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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Okay, I haven't seen any news since last night. Anyone got any updates?

Dead terrorist.


another dead terrorist.

these are innocent civilians from FATA and beyond, killed by by F-16 bombardment , they are extremely innocent , we don't know the the ground realities
No @levina har cheez ka waqt hota hai...And all I was posting was every news agency I could find on googling Karachi airport attack in it was also TOI which @Contrarian without reading was just blasting...Not sure why you guys are over the edge when we got a full blown at security breaching!

Not that I expect you to understand....
But understand that its too early to make conclusions,guys from your side have been blaming it on India when its completely dilettante to do so. Why would they do it when the Pak Taliban said it very clearly the" Karachi airport attack was to avenge death of their late leader Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in November".

Its sad that such an incident happened.
I saw pics of Fakhar khan,definitely a young airport executive,i dont have sympathies for the terrorists who died young or old.
NS needs a massive wake up call. We need to show ourselves strong to both our enemies. Its time the guy with the limp hand shake makes a fist.
KARACHI: Around 19 people were martyred in a cowardly attack on Karachi airport last night. The whole nation pays rich tributes to the martyrs.

The following is the list of those who embraced martyrdom:

Personnel of Airport Security Force/Police/Rangers

1) Sub Inspector Abdul Hafeez
2) 32-year-old ASI Tariq Mehmood
3) 45-year-old constable Muntazir
4) 30-year-old constable Abdul Malik
5) Sub-inspector Mohammad Sarwar
6) Sepoy Islamuddin
7) Mohammad Hayat
8) ASI Mohammad Arif
9) Sepoy Ghulam Murtaza
10) Sub-inspector Mohammad Iqbal
11) Mohammad Azam
12) Rangers’ Dil Murad Khan

Staff of PIA/Shaheen Air/CAA

1) Engineer Fakrul Hasan
2) Mehmood Zuberi
3) Maintenance Shift Incharge Tanvir
4) Mohammad Ilyas
5) CAA’s Muzaffarul Hasan
6) Shaheen Air’s Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui

the attackers, are they shaheed mr? do you think these people are justified into doing this? what do you have to say mr?
explain yourself. whose side are you on? you better have a good answer.
But understand that its too early to make conclusions,guys from your side have been blaming it on India when its completely dilettante to do so. Why would they do it when the Pak Taliban said it very clearly the" Karachi airport attack to avenge death of their late leader Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in November".

Its sad that such an incident happened,I saw pics of Fakhar khan definitely a young airport executive,i dont have sympathies for the terrorists who died young or old.
Mind you we were really annoyed hard last night by a bunch of Indians bouncing in asking retarded questions like did India do it...why is the hanger not protected (all while the op was still going on) level of insensitivity...you can read all in the first 50 pages of this thread!

I feel sick to see young kids died all because of some brainwashing buffoon! They didnt deserve this ...they deserved schooling and a chance at life not to be brainwashed....I seriously hope all the bosses just go to hell immediately!
media says so...we dont buy your weapons and some like me wouldnt know and just go with what is reported that is why I am posting articles from different sources ...to cross reference what they say...

True in this regard we will have to take the word of media and army. We dont work with indian weapons so dont know ourselves. I am hundred percent sure someone backed these terrorists as they were well trained,well equipped and well organized. The moment they got trapped they had contingencies planned to save themselves. They have a hand at the back.
the attackers, are they shaheed mr? do you think these people are justified into doing this? what do you have to say mr?
explain yourself. whose side are you on? you better have a good answer.
he didnt put them under the shaheed list...
Height of incompetency! :coffee:

Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India!


Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India

Nothing compared with what happened in India... Boats filled with children run into hotels and keep your forces running around for days. And even then before something was clear everyone was pointing at Pakistan. You guys are not only worser but probably the worst.

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