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Kabul this evening

It’s a mix of education and class divide - I am on the same page as @Irfan Baloch in fears that the same extremists which were quelled after much difficulty since the 2014 massacre of children will rise again and spread like wildfire in Pakistan. However, this is seen as general victory against India more so than America. Keep in mind, America isn’t the actual angst here for most Pakistanis as they will continue to line up and turn bottoms out for green cards even as the post away on “victory” in Afghanistan. 5 years of coddling at local levels, F-16Vs, Cobra’s and MRAPs will change those attitudes - but any hopes for peace and reconciliation between India and Pakistan are over. That hatred and anger is reflected by pretty much the same social/religious/educated class shades on both sides.

I don't think so... I think we would fare far better against the Taliban than the Americans, lets face it, the US army had huge problems with supplies, at least we won't as fighting in another piece of geography thousands of miles away is way harder than fighting against your neighbour.

You have to understand that China is also heavily involved this time, they have the money or the carrots you can say, to keep the Afghans drooling and sensible. In this scenario you could also say that the Russians are also involved.. there is no way in hell they would let a few lunatics harm CPEC, especially since the USA is finally out of the region.

Either ways, if push comes to shove, and by some miraculous design that Taliban begins to take over Balochistan, expect nukes to be used to wipe out major populations in Afghanistan, tactical nukes for Balochistan... then you can just walk in and annex Afghanistan without the fear of any "extremeists". Ofcourse, that might takes a few decades.
No my brother, they are more worried about this:
Mehwish Hayat posted an Independence Day message but all people focused on was the colour of her bra

I guess some people are anti-bra?

I bet you don‘t even know what Sharia is and are typing your posts from a free Western country lol.

People like you are the reason why your country‘s image is so bad. You are a backward follower of inhumane rules. Why don‘t you join up with the Taliban. As far as I know, Mr Jinnah wanted a secular country. Islam actually caused a lot of problems for Pakistan.
Thank god Turkey is secular.People like you are the reason why we think of your country as being radical and fundamentalist.

Another secularist
I cba wasting time talking to people who think man made laws are greater than the law of Allah.
I bet you don‘t even know what Sharia is and are typing your posts from a free Western country lol.

People like you are the reason why your country‘s image is so bad. You are a backward follower of inhumane rules. Why don‘t you join up with the Taliban. As far as I know, Mr Jinnah wanted a secular country. Islam actually caused a lot of problems for Pakistan.
Thank god Turkey is secular.People like you are the reason why we think of your country as being radical and fundamentalist.
Yes we are all Islamists we need Kemal Pasha to come and save us 😆😆
Kemalist to be precise.
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