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Kabul's 'irresponsible, unwarranted' statement on Durand Line runs afoul of Islamabad

There is only one solution to this problem and that is start claiming eastern Afghanistan along borders with Pakistan. Come up with some maps like hindutvas do. Pakistani Chitralis, Gilgitis have rightful claim over north east Afghanistan. Pashtuns can claim south eastern Afghanistan.
I think that is what will eventually happen.
A random fanboy posting on PDF vs what media says? Please accept the reality my friend

It was later cleared by ISPR and Pak government too

Funny you believe in DAWN and The News so much
That is exactly what should be done. But then we are ruled by sissies who think appeasing Kabul can get our issues resolved
Pakistan should start claiming area upto Amu,citing we have world largest Pashtun population+Ahmed Shah Abdali was born in Multan+Peshawar was capital of Durrani Empire.
Sense is not needed making such claims,we should follow same.
Pakistan should make a deal with US...US can pull out and Pak will go in and occupy the areas in Afghanistan bordering Pak. Take strategic areas like the wakhan corridor to have connectivity with central Asian states. Also take the areas of Afghanistan where the pushtun tribes(that also exist in Pak) live...that way they won't be split between two countries. It would also give Pak some strategic depth. Annex these parts making them part of Pakistan. In the new shrunken Afghanistan...install some puppet government and call it a day.

From the remaining Afghanistan throw a bone to American, Russian, and Chinese companies to mine and whatever else will benefit them...as a way to get the major players on our side and avoid any consequences of invasion/occupation. Use one of the many terrorist attacks that happen from Afghanistan's side as pretext for the invasion. UN will probably condemn these actions but no one would care. It would end the shit show that has gone on in Afghanistan for decades and secure the western border forever. A few decades later the world will forget about it and move on.
Pakistan foreign policy should be based on simple rule.
"South Asia is like a Jungle, If we want to live, we have to kill others , otherwise they (Afghanistan & India) will kill us "
Pakistan should make a deal with US...US can pull out and Pak will go in and occupy the areas in Afghanistan bordering Pak. Take strategic areas like the wakhan corridor to have connectivity with central Asian states. Also take the areas of Afghanistan where the pushtun tribes(that also exist in Pak) live...that way they won't be split between two countries. It would also give Pak some strategic depth. Annex these parts making them part of Pakistan. In the new shrunken Afghanistan...install some puppet government and call it a day.

From the remaining Afghanistan throw a bone to American, Russian, and Chinese companies to mine and whatever else will benefit them...as a way to get the major players on our side and avoid any consequences of invasion/occupation. Use one of the many terrorist attacks that happen from Afghanistan's side as pretext for the invasion. UN will probably condemn these actions but no one would care. It would end the shit show that has gone on in Afghanistan for decades and secure the western border forever. A few decades later the world will forget about it and move on.

Lolz USSR and the US couldnt do it, what makes u think Pakistan will do it. Pakistan needs to weild soft power in Afghanistan. Current afghan govt is just a puppet bought by india. Wait till a legitimate govt comes. Till then soft power building measures. IK is actually doing a great job. We should even give the rich afghans born in Pakistan our nationality too. Pakistan as a country needs to spread its influence and soft power if it has to take on india and maybe iran too.

We need a Anti Afghan Govt in Islamabad ..
Anti afghan, anti india, anti iran, anti arab... Why should we be anti everyone? We will only isolate ourselves. We need to spread our soft power and influence. Afghan puppet govt does not represent its majority.
Anti afghan, anti india, anti iran, anti arab... Why should we be anti everyone? We will only isolate ourselves. We need to spread our soft power and influence. Afghan puppet govt does not represent its majority.

When Did i say we need Anti Iran or Arab govt ? :cuckoo:
Afghan govt. has been doing this all the time whenever PAkistan gives an overture since 2001. What was the bloody need for Torkham 24/7 facility, what is the bloody need for providing transit trade between Afghanistan and India.

PTI Govt. is a beghairat entity with Imran khan as the biggest fool as their leader.

He sent back Abhinandan got a slap in the face where it was found indian Govt. was planning an attack on bahawalpur. In order to appease foreign states opening up border for these Afghan snakes to come and bite us, another slap in the face. He is a complete douche bag who also has been an insult to Pakistan whether his tweets or remarks without doing anything concrete on Kashmir, Afghanistan or India. Has advisers like Shah MEhmood Qureshi and Razzaq Dawood who represent USA and India more than Pakistan, has an IMF hitman as State Bank Governor to manipulate and destroy PK Rupee. Does'nt have the foresight and follows directives from washington blindly, bloody embarassment.
Total Pushtoon Population = 4.5 crore
Pakistani Pushtoon = 3.2 crore
Afghani Pushtoon = 1.4 crore
( 40 Lakh are/were Lakh living in Pakistan and they still desire to live in Pakistan)

So as per democratic rules, Afghan Pushtoon areas belong to Pakistan Pakistan should demand referendum in Pushtoon majority Afghan Area (in Pakistani pushtoon area, referendum already held in 1947 by independent country , so no need to repeat it here)
Lolz USSR and the US couldnt do it, what makes u think Pakistan will do it.
Read again what I said. I didn't say to try and take all of Afghanistan. I said take the areas populated by the tribes that also live in Pakistan. Tribal loyalties matter more than their national identity. The tribal leaders can be given some position of power at the local level of government to pacify/satisfy them further. A limited invasion/occupation/annexation would work just fine.
The narrative that Afghans are running with is that... they're the heirs to the former empires and thus rule or should be ruling certain parts that they currently do not. Pakistan just has to switch the narrative! If Pakistan is heir to Mughals Empire then Kabul belongs to Pakistan and so does most of eastern Afghanistan.
Pakistan should start claiming area upto Amu,citing we have world largest Pashtun population+Ahmed Shah Abdali was born in Multan+Peshawar was capital of Durrani Empire.
Sense is not needed making such claims,we should follow same.

Not amu. Pakistan should stick with reuniting tribes on both sides of border which is noble cause. This is actually not that far fetched with Afghan civil war being perpetual.

Wakhan along with rest of eastern Afghanistan.
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