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Justin Trudeau and his family flee the Canadian Capitol for a secret location

From Lizard people ?

Vaccines can be effective, for some it might not be but its good to have it because Covid can have serious reactions, I am not ignorant about the news of people standing up against it I just believe that people are generally dumb and paranoid, Bill gates giving polio vaccine that's making Pakistan's impotent etc have you even talked to someone who is against the Vaccines, unfortunately I am surrounded by such people, people who recently got Covid and were against vaccines and now they were asking me which vaccine is best to take, I personally think anti Vaxers are as dumb as flat earthers.

LOL I am not even in Pakistan :) Actually what happens in Canada kinda effects me, also I am sticking where I am :) I bet you also believe birds aren't real, earth is flat and world is run by lizard people, and Air plane fuel is turning frogs gay lol

I think u dont know sh!t..you are just here for commentary on what you think about people.. clearly you couldn't answer an observation i made in my last post..typical sheep.

Justin Trudeau and his family flee the Canadian Capitol for a secret location amid security concerns as 50,000 anti-vaccine mandate 'Freedom Convoy' truckers march days after being dismissed as a 'small fringe minority'​

By Gina Martinez For Dailymail.Com19:24 29 Jan 2022, updated 06:34 30 Jan 2022
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  • Justin Trudeau and his family have left their Ottawa home amid security concerns as demonstrators marched up and down the streets in front the Prime Minister's office to rally against the vaccine mandate
  • Protestors could be seen carrying copies of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while others carried signs reading 'God keep our land glorious and free,' 'Make Canada great again,' and 'we are here for our freedom'
  • The convoy set out from British Columbia on Sunday and was cheered by hundreds of Canadians as it made its 2,000-mile journey to protest vaccine mandates
  • Since mid January, Canada and the United States have imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for foreign truck drivers crossing the border between the two countries
  • Canadian drivers are unable to enter US unless they are vaccinated, US drivers are unable to enter Canada
  • Furthermore, unvaccinated Canadian drivers returning home must get tested and quarantine
  • Unvaccinated American truckers are not forced to test and quarantine when returning to the U.S.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have left their home in the national's capital Ottawa for a secret location as up to 50,000 truckers gathered to protest against the country's vaccine mandate and Covid lockdowns.

Hundreds of truckers drove their giant rigs into the Canadian capital Ottawa on Saturday as part of a self-titled 'Freedom Convoy' which started as a protest against vaccine mandates required to cross the US border.
Days earlier, he had called the truckers headed for the city a 'small fringe minority' before the convoy of hundreds of vehicles grew up to 45 miles long as it made its way to the capital .

Trudeau's office has not commented on the Prime Minister's location for security reasons and the Canadian Parliament's Sergeant-at-Arms has warned that demonstrators could show up at the homes of officials, CBC News reported.

The prime minister's office told the Ottawa Citizen that Trudeau was continuing to 'isolate in the National Capital Region and work remotely.'

Despite security concerns, there have been no incidents at the rally, Ottawa Police said in a tweet.

Flying the Canadian flag, waving banners demanding 'Freedom' and chanting slogans against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the truckers were joined by thousands of other protesters angered not only by Covid-19 restrictions but by broader discontent with the government.

There was an enormous clamor as hundreds of big trucks, their engines rumbling, sounded their air horns non-stop.
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Hundreds of truckers drove their giant rigs into the Canadian capital Ottawa on Saturday as part of a self-titled 'Freedom Convoy' which started as a protest against vaccine mandates required to cross the US border

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Abb Kanedda ch andolan hovega :lol:
Western MSM is downplaying this event, and mostly successful at that.
Quite a shame.
Sad to see this unruly behavior in Canada :(
Nothing like that happened. Look at the source of the news.
He is actually in quarantine after exposure to COVId at his official residence in Ottawa and does press conferences from there .
I know little about Canadian society and their civil protests but i was quite shocked by this news. The level of 'Hide It' in western media is interesting. The PM is hiding because of security concerns and most of western media outlets behave in a way as if nothing happened.

I found this picture a very telling one Posted in the comment section of Daily Mail.
The level of 'Hide It' in western media is interesting. The PM is hiding because of security concerns and most of western media outlets behave in a way as if nothing happened.
This is how the western media/propaganda machine works, downplay it and foam at the mouth depending on what serves their interest.
While Trudeau can choke on a big fat moldy clump of poutine cheese, these protesters are simply adult toddlers throwing a hissy fit because the concept of "greater good" takes a backseat to "muh freedom".

I'm totally in favor of sending the lot of them to the DPRK.
Truth is, people have lost their trust in governments in the western countries.

We have to be fair with anti vaccination protesters. They have every right to be doubtful of their governments. What if west tries to control people on every level making Covid-19 an excuse of it?

People protesting out there have a reason. Insulting thousands of people is madness,
I see all the communists, dictator’s supporters and religious bigots making such a big deal out of basically a white trash protest that no one here cares or gives a shit about…..

They will spend few days drinking, vandalizing status and shitting and puking on the streets and then will crawl back under the rocks where they came from…. Mostly Alberta and territories….

That’s how it’s done here in Canada ……

Next in line Native protests …. They prefer to park their trailers on the rail lines and block them…….

It’s a cycle here no one gives a rats *** about…
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