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KAEC to have 2m people, projects worth $100bn on completion: CEO

«إعمار» توقع اتفاقيتين لتطوير فندق ومجمع سكني


حي البليسان بمدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية
الرياض - واس

وقعت شركة إعمار المدينة الاقتصادية اليوم اتفاقية مع مجموعة عبدالمحسن بن عبدالعزيز الحكير للتشغيل والصيانة لتطوير فندق 4 نجوم في حي البيلسان بمدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية باستثمار يبلغ 100 مليون ريال، بما في ذلك قيمة أرض المشروع ومساحتها 10323 متر مربع بقيمة 15.4 مليون ريال.

وقالت الشركة في إعلان نشرته على موقع السوق المالية "تداول" إن الاتفاقية تتضمن تأسيس شركة خاصة بالمشروع برأس مال مبدئي مليون ريال بحيث تكون حصة شركة إعمار المدينة الاقتصادية 40%، سيتم تمويلها ذاتياً من شركة إعمار وحصة شركة مجموعة الحكير 60% من رأس المال، وسيكون للاتفاقية اثر إيجابي على وتيرة تطوير المدينة واستقطاب الاستثمارات ومردود مالي لشركة إعمار من خلال بيع هذه الأرض لهذا المشروع وسينعكس على قوائمها المالية في المستقبل.

كما وقعت شركة إعمار المدينة الاقتصادية اليوم اتفاقية مع شركة إدارة وإنماء المشاريع العقارية لتطوير مجمع سكني يحتوي 288 وحدة سكنية في حي البيلسان بمدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية باستثمار يبلغ 250 مليون ريال، بما في ذلك قيمة أرض المشروع ومساحتها 119530 متر مربع بقيمة 47.8 مليون ريال.

وتتضمن الاتفاقية تأسيس شركة خاصة بالمشروع برأس مال مبدئي مليون ريال بحيث تكون حصة شركة إعمار المدينة الاقتصادية 20%، سيتم تمويلها ذاتياً، وحصة شركة إدارة وإنماء المشاريع العقارية 80% من رأس المال، وسيكون لهذه الاتفاقية أثر إيجابي على وتيرة تطوير المدينة واستقطاب الاستثمارات ومردود مالي لشركة إعمار من خلال بيع الأرض لصالح المشروع وسينعكس على قوائمها المالية في المستقبل.

62 مصنعا جديدا في مرحلة التصاميم والتراخيص في مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية

2.5 مليون حاوية حجم التصدير المتوقع من خلال الميناء الصناعي في مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية بنهاية العام الجاري.
محمد الهلالي من جدة

أبلغ "الاقتصادية" فهد الرشيد؛ العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي للمدينة الاقتصادية، أنه تم استقطاب أكثر من 95 شركة صناعية وطنية وعالمية، في الوادي الصناعي، مشيراً إلى أن ثماني منها بدأت في مرحلة الإنتاج، بينما 25 تحت الإنشاء، فيما تم توقيع العقود مع 62 مصنعا وطنيا وعالميا، وهي في مرحلة التصاميم أو إصدار التصاريح.

فيما كشف عن تطوير نحو ستة آلاف وحدة سكنية للتملك في الأحياء الساحلية التي تخدم جميع فئات المجتمع في الوقت الحالي، علاوة على 25 مليون متر مربع نظراً للإقبال المتزايد على الأراضي الصناعية.

وقال، إن مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية تمضي قدماً في عمليات البناء والتطوير وفق خطة استراتيجية اعتمدت في مرحلتها الأولى على الاستثمار بشكل مكثف في البنى التحتية والخدمات الأساسية الضرورية، وأهمها الميناء الذي بدأ تشغيله في كانون الثاني (يناير) من العام الماضي 2014، ووصلت طاقته الاستيعابية الآن إلى 2.7 مليون حاوية سنوية.

وأوضح، أن مشاريع أخرى مختلفة تقدمها المدينة للساكنين والعاملين والزوار، مثل خدمات الضيافة والترفيه المميزة والمطاعم المتنوعة ذات العلامات التجارية المعروفة.

وأشار إلى أن الوادي الصناعي نجح في استقطاب أسماء وطنية وعالمية كبيرة، مبيناً أنه في قطاع الصناعات الدوائية تم استقطاب شركات مثل فايزر وسانوفي، علاوة على شركات الصناعات الغذائية مثل المراعي وصافولا، والخدمات اللوجيستية مثل وارد وأيكيا وقطاع المركبات مثل عبداللطيف جميل والناغي والزاهد للتراكتورات وعدد من الصناعات المتوسطة والخفيفة.

وبين أنه منذ بدء الأعمال التجارية في الميناء في كانون الثاني (يناير) من العام الماضي 2014، وصلت الطاقة الاستيعابية إلى 2.7 مليون حاوية، وبذلك يصبح ميناء الملك عبدالله ثاني أكبر الموانئ السعودية في الوقت الحالي، فيما يجري التخطيط للوصول إلى أربعة ملايين حاوية بنهاية العام المقبل 2016.

وفيما يتعلق بإنشاء فندق الحرمين لمتوسطي الدخل، وهل الإقامة الدائمة تشمل التملك في منطقة الحرمين، قال: نخطط إلى البدء في أعمال الإنشاء مطلع العام المقبل 2016، مبيناً أن منطقة الحرمين ستتضمن عددا من المشاريع السكنية للتملك، إضافة إلى مراكز المعارض والمؤتمرات والفنادق.

وقال إنه في إطار الشراكة الاستراتيجية بين مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية ومجلس الغرف السعودية، وبالتعاون مع هيئة المدن الاقتصادية، تقيم المدينة الاقتصادية منتدى الاستثمار في دورته الثانية تحت عنوان "شراكة استراتيجية لاقتصاد تنافسي".

وبين أن المنتدى يقام في إطار جهود المدينة الاقتصادية في التعريف بالفرص الاستثمارية الواعدة، والعمل على استقطاب المزيد من رؤوس الأموال الوطنية للاستفادة من المزايا التي توفرها المدينة الاقتصادية للمستثمرين، إضافة إلى بحث آفاق الشراكة في الاستثمارات التجارية والعقارية.

وأشار إلى أن منتدى الاستثمار هو حدث استثماري يعقد على مدار يومين، ويجمع المطور بالمستثمرين وعددا من الجهات الحكومية ذات العلاقة، لافتاً إلى وجود عدد
من الفرص الاستثمارية سيتم عرضها خلال المنتدى.
"فولفو" تستهدف بيع 4 آلاف سيارة في السوق المحلية سنويا
ثالث شركة عالمية لصناعة السيارات تبدأ إنتاجها في السعودية


مصنع "فولفو" يعد ثالث مصنع للسيارات العالمية يبدأ إنتاجه في السعودية بعد مصنعي «ايسوزو» و«جاكوار لاند روفر».
محمد الهلالي من جدة

علمت “الاقتصادية” من مصادر مطلعة، أن الشركة العربية لصناعة السيارات والشاحنات المحدودة (AVI)، تستهدف إنتاج أربعة آلاف شاحنة سنويا في السعودية، فيما ستخصص توزيعها في السوق المحلية، ليصبح بذلك ثالث مصنع للسيارات العالمية يبدأ إنتاجه في السعودية بعد مصنعي إيسوزو وجاجوار لاند روفر.
وكانت الشركة العربية لصناعة السيارات والشاحنات المحدودة (AVI)، قد أعلنت عن إنتاج أول شاحنة فولفو، في مصنعها لتجميع الشاحنات القائم في الوادي الصناعي بمدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية “KAEC”، لتصبح أول شاحنة يتم تجميعها في المدينة.
وأوضحت الشركة، أن المشروع مشترك بين شركة الزاهد للتراكتورات والمعدات الثقيلة المحدودة وشركة فولفو للشاحنات، مبينا أن فريق المشروع من شركتي فولفو ورينو الذي يضم مهندسين ومديرين قد قام بتصميم مصنع الشركة المتطور وتطبيق مفهوم جديد لتجميع الشاحنات بكفاءة وتكلفة منخفضة، لافتا إلى أنه سيصبح أحد أول المصانع في العالم التي تقوم بتجميع شاحنات فولفو ورينو معا بالاستفادة من خط الإنتاج نفسه. من جهته، قال المهندس وفاء هاشم الزواوي، رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة العربية لصناعة السيارات والشاحنات المحدودة، إن مصنعنا الجديد لتجميع الشاحنات يمثل قفزة هائلة في تنويع القدرات الصناعية للسعودية”.
وكشف رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة، أن الشركة قررت نقل مصنعها من جدة إلى مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية لما تتمتع به الأخيرة من قدرة على توفير بيئة ملائمة للأعمال، وسياسات حوكمة دقيقة وسرعة في توفير فرص التوظيف، وهي عناصر أساسية في تشغيل مصنع الشركة بكفاءة تامة. من جهته، قال فهد الرشيد، العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي لمدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية، “إن هذا اليوم يشكل علامة فارقة في مسيرة مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية، حيث نشهد فيه بدء الإنتاج في مصنع الشركة العربية لصناعة السيارات والشاحنات المحدودة، بما يعبر عن المفهوم الحقيقي الذي تمثله المدينة كدافع رئيسي للتنوع الاقتصادي في المملكة في القطاعات غير النفطية، وتوفير مصادر أخرى للدخل وخفض الاعتماد على الواردات.
بدوره، قال ريان قطب، الرئيس التنفيذي للوادي الصناعي في مدينة الملك عبدالله الاقتصادية: “يواصل الوادي الصناعي تلبية الطلب المتزايد على الأراضي الصناعية واستقطاب عدد أكبر من الشركات العالمية والمحلية، حيث تمكن من جذب عديد من الشركات الوطنية والعالمية التي وصلت إلى 95 شركة، تسع منها بدأت مرحلة الإنتاج فيما 26 منها بدأت في إنشاء مصانعها”. وأردف، نحن نسعد بتحقيق أحد أهدافنا الاستراتيجية في استقطاب قطاع المركبات وهو أحد ستة قطاعات صناعية مستهدفة، إضافة إلى قطاعات السلع الغذائية والاستهلاكية، والأدوية والخدمات اللوجستية، والصناعات البلاستيكية، ومواد البناء لنكون المركز الجديد للصناعات والخدمات اللوجستية في المنطقة”.
وكانت مصادر قد أبلغت “الاقتصادية” في وقت سابق، أنه تم الرفع للجهات المختصة بخطة لإنشاء مدينة لصناعة السيارات في السعودية وتحديدا في رابغ الصناعية، لتكون أضخم مقر لصناعة المركبات وقطع غيارها.
فيما قال المهندس عزام شلبي رئيس برنامج التجمعات الصناعية، إن المدينة في حال إنشائها ستعمل بطاقة يبلغ إنتاجها مرحليا 400 ألف سيارة سنويا خلال سنوات من بدء عملها، وستعمل على تصنيع قطع غيار وأجزاء السيارات ومعهد عال لصناعة السيارات وعديد من الخدمات الفنية والتقنية التي تحتاج إليها هذه الصناعة.

AVI rolls out first Volvo truck in facility at KAEC

Top officials of Arabian Vehicles & Trucks Industry Ltd and Volvo Global Manufacturing officiate in welcoming the first Volvo truck produced in KAEC

JEDDAH — Arabian Vehicles & Trucks Industry Ltd (AVI), a joint venture between Zahid Tractor & Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd and Volvo Truck Corporation, a world-renowned manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, has commenced production at its new facility located in the Industrial Valley of King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC).

The first Volvo truck rolled off the AVI assembly line Monday became the first truck of any kind to be assembled in KAEC.

AVI’s state of the art facility was designed by a Volvo/Renault Trucks project team consisting of engineers and process owners from both brands.

Implementing a new concept for an efficient and cost effective truck assembly, the AVI facility will be one of the first in the world to assemble both Volvo and Renault trucks on the same line.

“This is a memorable day indeed in AVI’s long and rich history. The new AVI facility represents a significant breakthrough in the diversification of Saudi Arabia’s industrial capabilities and highlights Zahid Group’s role as a leading B2B group in the Kingdom,” said Wafaa Zawawi, Chairman of the Board of Managers of AVI.

“This facility also underlines Zahid Group’s commitment to developing local talent by providing employment, training and growth opportunities for the Saudi youth.

With a current Saudization rate in excess of 30%, further employment opportunities for Saudi nationals will arise as the plant increases production to meet local demand.”

Zawawi went on to note that the working environment in AVI is excellent and he expects the new facility with its well-crafted, ergonomic design to enhance this.

He added “at AVI we have an engrained culture of Excellence, Pride, Integrity and Respect, where Saudis and expatriates work together efficiently, effectively and in harmony, adhering to our motto of Swedish Expertise, Saudi Hands.”

“The decision to relocate the AVI facility from Jeddah to KAEC was driven by KAEC’s ability to provide a business-friendly environment, strong governance and fast-track employment opportunities,” Zawawi stated. “All of these facets of KAEC will be essential in running AVI’s large scale plant efficiently.”

Fahd Al-Rasheed, Managing Director and Group CEO of King Abdullah Economic City, said “this is also a great day for KAEC since the start of production at AVI’s assembly plant truly fulfills the original concept of King Abdullah Economic City as a key driver in Saudi Arabia’s diversification into non-oil sectors to provide alternative sources of revenue and reduce reliance on imports.

We are happy to see the first Volvo truck roll out from the assembly line and share AVI’s pride that Saudi nationals are an integral part of this great achievement, giving full credence to the words ‘Made in Saudi Arabia’.”

Anders Olausson, Vice President of Volvo Global Manufacturing and AVI Board Member, said “we believe King Abdullah Economic City augers well for the future of the Kingdom in that it combines a modern infrastructure and a professional work environment with attractive living.

Equally important, KAEC’s location on the Red Sea is a strategic advantage for AVI. The close proximity to the new sea port and road access to the rest of the Kingdom are essential for serving our specific local and regional markets with great efficiency."

Olausson said the principles followed in designing the production processes and the general layout of the new AVI facility, were derived from the Volvo Production System, which utilizes “Lean Manufacturing” principles.

He went on to explain that various “Lean Tools” would be applied in assembling the most sophisticated trucks in Saudi Arabia, thereby ensuring both quality and zero defects for customers.

The new facility is fully air-conditioned and has been ergonomically designed. Tooling, fixtures, equipment, drive line, crane structure, special racking on the assembly line, ergonomically proven tightening tools, and different lifting and moving fixtures help to keep the facility running at optimum performance.

AVI is a member of Zahid Group, representing a diverse range of companies, strategic partnerships, and world-renowned brands. Head quartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Group is in its 5th generation of leadership under an established family whose commercial roots date back over a century. — SG
AVI rolls out first Volvo truck in facility at KAEC | Economy | Saudi Gazette
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Zagzoog strengthens its presence in King Abdullah Economic City-Industrial Valley


Sep 20 2015

KAEC, King Abdullah Economic City has recently signed a contract with The "New Image Building Company Ltd." (NIBC), specializing in contracting and real estate investments, to position its facility amongst the other investors in the Industrial Valley's Phase 3. NIBC was formed in 2000 under the name of Zagzoog for Contracting then re-structured in 2003. NIBC is one of Zagzoog Group that includes Zagzoog for Home Appliances (a leading electronics retailer for the past 55 years in the Saudi market), Zagzoog for Air Conditioning and Maintenance (a leading air conditioning installing and maintenance specialist), Dunia Al Maaden for metal industries (a leading building materials and metal shaping specialist), and New Real Estate Tetra Company (specialized in real estate investment and development).
NIBC's new facility, in the IV's Phase 3, is expected to become fully functional within two to three years. The company will use the 100,967-square meter plot of land to build a distribution and logistics center in order to expand its construction, interior decoration, and finishing and refurbishment businesses in the Kingdom.

Welcoming NIBC as the newest investor in the industrial valley among other investors, Mr. Fahd Al-Rasheed-Managing Director and Group CEO of KAEC, said: " Zagzoog Company is one of the biggest industrial names in the kingdom and the region market, and we are very pleased to have Zagzoog among the biggest national and international companies that the Industrial Valley has succeeded in attracting them to invest as part of their expansion plans." He pointed out:" These looking-forward companies have based their decision on the state-of-the-art infrastructure, the world class public services and the unique social and commercial facilities, as well as the wide choice of residential accommodation; all which makes KAEC the ideal place to fulfil the industrial enterprises needs of all types."

Mr. Walid Zagzoog -Board Member of Zagzoog Company , expressed his pleasure at joining the other investors in the Industrial Valley in King Abdullah Economic City, saying: "We decided to invest in the Industrial Valley after we realized the many advantages and opportunities that have made KAEC a premier investment destination for local and foreign capital."
He went to say: "Here in KAEC, this is an appropriate occasion on which to announce the start of our plans to expand our commercial and industrial activities. Now, with more than 50 years in the Saudi and regional markets, we are ready to implement our strategy to move further into the regional and international markets, facilitated by the Industrial Valley's close proximity to King Abdullah Port."

Mr. Rayan Qutub, CEO of the Industrial Valley in KAEC, who attended the contract singing said: "The comprehensive land and sea cargo and transportation facilities coupled with the integrated infrastructure promises a prosperous future for investors in the Industrial Valley (IV), where we are fully committed to applying the highest international standards in everything we do, including King Abdullah Port, one of the world's 10 largest ports which gives an access to 250 million consumers in the Arab world and East Africa." He added:" we are developing an area that exceeds 25 million sqm to cope with the increased demand on the lands at the Industrial Valley. The IV has attracted numerous leading national and international companies, which to date we have 10 are already in operation and 26 others are under construction."

The KAEC's Industrial Valley enjoys advanced infrastructure includes comprehensive water and power grids, sewage, telecommunications, storm runoff and road networks, including a complete range of facilities and housing solutions such as 'The Village' project, which provides proper housing to workers and supervisors." He concluded:" the IV focuses on six leading industrial clusters which include: FMCG/foods, pharmaceuticals, logistics, plastics, building materials and the automotive sector".

Zagzoog strengthens its presence in King Abdullah Economic City-Industrial Valley - Zawya

King Abdullah Port, NYK sign deal for operating Ro-Ro terminal


Saleh Bin Laden, PDC Chairman; and and Koichi Chikaraishi, Representative Director and Chief Executive of Automotive Transportation, flanked by other executives during the signing of agreement
KING ABDULLAH ECONOMIC CITY — In a step to better serve the growing number of investors in the automotive sector in the Industrial Valley of King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), the Ports Development Company (PDC), owner and developer of King Abdullah Port, has signed a joint venture agreement with Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), the leading automotive shipping line and logistics provider, for operating the first phase of the Ro-Ro Terminal at King Abdullah Port, which will be operational by Q3 2016.

The signing ceremony took place at King Abdullah Port, King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) last Sept. 3, with Saleh Bin Laden, PDC Chairman, signing for the Ports Development Company, and Koichi Chikaraishi, Representative Director and Chief Executive of Automotive Transportation, signing for NYK.

After signing the agreement, the delegates went on a tour to King Abdullah Port to see the infrastructure development of the Ro-Ro terminal and the technologically advanced features and equipment that makes King Abdullah Port one of the most advanced and modern ports in the region.

Commenting on the joint venture, Saleh Bin Laden said: “We are delighted to be partnering with NYK Group for operation of the first Ro-Ro terminal at King Abdullah Port. It is worth mentioning that this is the first terminal in the region to be co-managed and operated by NYK and having this trust in us by the industry leader is something that we take pride in. King Abdullah Port Ro-Ro Terminal will significantly diversify the services offered by King Abdullah Port, extending them beyond containerized goods, and will be an integral part of the facilities and services offered in addition to containers and bulk and general cargo. NYK Group’s pioneering operational experience will ensure King Abdullah Port becomes one of the best Ro-Ro services destinations in the region.”

Bin Laden expressed his appreciation of the Economic Cities Authority and all the governmental agencies at the port for their exceptional support for the developmental work at King Abdullah Port and their contribution to achieving the port’s strategic objectives and enhancing its role in advancing the economic development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Chikaraishi said: “At NYK Group we are thrilled at being part of this joint venture at King Abdullah Port where we look forward to offering the expertise and the creative solutions initiated in the group’s "More Than Shipping 2018" medium-term management plan to provide advanced Automotive Logistics Services in order to facilitate operation of the Ro-Ro terminal to accommodate customers’ needs and expectations and to contribute to maximize the potential for the expected increase in volume of vehicle units in line with the continuing prosperity of Saudi Arabia.”

The automotive sector at KAEC is comprised of leading local and international players such as Abdul Latif Jameel (ALJ), Naghi Group, Juffali Automotive Company, and Al Zahid Group, which earlier in June 2015 celebrated the production of the first Volvo truck from its assembly line in KAEC.

King Abdullah Port, owned and developed by the Ports Development Company at King Abdullah Economic City, is the first port being fully developed by the private sector. The port is characterized by its strategic geographical location, fully integrated services and through the practice of deploying the most advanced technologies and employing local and international experts to provide the best services.

The Ports Development Company is a joint venture between Emaar, the Economic City (EEC), the master developer of KAEC, and Huta Marine Works Ltd. — SG

King Abdullah Port, NYK sign deal for operating Ro-Ro terminal | Economy | Saudi Gazette

Examples of Ro-Ro terminals:


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KAEC will be a challenger to Dubai especially if they make a freezone with 100% foreign ownership

Not sure about that but much, much less could do it. Currently KSA (given the laws and system in place despite enormous potential for tourism and already being in the top 15 countries that are most visited by foreigners) should not aim to emulate Dubai or other GCC emirates/countries but to keep investing in the non-gas/oil sector (diversification) and in education. Which is done already and will be done but it should increase even more.

The industrial cities, universities, research centers etc. that have been built, are are getting built or will be built are a great step towards those goals.
Not sure about that but much, much less could do it. Currently KSA (given the laws and system in place despite enormous potential for tourism and already being in the top 15 countries that are most visited by foreigners) should not aim to emulate Dubai or other GCC emirates/countries but to keep investing in the non-gas/oil sector (diversification) and in education. Which is done already and will be done but it should increase even more.

The industrial cities, universities, research centers etc. that have been built, are are getting built or will be built are a great step towards those goals.

That top 15 position is entirely due to Hajj and Umraa operations....
But areas like Taif and up North are ideal for tourism...but the economy and culture needs to open up..

I am living in Riyadh and havent got complains about Najd tho... :P
That top 15 position is entirely due to Hajj and Umraa operations....
But areas like Taif and up North are ideal for tourism...but the economy and culture needs to open up..

I am living in Riyadh and havent got complains about Najd tho... :P

Of course religious pilgrims play a big role but I don't even think that they make a majority of the visitors.

World Tourism rankings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tourism has an enormous potential in KSA. The country offers almost everything. Stunning mountains, valleys, deserts, steppes, tropical areas, forests, some of the best beaches on the planet and marine life, a wild nature, extinct volcanoes, over 1500 islands of which 1300 are totally uninhabited, real exploration opportunities of completely wild areas of the country where you are lucky if you spot a person, ancient artifacts and historical places (Madain Saleh could easily rival Petra next door), old villages and towns, modern towns, almost an guarantee of sunshine and warm weather etc.

I am not even talking about religious tourism. Real religious tourism that allows Hajis and visitors to travel freely in KSA.

Combining a Hajj trip with a 2 week stay in KSA (just Hijaz alone) could offer you a tropical sea next door (Red Sea) with stunning coastlines and guarantee of good weather, trips to the mountains, desert safari, historical attractions, modern city life, wild areas etc.

KSA has 1000 times the potential than UAE has been blessed with yet UAE is much, much, much more ahead for obvious reasons.

No doubt about people needing to open up more but this is not really an issue with the youth which as you know makes up 2/3 of the population. Also it depends on the company. We are very (I am too) harsh when it comes to our parents generation (with good reason) but not all of them are bad.

Tourism is needed for KSA. Tourism will probably also help locals realize some of their ills.

@Full Moon might be very happy to hear about that. Finally someone that is not negative towards Najd.:lol: Such a demonized region of the world. It's unbelievable. In reality it has a lot to offer also tourism wise.

King Abdullah Economic City redraws master plan to make way for driverless cars

Michael Fahy
February 23, 2016

The US$100 billion King Abdullah Economic City being developed on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast will remodel its master plan once again to account for new technology such as driverless cars and the Internet of Things.

The chief executive Fahd Al Rasheed said that it was “currently assessing the master plan to assess the economic and physical implications of technologies such as autonomous automobiles and the increasing prevalence of the Internet of Things”.

He said: “We are working with experts from around the world to help us better understand and project what these developments might mean for city design. Once we have completed that assessment, we will hire the necessary expertise to help us develop the new master plan.”

The changes to the master plan will be the latest in a series of remodellings for King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) since the megaproject was announced in 2005.

The 181-square kilometre city, which will be bigger than Washington DC, is being developed by Emaar The Economic City, a company listed on the Saudi Arabian stock market and in which the UAE-based Emaar Properties is a 33 per cent stakeholder.

It initially had a series of canals, an education zone containing several universities and a waterfront downtown district. However, its proximity to the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology meant the education zone was dropped, and the downtown district was moved north next to one of the main stations planned for the $7bn, 450km Haramain High Speed Rail project linking Mecca and Medina.

Canals and culverts were later removed in favour of existing natural waterways as a response to Hurricane Sandy in the United States.

The newest version of the plan was adopted in 2013.

About 40 projects have been completed at the city to date, including its 14 sq km port, which opened in January 2014.

Mr Al Rasheed said that he expected 170 more to be delivered over the next decade, with 38 of these to come online this year, including a new golf club, the 55,000 sq metre Juman Park and a karting track.

“The first decade of the city’s development focused very much on infrastructure – constructing roads and water and power grids, building the port, attracting investor companies and constructing the core residential, educational and healthcare facilities required by residents,” he said.

“The next 10 years will focus on expanding the residential and recreational amenities in the city to make it the best environment to live and work in Saudi Arabia.”

Raj Achan, the Middle East and India business development director at the architecture practice Goettsch Partners, said there were advantages for cities such as KAEC in driverless cars and the Internet of Things, not only through smoother traffic and shorter commutes but also because less parking would be required, meaning more space for higher-value real estate. Mr Achan said: “Driverless cars valet park themselves. There will be no need to open doors, self-parking cars can park in much closer, or even be stacked on top of each other. This would mean much more profit-generating retail, commercial or residential spaces in developments such as KAEC.”

Baz Gharibi, Middle East head of transport planning at WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff consultancy, added that master plans “need to be flexible to allow for future changes in travel systems – for example converting car lanes to potential bus rapid transit or light rail transit systems without any major implications or change in design”.






Mall of Hejaz

Mall of Hejaz enjoys a very high-profile location, close to the new main entrance of King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC).
It will have a gross leasable area of 20,900 sqm with 1,250 parking spaces dedicated to retail.

The tenant mix will include:
• A hypermarket anchor of approximately 6,000 sqm which has been leased to HyperPanda.
• Space for four junior anchors ranging from approximately 1,900 sqm to 3,000 sqm.
• F&B units including restaurants and coffee shops, with outdoor seating area available for certain units.

The mall will have fully fitted-out, high-specification common areas, designed to enhance the customers’ shopping experience.

Property Type
Retail / Shopping Centre

Property Size
26,100 m²

Available Space
Not available

Royal Greens Golf and Country Club at KAEC receives top award


Dec 29, 2016

THE Royal Greens Golf and Country Club at King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) has won the International Best Leisure Development category at the prestigious International Property Awards (IPA) 2016 recently held in London. This is the first time a Saudi development has ever won in this category in the Awards’ 24-year history.

Royal Greens previously won the IPA award for Best Leisure Development in Saudi Arabia in October. At the global award ceremony, held in London earlier this month, Royal Greens received both the Best in Arabia Region and the Best International Award, beating stellar competition from across the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

“If there was any question whether Saudi Arabia could compete at a global level in leisure and tourism, this award gives the definitive answer,” said Fahd Al Rasheed, Group CEO and Managing Director of KAEC. “This is an unprecedented achievement and a clear validation of the government’s objectives within Vision 2030 to expand the Kingdom’s leisure and tourism economy.”

Royal Greens was also one of three developments at KAEC that were honored at the 2106 Cityscape Awards. Royal Greens was awarded Best Leisure and Hospitality Project for 2016 at the country’s leading real estate forum in November this year. KAEC also won in the Best Future Commercial and Mixed Use Project and the Best Future Retail Project categories to collect half of the awards given at Cityscape 2016.

“The Royal Greens Golf and Country Club is a world-class facility and one that will further elevate KAEC’s status as a leading destination in Saudi Arabia and the region,” said Charles Biele, CEO of Residential Development at KAEC. “Royal Greens and the adjacent premium Golf and Beach Communities at Al Murooj provide residents and visitors with a unique lifestyle experience unmatched anywhere regionally.”

Other honors for KAEC in 2016 include the Capital Finance International Award for Best Industrial and Integrated Service Project, presented in Hamburg, Germany earlier this year.

“The awards that KAEC has won in 2016 are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our many partners who continue to deliver projects that meet and exceed the most demanding international standards,” said Fahd Al Rasheed. “Through their efforts and the efforts of the leadership and team at the city, we are delivering on our mission to be driver of socio-economic development in the Kingdom.”

Hijaz Downtown








CH2M Olayan to Lead Saudia Innovation Project olayan


Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) has selected CH2M Olayan to lead development of its smart technology hub in King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), located about 100 kilometers north of Jeddah.

CH2M Olayan will serve as designer and program manager for the hub, known as Sinnovate (“Saudia” plus “innovate”). It will lead a team that includes Microsoft and Dimension Data, which will provide IT solutions and enterprise architecture, including hardware, software, and networking.

The greenfield technology hub will occupy approximately 41,000 square meters of land in KAEC, which aims to become a city of the future built from scratch across 186 square kilometers of land. The project was launched in 2005 and is scheduled for completion in 2029.

Importantly, the Sinnovate hub will provide training and certification for Saudi citizens to support growing demand for high-technology talent. It will include state-of-art enterprise and commercial data centers as well as an Innovation Center to house training academies for Saudi college graduates. The flagship building will include classrooms, laboratories, study space, three auditoriums, and meeting and video conferencing rooms.

CH2M Olayan is a partnership between The Olayan Group and CH2M Hill, a global consulting, design, construction, and operations firm based in Denver, Colorado.​
Sinnovate Technology Hub

An ambitious new technology hub of high-tech innovation, business incubation and data center cloud services will help transform Saudi Arabia from a resource-based economy to a technology opportunity orientation.

CH2M serves as designer and program manager for Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) leading a team including Microsoft and Dimension Data to create a greenfield technology hub on approximately 41,000 square meters (10 acres) of land to provide training and certification for Saudi citizens to support the country’s growing demand for high-technology talent.

The project includes an end-to-end data center and creative site, building, facility and IT solutions including 'smart security' and 'smart building management' technologies. The project’s end-to-end delivery structure will include software, hardware, networks and storage in addition to design of the hub’s site and multiple buildings.

It will also have an Innovation Center providing training academies to facilitate on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after graduation from college. The Joint Development Center allows collaboration between Kingdom’s talent and major high tech providers worldwide to create IT solutions for the Saudi market. The Convention Center and state-of-the-art kitchen and cafeteria allow Sinnovate to host technical conventions, seminars and lectures from international experts.
Key facts

square meter Innovation Center for on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after college graduation
square meter Joint Development Center with Class A office space
person auditorium, plus meeting and video conferencing rooms and administration spaces
square meters of land

Transforming a nation’s economic and cultural destiny with a 'smart technology hub'

CH2M rises to a nation’s challenge to help enrich the diversity of Saudi Arabia’s economic future to a new era of technology focus

The Sinnovate Technology Hub is part of an ambitious grand vision to train new Saudi Arabian graduates to become future technology leaders supporting business, research, and academic needs in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding region. This greenfield technology hub will sit on approximately 41,000 square meters (10 acres) of land to provide training and certification for Saudi citizens to support the growing demand for high-technology talent.

At its site in King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Jeddah, this project is a landmark step forward in the inspired journey to help Saudi Arabia face changes in the global economy. CH2M’s skills are helping fulfill this vision by creating a vibrant ecosystem of data management, post graduate education and a high-tech business incubator. The sprawling Sinnovate Technology Hub complex is unified by flexible collaborative spaces, and an intensive focus on technology and environmental performance with subtle references to Saudi culture.

The project’s many high-tech features include data center and site building facility solutions including 'smart security' and 'smart building management' technologies to offer best-in-class data center and cloud services to businesses locating at KAEC. The project’s end-to-end delivery structure will include software, hardware, networks and storage in addition to design of the hub’s multiple buildings.

The hub will consist of two data centers and an administration building (approximately 7,300 square meters [78,500 square feet]) excluding the 'white space' for both the Enterprise Data Center and a Commercial Data Center, each featuring a hybrid combination of traditional and modular space capable of supporting approximately 3.0 megawatts of IT power.

It will also have an Innovation Center (approximately 6,800 square meters [71,000 square feet]) containing training academies to provide on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after graduation from college. This will be the site’s flagship building including classrooms, laboratories, study space, a 200-person auditorium, meeting and video conferencing rooms and administration spaces.

This project epitomizes the realization of a 'big idea' – redefining a nation’s economic and cultural future – through a sensitive understanding of Saudia’s needs and application of a variety of strategic planning, design and management skills.







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