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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Rifle grenades & RPG = indian origin
What about the suicide vests which the armed attackers were wearing.Is it Indian or American made.What about the trousers & under garments of attackers.Some of the Pakistani channels have reported the slain terrorists had Indian medicines,this is apart from Indian weapons with the name of Narendra Modi inscribed on it.
Maybe terrorists just use Indian weapons since they are less pricey and more reliable than chinese copies.

If cheap chinese guns would have worked better every Pakistani would be ready to nuke china right away!
Isn't there supposed to be a running count of all personnel inside controlled areas?
Yar, this is govt we are talking about, these guys might have written procedure but i doubt they have ever done any sort of emergency drill, you are right POB - person on bard, count is done but they had no idea who to handle things in emergency.....in a professional and private organization, emergency drills are carried out on weekly or monthly basis, be it security, medical or fire drill.....we have Trained fire marshall - and first aider -, I am a advanced first aider myslef for my site....who is going to tell these guys to take these things seriously....pathetic state of affairs...
I have pictures of advance type safety equipment and fire brigades these guys have, but because of lack of maintenance and carelessness they have ruined them all

The country of origin of weapons, if true, means nothing at this stage, unless they can be traced back.
this is what i said to every pakistani members who gt carried awa and started accusing india, that weapons proof nothing, today Nato weapons can eassily be procured in Pakistan, so if they are recovered from an attack tomorrow, we cannot just blame cia....
What about the suicide vests which the armed attackers were wearing.Is it Indian or American made.What about the trousers & under garments of attackers.Some of the Pakistani channels have reported the slain terrorists had Indian medicines,this is apart from Indian weapons with the name of Narendra Modi inscribed on it.
Done talkin crap suicide troll, or is there more?

Maybe terrorists just use Indian weapons since they are less pricey and more reliable than chinese copies.

If cheap chinese guns would have worked better every Pakistani would be ready to nuke china right away!
Some of the grenades had to be deactivated by the BDU, they didn't work.
Express News reporting that arrests are being carried out in LAHORE, related to this attack
Yar, this is govt we are talking about, these guys might have written procedure but i doubt they have ever done any sort of emergency drill, you are right POB - person on bard, count is done but they had no idea who to handle things in emergency.....in a professional and private organization, emergency drills are carried out on weekly or monthly basis, be it security, medical or fire drill.....we have Trained fire marshall - and first aider -, I am a advanced first aider myslef for my site....who is going to tell these guys to take these things seriously....pathetic state of affairs...
I have pictures of advance type safety equipment and fire brigades these guys have, but because of lack of maintenance and carelessness they have ruined them all

this is what i said to every pakistani members who gt carried awa and started accusing india, that weapons proof nothing, today Nato weapons can eassily be procured in Pakistan, so if they are recovered from an attack tomorrow, we cannot just blame cia....

The fact that there are no drills even in critical areas despite all the mayhem over the years speaks volumes about our pathetic acceptance of our failures already.

(And people call me pessimistic for calling out the true state of affairs.)
I will not say which airport has like this but, We have Fire Engines like this at many airports across the country and there are some airports that have more advance Vehicles, so IDK why we are still up against fire
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