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Kangana Ranaut Permanently Removed From Twitter After Controversial Post


Nov 29, 2020
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In the tweet that appears to have spurred this action, Kangana Ranaut seems to urge Prime Minister Narendra Modi to "tame" Mamata Banerjee using his "Virat Roop" from "early 2000s" in Bengal.

Kangana Ranaut Permanently Removed From Twitter After Controversial Post

Kangana Ranaut's account violated policy on "hateful conduct, abusive behavior", Twitter said today.

New Delhi:
Actor Kangana Ranaut's Twitter account has been permanently suspended after a controversial tweet related to the post-election result violence in Bengal. The account repeatedly violated Twitter policy on "hateful conduct and abusive behavior", the social media site said today.

The 34-year-old actor, unfazed, accused Twitter of race bias. "I have many platforms I can use to raise my voice, including my own art in the form of cinema," she told news agency ANI.


In the tweet that appears to have spurred this action, the actor seems to urge Prime Minister Narendra Modi to "tame" Mamata Banerjee using his "Virat Roop" from "early 2000s" in Bengal. She was reacting to a tweet by journalist-BJP leader Swapan Dasgupta on the violence in Bengal since election results were announced on Sunday; Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress - which won a landslide victory - and the BJP have blamed each other for the clashes and arson.

Kangana Ranaut's tweet sparked outrage and calls for action against the strident actor, whose timeline is filled with vitriolic posts.

"We've been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm. The referenced account has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter Rules specifically our Hateful Conduct policy and Abusive Behaviour policy," a Twitter spokesperson said, adding that the rules were applied judiciously and impartially to all.

"As explained in our abusive behaviour policy, you may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. We consider abusive behavior an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else's voice."

Kangana Ranaut is notorious for her outrageous, no-filter posts on social media, many of which are provocative calls to action.

The actor also posted a rant on her Instagram account earlier today.

In the teary-eyed harangue, she talks about "disturbing news, videos and photos from Bengal of people being murdered, gang-raped and their houses being burnt". She also calls for President's Rule in the state, criticising a "government that I support" for not doing more than dharnas in response to the clashes.

41CommentsLast year, Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel had provoked fury with a tweet blaming the Tablighi Jamaat for Covid spread.
American Tech firms only tolerates left of Liberal secular voices....It is utterly tactless of her trying to piggyback on such a platform for more reach...........But anyways at least this will force Bengal to do some soul searching regarding the cycle of political violence that it has seen non-stop since the Naxalbari days....The actors in Bengal politics have shifted from two leftist heavyweights to one leftist and one rightwing heavyweight...but the cycle of violence continues......This reflects badly on the state
American Tech firms only tolerates left of Liberal secular voices....It is utterly tactless of her trying to piggyback on such a platform for more reach...........But anyways at least this will force Bengal to do some soul searching regarding the cycle of political violence that it has seen non-stop since the Naxalbari days....The actors in Bengal politics have shifted from two leftist heavyweights to one leftist and one rightwing heavyweight...but the cycle of violence continues......This reflects badly on the state
Because those voices generally don’t espouse violence as a means to their end. Generally the right wing throughout history is a few smart ones at the top manipulating things and everyone else either lacking education, iQ or mental stability.

The left can push any agenda then by either sugar coating it or using “morality” to disguise their actions. The ones who lose out everytime in such polarized societies are the middle.
Who is this one leftist ?

Both Trinamool and CPI-M are left of centre....I dont know at state level, but at town level both in Trinamool or CPI-M the most powerful leaders can be those bearing Muslim names, and people won't bat an eyelid.....the one big difference between Trinamool and CPI-M is that Trinamool freely gives away tickets to those with ties to the regional film, entertainment, fashion industry....So Trinamool has a lot of glamour candidates..BJP also used a few female glamour candidates in the state to ameliorate/mask their image as a party with subversive misogynistic agenda....CPI-M only gives tickets to party workers who put in work day after day after office for years even decades, before they climb the ranks
but at town level both in Trinamool or CPI-M the most powerful leaders can be those bearing Muslim names, and people won't bat an eyelid

Yes like Hannan Mollah who is a veteran CPI-M leader and now active in the farmer protests.

He is among the older type of Muslim who were leftist activists. There is also MY Tarigami in Kashmir. Good that some younger Muslims even now lean Left, like Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid. I too call myself the older sort of Muslim. :D
Yes like Hannan Mollah who is a veteran CPI-M leader and now active in the farmer protests.

He is among the older type of Muslim who were leftist activists. There is also MY Tarigami in Kashmir. Good that some younger Muslims even now lean Left, like Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid. I too call myself the older sort of Muslim. :D

Still the Left was the victim of severe violent purge in 2011 at the hands of Trinamool.....But Left itself had terrorized Trinamool workers with blood curdling massacres in the late 90s and early 2000s.....Garbeta comes to mind....where only the lower jaw bones of slain Trinamool workers (as they spilt up from Congress) were recovered.....

A state where real cashflow becomes tight, political capital gains immense value....

American Tech firms only tolerates left of Liberal secular voices....It is utterly tactless of her trying to piggyback on such a platform for more reach...........But anyways at least this will force Bengal to do some soul searching regarding the cycle of political violence that it has seen non-stop since the Naxalbari days....The actors in Bengal politics have shifted from two leftist heavyweights to one leftist and one rightwing heavyweight...but the cycle of violence continues......This reflects badly on the state
She tweeted "This is horrible... we need super gundai to kill gundai... she is like an unleased monster. To tame her Modi ji please show your Virat roop from early 2000s"

She just asked Modi for another Gujarat like Riot. Twitter is not some Godi Media like Zee News or Republic to allow this.
Kangana Aunty.png

Btw one sister is already using PDF and it`s time she might bring her other sister to ooze out venom over this platform as well.​
She tweeted "This is horrible... we need super gundai to kill gundai... she is like an unleased monster. To tame her Modi ji please show your Virat roop from early 2000s"

She just asked Modi for another Gujarat like Riot. Twitter is not some Godi Media like Zee News or Republic to allow this.

Modi removed her from twitter..as she was insinuating that Modi was responsible for Gujarat 2002 riots...These underlings donot realize that sometimes over enthusiasm is punished by their own leaders......Politics is a befuddling field for ordinary citizens to get into...You need a certain level of street-cred, local presence, swag to make it in politics
Because those voices generally don’t espouse violence as a means to their end. Generally the right wing throughout history is a few smart ones at the top manipulating things and everyone else either lacking education, iQ or mental stability.

The left can push any agenda then by either sugar coating it or using “morality” to disguise their actions. The ones who lose out everytime in such polarized societies are the middle.
Middle are the most dangerous, you never know when they would switch sides. They switch sides as per convenience.
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