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Kabul's 'irresponsible, unwarranted' statement on Durand Line runs afoul of Islamabad


Jul 12, 2014
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has termed its Afghan counterpart's renewed refusal to recognise the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan as "irresponsible and unwarranted".

The Afghan foreign ministry's statement, issued on Friday in response to the opening of the 24-hour Torkham crossing by Pakistan earlier in the week, emphasised that Kabul "does not recognise the Durand Line as an official border between the two countries".

The statement issued by the Foreign Office in response pointed out that the "Pakistan-Afghanistan border is an internationally recognised, official border between the two countries in accordance with all relevant international laws and conventions".

The statement further highlighted that Pakistan believes the 24/7 opening of the new Torkham crossing point to be a "significant step forward to facilitate the people and traders of both sides".

"Such statements only serve to undermine the resolve for peace and cooperation between the two countries and should be avoided," the FO regretted.

The Afghan foreign ministry statement had issued a muted acknowledgement of Pakistan's move to open the Torkham crossing.

"The Torkham crossing in order to further help patients and facilitate trade between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will operate round the clock," it said.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had formally inaugurated the border crossing on Wednesday.

"I consider this to be a very historic day," he had said, noting that trade with Afghanistan had jumped by 50 per cent alone in the period the border opening had been trialed for a 24/7 opening.
There is only one solution to this problem and that is start claiming eastern Afghanistan along borders with Pakistan. Come up with some maps like hindutvas do. Pakistani Chitralis, Gilgitis have rightful claim over north east Afghanistan. Pashtuns can claim south eastern Afghanistan.

That is exactly what should be done. But then we are ruled by sissies who think appeasing Kabul can get our issues resolved
That is exactly what should be done. But then we are ruled by sissies who think appeasing Kabul can get our issues resolved
Use this website to spread new maps of Pakitan ask PDF administration to share them at Facebook page of PDF
After some time some politicians will also start sharing them but Pakistani government isn't going to do any such thing
Use this website to spread new maps of Pakitan ask PDF administration to share them at Facebook page of PDF
After some time some politicians will also start sharing them but Pakistani government isn't going to do any such thing
Yup we have more foot print than them,we can use it.
Use this website to spread new maps of Pakitan ask PDF administration to share them at Facebook page of PDF
After some time some politicians will also start sharing them but Pakistani government isn't going to do any such thing

Unless Pak government changes it position whatever we say would be useless. We need to start claiming land on other side of border if Kabul government doesn't change its position

It is the duty of Pak government to do it but unfortunately the cancer of marxism has hit Pakistan to the core so I don't see that happening
This is not an appropriate time to raise the temperature of an already exiting conflict with this puppet Afghan government. Reply by the foreign office is adequate. In any case, their claim has hardly any significance, at international level and no body gives a damn to it. Our core concentration should be on securing the border and helping Afghan Taliban to acquire influence, as early as possible.
if I remember correctly Pakistan gave Angoor Adda to Afghanistan.. which was our territory ...


will there be any inquiry into this? who made this decision? shouldn't responsibles be held responsible? shouldn't they be questioned as why all of a sudden they made Pakistan in area of Pakistan - Afghans? this paved the way for Afghanistan to rant further that spineless Pakistanis won't respond.. they claim area til Attock.. Foreign office should summon Afghan ambassador to protest ... and give a befitting shutup call...
If they are so sure about it not being an international border then why not dare them to come and capture it if they've the guts..
Pakistan needs to understand that these peace gestures and aid is all fine but always plan for the worse. Kabul regime will always use this nonsense because this is their only thing to stay relevant. I see PA creating buffer zone inside Afghanistan, Kabul will be made to forger durand line soon.
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