do some real work please before just spreading misconceptions..

how it make any difference with who was incharge? Musharaf or zia? that SSG operation was to capture to posts siachin la and another which i don't remember, which pakistan was succeeded, but then international pressure came and they pushed back.. what it has anything to do with shi'ite? it happened in sept 1987 (not 1988).

A tip, use this propaganda and spreading misconception thing in some other forum.. here most of the people literate with defense history ..
FRACKER plz A tip, use this propaganda and spreading misconception thing in some other forum.. here most of the people literate with defense history .. i never put any information with out any refrence .i 'm sending you refrence ok
K P S Gill: The Northern Areas of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir -- Islamist Extremism & Terrorism in South Asia.
“In 1987, he was made brigade commander of Special Service Group raised in Siachin area. He is responsible of massacre and displacement of hundreds of Shiite while suppressing their revolt in Gilgit.” (p39) “He was appointed the Force Commander Northern Areas, which made him in charge of all military and subversive operation against the Jammu and Kashmir. Musharaf was also directly involved with an unsuccessful military coup against Benazir Bhutto in 1995. The attempt was led by Major General Abbasi, who succeeded Musharaf as force commander, Northern Area.” (pp 39-40) .
http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/1_1/11--Book Review Pak-India War.pdf
please i do not want to hurt you .but we really opean a new pandora box.2day we make a province ,2morrow new anthem new flag and next day self determination,we must think 2morrow pakistan can become a sunni state ,so better we do not try to destablise the fedration.
I really don't care for the this name Gilgit-Baltitstan - and the Karakorum sound great -- but the former NA should be 3 or 4 seperate provinces.
Iran has 30 provinces, Afghanistan has 23 provinces, India has 28 provinces (India split punjab and created Haryana).
Netherlands is same size as Sindh and it has 12 provinces. Turkey has 81 provinces, France has 22 Regions, Thailand has 75 provinces. Why can't Pakistan have 15-18 provinces? or Super Districts

MAP of Pakistan 2012

To resolve current situation in NWFP + FATA split this region into 4 smaller provinces or super districts


Pakistan should divide 4 into 15-18 multi-ethnic provinces. I think it would be great for Pakistan. We need divide the provinces and rename them, remove the sindh, punjab and balochistan.

16 "Super districts"

9- Dera Gazi Khan

late Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq who had been arguing for a much more elaborate scheme that woud end with there being 16-25 different provinces. Over the years I have become more and more sympathetic to his developmental argument: that creating smaller provinces will also de-centralize power and localize opportunities - each provincial capital requires a provincial capital infrastructure and create local employment and opportunities and therefore development opportunities get spread around the country rather than being centralized in a few locations.

Originally Posted by [URL="http://www.chowk.com/interactors/37929"
nangaparbat[/url]]When will these Punjabis realize that they have ruined Pakistan from its inception and they are close to putting the final nails in the poor coffin. They pissed off the Bengalis, bomed the Baluchis, killed Pathans, ruined the Sindhis, and have totally alienated the Mohajirs - not to mention what they have done to the Kashmiris and the poor Biharis, stranded in BD. I say, split Punjab into at least three or four smaller provinces and the problem will be solved. That is what India did to E. Punjab, and it worked. Good LucK.

Some people also suggested that Punjab should be split into North, South Punjab and Bhawalpur

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"To stabilize and develop Pakistan government should consider creating smaller multi-ethnic based provinces."

"The four provinces, FATA, and northern area will be divided into 15 small provinces. Divide FATA into 3 smaller provinces. In reality this will make the federation more balanced and address the grievances of smaller provinces against Punjab. It will also elimination the dominance of MQM in Karachi and dominance of Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) and PPP in Interior Sindh.

It is vital for Pakistan to have more smaller provinces, which can be governed by the local government, this will not only stabilize the country but also help develop faster. Each province will get it share of representation in federal government."

"Each province will have economic development system, local government will promote the industry and service sectors as a means to socioeconomic achievement. Each state will develop it's own economic structure, economic planning of the future development in various field: Engineering, agriculture, food processing industry, sea food. Local government will be responsible to try to find the fastest way to lift up the economy through investment from both domestic and foreign investors."


New political system(dissolve all the current political parties and create new political parties which will be part of Pakistan government ). Pakistan also need a new economic system, mix of socialism (for children, divorces & widows, and people who are face extreme poverty) free market capitalism.
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Partition is certainly attractive, but examined closely from an historical and strategic perspective, the perils of such a policy come to the fore.Partition won’t stop a civil war – to the contrary.
The Sunnis are the Prussian of the Middle East – a small minority who think of themselves as the ruling class. Simply giving them a region might very well amount to giving them time to prepare for a violent bid for a “re-nationalization” of all of Iraq under their leadership.
Throughout history partition has intensified ethnic cleansing. With the defeat of Austria-Hungary and Germany in the Great War, Wilson, Llyod George, Clemenceau & Co. decided to divide up the former continental empires into nationalized statelettes – a few had some historical basis, Poland for instance, others were basically invented out of thin air, such as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.

With “national determination,” it’s often difficult to determine who’s really “national.” Before the partition, many in Central Europe identified with the empires, with their religion, or else with a nation other than the newly minted one in which they are residing. – “Am I Polish, a Catholic, a German, an imperial subject?”
In all of these cases, it proved impossible to gerrymand the borders around homogeneity. Setting borders and then waiting for the right people to re-locate to the right regions is simply a euphemism for ethnic cleansing and forced-migration. With these European examples, the nations were still determining themselves for close to 30 years, ending only with the brutal expulsion of ethnic Germans, qua “Nazis,” from the former regions of Prussia in the aftermath of the Second World War.

The more recent Balkan examples yield more of the same. After the 1995 Dayton Accords, Kosovo was left under Serbian rule; however, quickly thereafter, the prospect of Washington doing some more nation-building inspired the Kosovo Liberation Army to attempt secession. The “liberation” of Kosovo – with Washington’s and NATO’s full support of course – entailed the destruction of Serbian Churches and bullying, forced-exile, and even mass-murder of ethnic Serbs whose families had lived in the region region for centuries.

If we decide to divide up pakistan into ethno-regions or provinces, should we expect a different outcome?
If GOP decided to will into to being 15 new PROVINCE it will have given itself the responsibility of guaranteeing their independence. If history is a guide, we would need to intervene again and again.

The prospect, mentioned above, of a resurgent Sunni class deciding to take back the country they feel they should rule would put PAKISTAN in a truly bizarre predicament for which no clear solution exists. Scenarios such as Iran attempting to increase its influence in a Shia region – or even attempting to subsume it outright – only become more likely after a new province are created.next move make Khurram agency 2 a new province will creat a such ethince cleasing we can not imagine.

With the European examples, the new statelettes became tid-bits to be gobbled up by the Third Reich or the Soviet Union. The Second World War itself was triggered by, on the one hand, Hitler’s grasping for the Central European nations and, on the other, Britain’s and France’s guarantees of the sovereignty of the newly-minted Poland.
Better we stay where we are ,we do not want to divid pakistan on ethnic and sectarian lines.
lets build new province and see the ethnics cleansing just like afghanistan, and india, what is going in south india,a nd discrmination in afghanistan and india read to study , Moaist insurgency, and ethnic cleansing in afghanistan after 9/11 .it's eyes opening for you and other.
FRACKER plz A tip, use this propaganda and spreading misconception thing in some other forum.. here most of the people literate with defense history .. i never put any information with out any refrence .i 'm sending you refrence ok
K P S Gill: The Northern Areas of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir -- Islamist Extremism & Terrorism in South Asia.
“In 1987, he was made brigade commander of Special Service Group raised in Siachin area. He is responsible of massacre and displacement of hundreds of Shiite while suppressing their revolt in Gilgit.” (p39) “He was appointed the Force Commander Northern Areas, which made him in charge of all military and subversive operation against the Jammu and Kashmir. Musharaf was also directly involved with an unsuccessful military coup against Benazir Bhutto in 1995. The attempt was led by Major General Abbasi, who succeeded Musharaf as force commander, Northern Area.” (pp 39-40) .
http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The Dialogue/1_1/11--Book Review Pak-India War.pdf
please i do not want to hurt you .but we really opean a new pandora box.2day we make a province ,2morrow new anthem new flag and next day self determination,we must think 2morrow pakistan can become a sunni state ,so better we do not try to destablise the fedration.

ohhhh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1st link don't speak about any killing,

2nd link is the review of the book of "Pakistan and India in War and Peace" by an indian writer, where "Qadar Bakhsh Baluch" said:

The aforementioned quotes are so fabricated that a well aware reader gets astonished about the reliability of Mr. Dixit sources of data. For those who are not aware about the facts, let me sift the truth from falsehood.

I think you want to live out of reality, while propagating your false hood and spreading misconceptions of Mr. Dixit.

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