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Karachi: Zulfiqar Mirza's statement triggers another round of violence

Is it right that MQM created present day Karachi out of nothing.

Not MQM but urdu speakers were the masterminds behind the economic success of Karachi and somewhat the the Ayub Khan regime and Musharraf's regime. MQM only came into existence in the 80s after urdu speakers were denied rights to government jobs and stuff. MQM has done a great job in Karachi though. They developed Karachi at a fast pace in the last couple of years. The Mayor of Karachi along with the Governor of Sindh (Both MQM members) were bringing a lot of development and progress to Karachi. This was a breath of fresh air for the neglected city of Karachi that hadn't seen a lot of development since the 70s.
ANP declared jihad against an ethnicity in orangi town a week ago and with the full support of the government of PPP they are killing hundreds of innocent people
the fact that the police and rangers have done nothing to destroy the military bunkers present on the top of orangi/nazimabad mountains since three years proves that the PPP government is responsible for giving "freedom to kill" to the terrorists
ANP declared jihad against an ethnicity in orangi town a week ago and with the full support of the government of PPP they are killing hundreds of innocent people
the fact that the police and rangers have done nothing to destroy the military bunkers present on the top of orangi/nazimabad mountains since three years proves that the PPP government is responsible for giving "freedom to kill" to the terrorists

Yea & these Police & even Rangers are scared to control the area of "Kati Pahari".
Pakistan is facing really tough times in all side on the borders, west, east and within Pakistan.

I hope it gets better, as I have good Pakistanis mates.
O my god, guys please relax violence is not good. Bechari ladki, feels sad for her.

How can she relax & calm down when her father is killed? The pain only she can feel.

This mf PPP are real thugs, first they support lyari Baloch gangs to destabalize Karachi, now they are rising these ANP thugs. All Pakistanis & especially KARACHITIES must understand this PPP game, they are real planners, even one of their minister said after Benazir died that he will announce the separation of Sindh, these PPP thugs take vote of poor Sindhis, Saraikis & Baloch & deliver them nothing. PPP must be banned, they did same thing in 71 too.
Karachi violence continues as death toll rises to 88​

KARACHI: Incidents of violence continued in Karachi on Friday as 18 people were killed in fresh incidents of firing, DawnNews reported.

The violence ensued as firing continued in different parts of the city on Friday. The affected areas include Kharadar, Orangi Town and New Karachi where several people were shot dead and many wounded.

Also on Friday, a grenade attack reportedly occurred in Karachi’s BhimPura area, leaving three dead and many injured. The latest fatalities brought the total number of deaths in Karachi to 88 in the past four days.

Moreover, police arrested 133 individuals suspected of being involved in the current wave of violence. Police also recovered weapons and ammunition from the arrested suspects.

Gunfire reverberated in several neighbourhoods and thousands of people were stranded, short of food and too frightened to go out after three consecutive nights of violence in what is Pakistan’s biggest city and economic hub.

Anwer Kazmi, who works for Pakistan’s largest charity, the Edhi Foundation, said it was difficult to deliver food and water because of incessant gunfire.

“Seven of our ambulances have been fired on so far and one of our volunteers has been shot and injured,” he said.

Local residents in troubled neighbourhoods spoke of their fear, saying they were running out of supplies and could do little but cower at home.

“The walls of my house are riddled with bullets. Many of our household items have been destroyed. Most of time we duck inside the house to save ourselves from frequent volleys of bullets,” said Akber Khan from Orangi neighbourhood.

“We are so afraid. We haven’t slept for nights. One day I was on my balcony, when some bullets were fired at our house, Allah saved me. I haven’t been on the balcony since,” said third-grade student Shaista Ahmed, eight.

“Most people in our neighbourhood are short of food and water. Our children are hungry and thirsty,” fellow resident Mohammad Imran also told AFP.

“The authorities are making no efforts to save us from bullets and hunger. We tried to contact the government through the media but nothing is happening,” he said, as gunfire could be heard in the background down the telephone line.

Sharjeel Memon, Sindh’s information minister, said the government had ordered security forces to “shoot on sight” armed men involved in the attacks.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the government would deploy an extra 1,000 troops on the streets.

“We are bringing 1,000 more paramilitary troops to control the situation in Karachi,” Malik told reporters.

Malik called for “targeted action” against the killers, but said there would be no large-scale operation in the city of 18 million.

“We know which forces are behind these killings. We have satellite records of the areas where terrorists are killing innocent people,” said Malik.

“These militants are no lesser evil than the Taliban. They are killing people to destablise the democratic system”.

The US ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, issued a statement saying that the embassy was “deeply concerned about the escalating violence”.

“We call on all parties to refrain from further violence and work toward a peaceful resolution of differences,” he said.

Karachi violence continues as death toll rises to 88 | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM
hello, who is them, im talking about you afghanis
I am not from Afghanistan bro or have problems with them.
the only diffrence between us (KP Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns) is that British created border.
ANP declared jihad against an ethnicity in orangi town a week ago and with the full support of the government of PPP they are killing hundreds of innocent people
the fact that the police and rangers have done nothing to destroy the military bunkers present on the top of orangi/nazimabad mountains since three years proves that the PPP government is responsible for giving "freedom to kill" to the terrorists

police and rangers are un capable waste of resources , money and time , i wont be surprised if they are a part of it ...
I am not from Afghanistan bro or have problems with them.
the only diffrence between us (KP Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns) is that British created border.

Epically important issues kept undecided and lingering, old vendettas, a feeling of revenge in the air...the perfect storm.
Not only are there many different people of religious background living there but you'll find ethnic groups from all over South Asia and beyond living in Karachi.

Karachi is definitely the most diverse and welcoming city in Pakistan.

Guys want to share my thoughts on this painful topic involving my beloved & prized city of Karachi. May Allah protect it & all its citizens. Had done some analysis which in brief wants to share with you guys esp. all Karachiites for enabling all of us to stand together in this time of need and brotherhood - belonging to all ethnical backgrounds.
Our enemies are after us since Pakistan's independence and the cause they carry is to divide us & break/ eliminate us which Inshallh won't materialize ever (Inshallah).
a. See they first created the differences by having chaos/ turmoil in 60's during Ayub's tenure by having Karachi residents & Pashtuns.
b. In late 60's they created differences between East & West Pakistan resulting in creation of Bangladesh & loss of East Pakistan. Here the puppets were corrupt politicans (Bhutto etc) and corrupt/ incapable Generals (Yahya Khan, Niazi etc)
c. In 70's there were violent civil disturbances in Sindh b/w Urdue & Sindhis speaking resulting in loss of inncoent lives.
d. In 80's due to Afghan War, huge influx of Afghanis to Pakistanis of which millions got illegally settled Karachi. They brought their Gun culture/ Drugs/ Taliban mindset/ Crimes and deeply effected us all (Whole country esp. Karachi)
e. Emergence of MQM, contraversial for many & supported by many esp. Urdu speakers. This party was claimed to be involved in all sort of crimes i.e. Bhata/ Extortion, Ransom, Killing, Kidnapping etc.
f. In 80's & 90's turmoil in Sindh esp. Karachi due to conflict b/w Muhajir & Punjabi's + Pukhtoons resulting in loss of life & property.
g. Turbulent situation in Sindh esp. Karachi lead to shifting/ relocation of many businesses out of Karachi to other parts of the Country & abroad in some cases.
Here question is who were the benefactors of these situations -- TRY TO CONSIDER THIS ASPECT ALSO.
h. In last 10-15 years constant problems within the country incl. Karachi due to reasons i.e. WOT, Poilitical crisis (Clashes b/w Parties - MQM, PPP, PML, ANP etc)
i. In the past 1-2 years Target Killings in Karachi with no counter steps taken by any authority even when all major players were/ are part of the Govt? -- THIS ALSO NEEDS TO BE EXPLORED AS TO WHY NO ONE IS & WAS INTERESTED IN ADDRESSING THIS GROSS PROBLEM?
j. iN 2000's, Role/ Ideology of MQM changes from Mohajir to Muthaida -- Does it has any bearing on the current situation what Karachiites are facing? NEEDS TO BE EXPLORED?

There are other points also but do have a look at it and let me know what are your assessments/ opinion while looking at the considerations as stated above. I might have missed some but atleast we may draw-up some conclusions.

Lets pray for all of us and rational thinking.

Guys want to share my thoughts on this painful topic involving my beloved & prized city of Karachi. May Allah protect it & all its citizens. Had done some analysis which in brief wants to share with you guys esp. all Karachiites for enabling all of us to stand together in this time of need and brotherhood - belonging to all ethnical backgrounds.
Our enemies are after us since Pakistan's independence and the cause they carry is to divide us & break/ eliminate us which Inshallh won't materialize ever (Inshallah).
a. See they first created the differences by having chaos/ turmoil in 60's during Ayub's tenure by having Karachi residents & Pashtuns.
b. In late 60's they created differences between East & West Pakistan resulting in creation of Bangladesh & loss of East Pakistan. Here the puppets were corrupt politicans (Bhutto etc) and corrupt/ incapable Generals (Yahya Khan, Niazi etc)
c. In 70's there were violent civil disturbances in Sindh b/w Urdue & Sindhis speaking resulting in loss of inncoent lives.
d. In 80's due to Afghan War, huge influx of Afghanis to Pakistanis of which millions got illegally settled Karachi. They brought their Gun culture/ Drugs/ Taliban mindset/ Crimes and deeply effected us all (Whole country esp. Karachi)
e. Emergence of MQM, contraversial for many & supported by many esp. Urdu speakers. This party was claimed to be involved in all sort of crimes i.e. Bhata/ Extortion, Ransom, Killing, Kidnapping etc.
f. In 80's & 90's turmoil in Sindh esp. Karachi due to conflict b/w Muhajir & Punjabi's + Pukhtoons resulting in loss of life & property.
g. Turbulent situation in Sindh esp. Karachi lead to shifting/ relocation of many businesses out of Karachi to other parts of the Country & abroad in some cases.
Here question is who were the benefactors of these situations -- TRY TO CONSIDER THIS ASPECT ALSO.
h. In last 10-15 years constant problems within the country incl. Karachi due to reasons i.e. WOT, Poilitical crisis (Clashes b/w Parties - MQM, PPP, PML, ANP etc)
i. In the past 1-2 years Target Killings in Karachi with no counter steps taken by any authority even when all major players were/ are part of the Govt? -- THIS ALSO NEEDS TO BE EXPLORED AS TO WHY NO ONE IS & WAS INTERESTED IN ADDRESSING THIS GROSS PROBLEM?
j. iN 2000's, Role/ Ideology of MQM changes from Mohajir to Muthaida -- Does it has any bearing on the current situation what Karachiites are facing? NEEDS TO BE EXPLORED?

There are other points also but do have a look at it and let me know what are your assessments/ opinion while looking at the considerations as stated above. I might have missed some but atleast we may draw-up some conclusions.

Lets pray for all of us and rational thinking.


It is not always that person who benefits is the culprit. It is the mentality of fighting that is the root of most problems listed above. While some people will not pick up fight easily even if they are at loss (Indians) some other people will fight even if they have a minor issue.
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