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Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India

During this past year, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) drew attention to seven hotspots worldwide — Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chad, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe — where hunger is alarmingly widespread. Even the food security situation in Pakistan is not too good. According to WFP itself, there is an increasingly serious problem of food scarcity in many urban areas of Pakistan. The WFP has identified towns and cities across 95 of the country’s 121 districts where almost 21 million people are facing food insecurity threats like malnutrition, under-nutrition and hunger.

The problem is considered particularly severe in Balochistan, where 20 out of 25 districts with urban populations have been classified by WFP as being highly food insecure. In Sindh, 6 out of 17 districts are considered thus, while 5 out of 20 districts in NWFP are listed to be lacking food security. Moreover, access to food is said to have become a major problem for the entire FATA region. Only the populous and largely agricultural Punjab is comparatively better off than the rest of the country. But even here, only 9 out of 34 districts are reported to have adequate levels of food security on the whole.

Although comparative levels of food insecurity within these localities may be debatable, many development economists concur that there is increasing food insecurity in Pakistan. Besides natural calamities like the recent earthquake and then the floods, there are in fact numerous man-made disasters which have caused the food security situation to become so precarious. Low purchasing power, for example, is commonly blamed. Therefore, even when food is available, poor people lack the required purchasing power to be able to buy it.

The food security situation in rural areas of the country is similarly disturbing. According to an earlier WFP report, about 39 million of the country’s rural populace was estimated to lack food security in 2003, indicating an even higher incidence of food insecurity in rural areas. With land ownership at a minimum, agricultural work is increasingly less viable for the average agricultural worker, prompting many day-labourers to move to the country’s larger cities and towns in search of jobs, which further compounds the problem of unmanageable urbanisation.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
the article is about food security in pakistan and in india theres lack of food. theres a big difference. in baluchistan its the vast size which causes a problem not the lack of food, the population of baluchistan is about 6 million.
Jana and Salim,

I think India and Pakistan both have poor and hungry people we can not deny it. Hope both will work to uplift their poors out of hunger and give decent life in future. Lets bother about own country.

But saying that India should not support Afghan's for road construction, school, hospital and give possible military assistant to fight with most horrible terrorists, then it would be insane and against humanity.

Again I want to say any country should not bother about Indian poors, India has stoped taking aids and doing everything to uplift condition of Poors.
Poverty, famine and child malnutrition is something to be ashamed off, there's no trophy nor winners only losers and that includes both India and Pakistan!

Lets not waste our time to discuss who's the bigger loser here. :rolleyes:

Back to topic please: Kabul should address Pakistan’s concerns on India

and who is Kabul currently ??

The Norther Alliance, the Karzai.

Northern Alliance is Indian stoog with regard to Pakistan, It is getting funds and backing from India to carry terrorism inside Pakistan.
About Karzai well he also has no love for Pakistan pluse all the sabotage activities from Afghanistan hacth by India are carried out under the very nose of USA.

Hence interferth needs to tell US that she should stop the policy of looking towards otherside when Afghanistan is being used against Pakistan by India and Northern Alliance.

This is true. The Northern Alliances and Afghanis have different views. Northern Alliances is an Indo-Russo backed party and has always been hostile to Pakistan, while Afghanis in general are friendly towards Pakistan.
A non-Northern Alliances government would be friendly towards Pakistan and that is the true reflection of Afghanistan's views towards Pakistan.
This is true. The Northern Alliances and Afghanis have different views. Northern Alliances is an Indo-Russo backed party and has always been hostile to Pakistan, while Afghanis in general are friendly towards Pakistan.
A non-Northern Alliances government would be friendly towards Pakistan and that is the true reflection of Afghanistan's views towards Pakistan.

The Northern Alliance is also Afghanis.

It was backed by the US, Russia, India, Iran and the works.

Why should Afghanistan want Pakistan?

What contribution has Pakistan done currently, apart from organising terrorists?
The Northern Alliance is also Afghanis.

It was backed by the US, Russia, India, Iran and the works.

Why should Afghanistan want Pakistan?

What contribution has Pakistan done currently, apart from organising terrorists?

Pakistan is the biggest volunteer force for the UN.
Not Afghanistan, but the Northern Alliances have always wanted much of NWFP for 'Pakhtunistan'. Ordinary Afghanis are quite content with the Durand line as it does not ordinarily stop them from travelling to the other side.

India, Russia and Iran have always backed the Northern Alliances, which is something of a modern-day Afghani version of the Indian National Congress of the 1930s. Congress had the set aim to hurt Muslims and would go out of their way to do so, and Northern Alliances has a set aim to hurt Pakistan.
Ordinary Afghanis are quite friendly towards Pakistan.
Pakistan is the biggest volunteer force for the UN.
Not Afghanistan, but the Northern Alliances have always wanted much of NWFP for 'Pakhtunistan'. Ordinary Afghanis are quite content with the Durand line as it does not ordinarily stop them from travelling to the other side.

India, Russia and Iran have always backed the Northern Alliances, which is something of a modern-day Afghani version of the Indian National Congress of the 1930s. Congress had the set aim to hurt Muslims and would go out of their way to do so, and Northern Alliances has a set aim to hurt Pakistan.
Ordinary Afghanis are quite friendly towards Pakistan.

Look, cut out the moral stuff about being the greatest volunteer force for the UN.

India is not far behind.

Its all about MONEY. It helps the military personnel to reap a financial harvest.

Ordinary Afghans don't recognise the Durand Line. Bahadur Khan was a Pashtun of Pakistan and his party has recently won the election. Don't delude yourself with fond desires and self induced dreams.

Mehsud is very friendly with Pakistan,right? He is a Tajik, right.

Please get your facts right and then debate.

Desires are not facts.
The Northern Alliance is also Afghanis.

It was backed by the US, Russia, India, Iran and the works.

Why should Afghanistan want Pakistan?

What contribution has Pakistan done currently, apart from organising terrorists?
Northern alliance is a bunch of inhumane warlords whom's supression of their own people lead to Taliban movement of ordinary Afghanis standing up against brutal slavery of man kind but some rouge states backed up northern alliance and furnished them with wepons in order to keep the conflict alive.
When Taliban's pushed allaince of brutal warlords in north of Afghanistan they were about to get distinct till indian army came to their salvage and fought shoulder to shoulder with warlords of northern allaince.
Taliban's were independent of Pakistan and if they were fighting with 4 countries than it was their war not Pakistan's.
Look, cut out the moral stuff about being the greatest volunteer force for the UN.

India is not far behind.

Its all about MONEY. It helps the military personnel to reap a financial harvest.

Ordinary Afghans don't recognise the Durand Line. Bahadur Khan was a Pashtun of Pakistan and his party has recently won the election. Don't delude yourself with fond desires and self induced dreams.

Mehsud is very friendly with Pakistan,right? He is a Tajik, right.

Please get your facts right and then debate.

Desires are not facts.

Ordinary Afghans don't care about the Durand Line. They are allowed to cross it all the time. It makes no difference to them.
Northern alliance is a bunch of inhumane warlords whom's supression of their own people lead to Taliban movement of ordinary Afghanis standing up against brutal slavery of man kind but some rouge states backed up northern alliance and furnished them with wepons in order to keep the conflict alive.
When Taliban's pushed allaince of brutal warlords in north of Afghanistan they were about to get distinct till indian army came to their salvage and fought shoulder to shoulder with warlords of northern allaince.
Taliban's were independent of Pakistan and if they were fighting with 4 countries than it was their war not Pakistan's.

So the NA were brutal and the Mujahideens and Taliban are the most humane of them all!


Indian Army was nowhere.

Wherever you lose, you fantasise to delude and bring solace and cover yourself with self pity.

Originally Posted by Salim View Post
Mehsud is very friendly with Pakistan,right? He is a Tajik, right.
You got it all wrong.

You don't understand sarcasm it appears!

Please get your facts right and then debate.
Desires are not facts.
Get your facts right first.

Do I hear my echo?

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