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Kalabagh Dam | PTI wants 'national consensus'.

& what about Diamer Basha?? Do you have any idea about other expense other then cost? 100KM Karakoram road will be submerged you will need to construct 200 KM Kara koram road for new route. you do know cost and risk involved constructing it? and what will you do once its constructed? nothing unless you build main 500KV line to integrate it in the system.
& for the record DIamamer Basha Dam site is 40KM away from Fault line.
estimates from kalabagh dam are from in 1970s current estimate show that its goignt o be cheaper to build bhasha dam due to low cost of land, displaced population rehabilitation in kalabagh dam will cost 10X more than building the KKH 2x times over(its a small 20 feet single road!)

power transmission is 200km from load center
  1. production via bhasha dam is TWICE (21 BILLION UNITS VS 11 BILLION UNITS)
  2. bhasha dam will increase life of all down stream projects like tarbela
  3. it will increase production down stream dasu(stage 2 not possible without bhasha), tarbela and GB, chashma, this will mean 20 billion ore units(10 billion in dasu and 10 billion in GB, tarbela, chashma due to more water)
  4. in nutshell bhasha dam production effects will be ~3-4 times more than kalabagh dam with less displaced people at same or slightly less cost(land cost was estimated at 100 billion rupees vs 3 times more in kalabagh
  5. pakistan will need more dams and there are ample other sites available
  6. once all dams are build, kalabgh dam can than be debated and built if needed
  7. kalabagh dam is simply an excuse for politicians not to build any dams as it requires money which govts like to spend on poltical projects, e.g govt spending nothing on pwer sector all private production investment projects and no distribution projects and you see where we are
estimates from kalabagh dam are from in 1970s current estimate show that its goignt o be cheaper to build bhasha dam due to low cost of land, displaced population rehabilitation in kalabagh dam will cost 10X more than building the KKH 2x times over(its a small 20 feet single road!)
Would you like to share some facts and figure with actual estate?
land is also not the only cost? & road in mountains region is more exp then plan areas. Don't forget for cpec you need much bigger road.
power transmission is 200km from load center
  1. production via bhasha dam is TWICE (21 BILLION UNITS VS 11 BILLION UNITS)
  2. bhasha dam will increase life of all down stream projects like tarbela

no one deny the capacity? there will be no terbala when your Basha is completed. terbala will either be dead or near dead.
  1. it will increase production down stream dasu(stage 2 not possible without bhasha), tarbela and GB, chashma, this will mean 20 billion ore units(10 billion in dasu and 10 billion in GB, tarbela, chashma due to more water)

you forget one thing when you mentioned terbala its actual capacity? and what will be its actual capacity when Basha is completed? & how much time is left before silt completely block those tunnels? and one more thing Basha will only stop silt from Glacier up to Diamer Site not after.

  1. in nutshell bhasha dam production effects will be ~3-4 times more than kalabagh dam with less displaced people at same or slightly less cost(land cost was estimated at 100 billion rupees vs 3 times more in kalabagh
  2. pakistan will need more dams and there are ample other sites available
  3. once all dams are build, kalabgh dam can than be debated and built if needed

Sir Pakistan genuinely need more dams. what i am saying is that not 1 but minimum 3 Major dams. Based on 2 major criteria Electricity & Flood stoppage.
dont forget project completion time is 8 year minimum if all things go well.

  1. kalabagh dam is simply an excuse for politicians not to build any dams as it requires money which govts like to spend on poltical projects, e.g govt spending nothing on pwer sector all private production investment projects and no distribution projects and you see where we are

Kalabagh is not an excuse its our need. a need for survival and not kalabagh but multiple dam on fast track.
Single dam will do nothing. trust me i have seen industries. they are dying. what media portray is nothing more then horse shit. And problem is energy too expensive.
Just build the f#ckling thing and f#ck traitors ANP. ghandi loving mofo's
I distinctly remember soon after becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan after the 1988 elections, a Dawn headline: "We will make Bhasha Dam First." (Benazir Bhutto). I wondered about the word "Bhasha"; I thought it was relate to a certain Maulana Bhasha from some decades ago.

Maybe it's best to stop the wastage of water by lining up canals etc --as a starting measure. But if brutal dictator like Zia ul Haq could not build KBD then Imran Khan has no chance.

Or... think of a merger with Afghanistan--there's a lot of land there, less population and less water stress. (Okay, kind of joking!)
Change Kalabagh Dam name to something else, problem solved.
Benazir Dam, Chitta Dam, Nooni Dam, CPEC Dam etc
National consensus will not work in Pakistan, national bribery will
Choke the foreign funding of those opposing these dams and consensus will come.
Choke the foreign funding of those opposing these dams and consensus will come.

Just go for a referendum... after all politicians talk too much of democracy, which is almost always willing in their daily business.
Build Trust while Diamer Basha Dam is being Built.

If Imran is to succeed in Modernizing governance start with Trust, not wasting time and resources on coherence (block the money from outside sources to dissidents to the proposed dam) and subterfuge (name the name this or that and problem solved).

Currently people have herd it all and are entrenched in their positions because they don't trust the other people in other provinces. A PTI government should start small and fix smaller parts of the water management in the first few months. Between now and the elections, hear out ideas for solving all the minor problems in a single term of a PTI government.

The dams, canals, distribution and allocation of water, where water is wasted due to old pipes, and new technologies to maximize the utilization of limited amounts of water to meet the needs of the people, farms, and industry.

Starting in a second term; Once the Diamer Basha dam is nearing completion, and the people are ready for more investment in other dams start from the south. The Kalabagh Dam is an inferior dam and its shortcoming and potential to limit water supplies to the south threaten the lives of half the population through starvation. Build trust by starting in the south. Build up reservoirs and other dams there so that any excess water coming downstream can be held there. Build the Bhit Reservoir and Hub Link Canal to Karachi. Then move upstream and develop Manchar Lake to hold more water. When these Resovoirs are in place, built the Makran Canal to supply water all along the coast, all the way down to Gwadar. With these reservoirs built, Karachi, Sindh, and Coastal Baluchistan can start to build up water reserves as the next phase further north begins.

Further North, IF the conflict with Afghanistan stabilizes or end, look to cooperate in building a dam on the Kabul river and sawat rivers; named Khyber dam and Munda dams respectively, just west of Peshawar. This will stabilize KPK's water supplies. Dredging of Tarbela and Mangla Dam should also be looked at with more cost effective methods, to get more out of what we already have. Even if its expensive; water capacity is the most important commodity int he long run. On the river near Jhelum a dam proposed as the Rohtas Dam can be made to secure rights under the Indus water treaty, and protect from flooding will holding water.

Finally when all these dams are completed and people have built up trust over 10-15 years. Start the constructuion of the "SOAN DAM". North of the kalabagh site; only on the Soan River. It doesn't blockage water flow south at one point, and with capacity already underway in the south, its construction will not impact water supplies anywhere else in the nation dramatically, and will be a national treasure once completed.

The details of these dams and reservoirs are in the link below. presented to the PPP government in 2010 at a high ranking WAPDA meeting; but it didn't lead anyway then. maybe now it will be heard.

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