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Kabul accuses Pakistan over Shiite attack

3 million out of 32 million = 20%, in what logic?

Killing 10s of innocent people looks a piece of propaganda to you, what sort of human you are? There is nothing so strong between Pakistan and Iran that you are cooking in your mind, be sure that Iranians do know you guys very well today if USA is not going parallel to your interests that doesn't mean Iran will adopt you!

Secondly looking to all our history we had no single sectarian incident and after hours of this incident a lashkar from Pakistan took responsibility and later denied out of fear! but due to hard work of NDS the culprits were captured and I hope they inserted coca cola bottles up in their arses to make them feel a little better!

The point which was raised why State of Pakistan being accused over the attack when itself is a victim....Killing wasn't propaganda ... Accusing afterward is one.....Every other thing is being accused on Pakistan by afghan officials ... And thats it we've only being accused. But they should know the consequences of spreading such hate will again end in something catastrophic.
The other day ISI stole Mrs.Karim's Egyptian cat named Sam from western part of Kabul and returned it with a shaved head. :no:

It's easy to get off the questioning table by accusing an unpopular foreign agency for one's incompetence.
The point which was raised why State of Pakistan being accused over the attack when itself is a victim....Killing wasn't propaganda ... Accusing afterward is one.....Every other thing is being accused on Pakistan by afghan officials ... And thats it we've only being accused. But they should know the consequences of spreading such hate will again end in something catastrophic.

Shiite pilgrims are also regularly killed in Iraq as well.. is it Pakistan's doing too? I wonder.
Taliban / AQ hasve never made any sectret about their animosity towards Shia. And they will continue to target Shia's with or without the Help of Pakistan.
their colleagues like Siphah Sahabah & Lashker Jhangvi do the similar work in Pakistan as well.. again without any help of ISI .. at least now.
granted there were elements symathatic to Sipah Sahabah & Al Qaeda in the secuirty agencies but that was just the reflection of the general population. but our establishment has suffered a lot from these venomous snakes that turned on them after WoT.

accusing Pakistan wont help unless the Kabul Government also tries to change the minds of its population. even if the killers are coming from Pakistan then they are definitely finding safe heavens among the Afghans before going ahead with their terrorist attacks. better intelligence and cooperation of people of Afghanistan will help stop this terrorism not just criticizing Pakistan which is barely holding itself together due to regular attacks in Kohsitan, Parachinar, Quetta and rest of the country.

the curse or sectarian terrorism will never go away forever. the killers will go underground for sometime but they can always come back unless they are reported and exposed by the people around them who know who they are.
3 million out of 32 million = 20%, in what logic?

Killing 10s of innocent people looks a piece of propaganda to you, what sort of human you are? There is nothing so strong between Pakistan and Iran that you are cooking in your mind, be sure that Iranians do know you guys very well today if USA is not going parallel to your interests that doesn't mean Iran will adopt you!

Secondly looking to all our history we had no single sectarian incident and after hours of this incident a lashkar from Pakistan took responsibility and later denied out of fear! but due to hard work of NDS the culprits were captured and I hope they inserted coca cola bottles up in their arses to make them feel a little better!

Sher Malang Jee...

Who is killing who all over the world, is no more a puzzle. This earth is not meant for angels, they are up in the skies but only desent to earth to perform their duties. So discussing, Iran knows Pakistan, Afghanistan knows Pakistan or other such points are useless for discussion. Such arguments only block your vision at the very instance when you embark on building a way to success.

In our region, what I belive, was the worst decision by our leaders (either from Afghanistan or Pakistan) when they involve super powers and the intervention started. Either it was a Russian intervention or US intervention - it only put the region in termoil - the only cheap blood was of muslims. Truth is that we both nations can't accuse each other but to sit and to think upon solution.

US on one hand is trying to be on table with taliban's but opposing such steps from Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is time to take every involved party onboard before it is too late. You and me are to suffer and suffering, US was never remain in the past neither they will took the responsibility forever. It is time to be above from the shia/sunni/wahabi or any such debate. It is time to be human first.
3 million out of 32 million = 20%, in what logic?

Killing 10s of innocent people looks a piece of propaganda to you, what sort of human you are? There is nothing so strong between Pakistan and Iran that you are cooking in your mind, be sure that Iranians do know you guys very well today if USA is not going parallel to your interests that doesn't mean Iran will adopt you!

Secondly looking to all our history we had no single sectarian incident and after hours of this incident a lashkar from Pakistan took responsibility and later denied out of fear! but due to hard work of NDS the culprits were captured and I hope they inserted coca cola bottles up in their arses to make them feel a little better!
i say u afgans have ruined our peace still u blame as ,
shame on u ............. pity on u.............
i always defended afgans but such statements make me feel i am totally wrong...........
Blaming Pakistan is part of their strategic deal with the USA. Now they are accusing us for everything like terrorist never existed in their country.

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