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Karachi Lashkar e jhangvi killer killed sunni shia scholars simultaneously


Jan 20, 2011
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Can someone explain why sunni and shia always fight with each other?
There is not a Shia Sunni conflict in any fringe of my native land. This is our extreme emotional quotient which is easy to hijack and unfortunately it is. If you have to rule a society then you have to segregate them in different ethnic and sectarian patterns.
Karachi is our financial hub and you may easily assume the forces which are not in favor of a prosper Karachi.
Can someone explain why sunni and shia always fight with each other?
It's acyually wahabi-shia.
They are like "Kill one shia and go to jannat".
KSA gives money and weapons to wahabi's and Iran gives money and weapons to shia's and they are shitin in our country.
Can someone explain why sunni and shia always fight with each other?
'Google' is always there mate....asking such questions here might give the false impression that you're trying to instigate something...
Your army needs to send some battalions to karachi...the local police is no good
I tried that....
the OP states about the captured target killer belonging to LeJ which represents Al Qaeda interests in Pakistan and comes under the TTP umbrella.

the captured terrorist claimed that he was ordered to kill both shia and sunni scholars to fan the sectarian war and has been involved in the assassinations of police and religious scholars.
he has been jailed twice and freed twice and in jail he and other terrorists together planned their next attacks on the upcoming shia procession.

in Pakistan the shia Sunni confrontation is theological only. there is no civil war at the level of Iraq and Syria because we are bit far away from Saudis so their influence has not resulted in all out war yet, despite many deadly and repeated attacks by TTP who follows the same faith and ideology like the Saudi AL Qaeda.

Lashker Jhangiv or Sipah Sahabah and TTP are not Sunni organisations although they like to represent themselves as such to appeal the general public and get the approval but they are more like a cult known as Kharjites who waged war against the Muslims centuries ago and have been solely concerned with killing Muslims. confused? dont blame you
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Your army needs to send some battalions to karachi...the local police is no good

There's a very good reason armies are seldom sent in for policing. They're trained to follow orders and kill, not enforce the law. We have thousands of rangers (paramilitary forces under control of MoI) posted all over Karachi.
While i very well understand the the issues of a martial force for a civillian issue, i guess the issue has spiraled out of control in some parts of the country. A few days back , an ex navy personnel's head was found hanging from a bridge...and there daily reports of violence.
I may be hinting at the fact that a police force /paramilitary force has certain limiations, be it local political presence or the sheer fear that terrorist may strike back at your family residence...that is why a show of force is the need of the hour in a city like karachi....a temporary show of power will tell the hoodlums that the city is still under the control of the GOP and not these vermins.

There's a very good reason armies are seldom sent in for policing. They're trained to follow orders and kill, not enforce the law. We have thousands of rangers (paramilitary forces under control of MoI) posted all over Karachi.

While i very well understand the the issues of a martial force for a civillian issue, i guess the issue has spiraled out of control in some parts of the country. A few days back , an ex navy personnel's head was found hanging from a bridge...and there daily reports of violence.
I may be hinting at the fact that a police force /paramilitary force has certain limiations, be it local political presence or the sheer fear that terrorist may strike back at your family residence...that is why a show of force is the need of the hour in a city like karachi....a temporary show of power will tell the hoodlums that the city is still under the control of the GOP and not these vermins
While i very well understand the the issues of a martial force for a civillian issue, i guess the issue has spiraled out of control in some parts of the country. A few days back , an ex navy personnel's head was found hanging from a bridge...and there daily reports of violence.
I may be hinting at the fact that a police force /paramilitary force has certain limiations, be it local political presence or the sheer fear that terrorist may strike back at your family residence...that is why a show of force is the need of the hour in a city like karachi....a temporary show of power will tell the hoodlums that the city is still under the control of the GOP and not these vermins

Rangers and the police have enough firepower to take down criminals in Karachi. The root cause of crime in Karachi is political. Top level criminals are protected by political parties. Mid level can afford a stay in Dubai when LEAs are on their feet. Low level guys are easily replaceable. Police round them them for show and tell.

Karachi is often compared to what Mumbai was. Karachi is quite the opposite.

The mafias in Mumbai needed political partners to stay relevant. Penalize the political parties to stop working for the mafia and it works.

The political parties in Karachi need mafia partners to stay relevant. The mafia is not just an accessory to political parties, it's deeply embedded in them. Fatal amputations are needed to remove criminal elements from political parties in Karachi. Such amputations would very likely backfire and burn the amputee's hands.
Rangers and the police have enough firepower to take down criminals in Karachi. The root cause of crime in Karachi is political. Top level criminals are protected by political parties. Mid level can afford a stay in Dubai when LEAs are on their feet. Low level guys are easily replaceable. Police round them them for show and tell.

Karachi is often compared to what Mumbai was. Karachi is quite the opposite.

The mafias in Mumbai needed political partners to stay relevant. Penalize the political parties to stop working for the mafia and it works.

The political parties in Karachi need mafia partners to stay relevant. The mafia is not just an accessory to political parties, it's deeply embedded in them. Fatal amputations are needed to remove criminal elements from political parties in Karachi. Such amputations would very likely backfire and burn the amputee's hands.

thanks for the info...Well i gather that the issue though persistent for year, really blew up from 2007 ..it appears that the city was "relatively" safer under mushie....albeit with the low profile gang wars..but what is really worrisome is that radical elements and religious based violence is more in focus...correct me wrong but even a cosmopolitan city like karachi is plagued with ethinc representation..like mqm for the indian crossovers/mohajjir.and apart from gang wars , there are also racial tension.....But is this emergence of the terrorist front not being seen by any political party or the gop at centre??
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