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Justice Iftikhar visit Zaradari


May 21, 2006
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Today on GEO news , justice visit Zardari with Atizaz.

Pakistan: Deposed chief justice visits Asif Zardari in first trip since being freed ISLAMABAD, March 27 (AP): Pakistan's deposed chief justice is visiting Asif Zardari, the widower of slain opposition leader Benazir Bhutto in his first excursion since being freed from house arrest. Nazir Dhoki, a spokesman for Bhutto's party, said Chaudhry arrived Thursday evening at Asif Zardari’s home to “express condolences.” (Posted @ 20:14 PST)

Sounds like Aitzaz major player in this all game. After ex CJ visit Zardari , he lost his credibility or atleast badly affected.He is now a political figure rather then a public servant striving hard for the upsurge of judiciary . Put behind all the corruption case against PPP and Nawaz league.
For condolence, one phone call was enough. But sound like CJ is begging for his post and try to get support from PPP for his reinstatement.
ISLAMABAD, March 27: Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, along with some of the deposed judges of the Peshawar High Court, met PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari at the latter’s residence here on Thursday to offer condolences on the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

“The meeting was only meant to offer condolences on the assassination of Ms Benazir Bhutto,” former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Justice (retd) Tariq Mehmood told reporters outside the Zardari House, dispelling an impression that the meeting was linked to the issue of restoration of deposed judges.

But despite his denial that the visit had anything to do with the issue of reinstatement of judges, eye-brows were raised by the 45-minute meeting, with former chief justice Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui suggesting during an interview with the DawnNews, that it would have been better for him (Justice Iftikhar) to avoid meeting Mr Zardari, especially at a time when the issue of restoration judges was at a crucial stage.

Senior Supreme Court lawyer Naseer Ahmad Chaudhry said that although the stated reason of the meeting was to condole the death of Ms Bhutto, there might be “more to it than meets the eyes”.

Instead of such meetings, he suggested, parliament should be allowed to debate the issue of deposed judges.

Deposed judges of the PHC Chief Justice Tariq Pervez and Justice Shahjehan also attended the meeting besides SCBA President Aitzaz Ahsan, Senator Raza Rabbani and Naveed Qamar.

“How could the (deposed) chief justice ignore the botched attempt of Ms Bhutto on Nov 10, 2007, to visit him (Justice Iftikhar) at his official residence in the then besieged judges’ colony?” Mr Aitzaz Ahsan said, while talking to newsmen after the meeting.

Justice Tariq replied in the affirmative when asked if the code of conduct for judges allowed such meetings.

The activities of Justice Iftikhar on Thursday included a meeting with a six-member delegation of US congressmen, led by John F. Tierney, who heads the National Security and Foreign Affairs sub-committee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Mr Ahsan said it was meant to discuss the constitutional amendments made during the emergency rule clamped by President Pervez Musharraf as the then chief of the army staff on Nov 3.
Iftikhar’s meeting with Asif invites criticism -DAWN - Top Stories; March 28, 2008

I agree he's more Politically motivated, and wants support of Zardari for reinstatment. When will our people learn about 'JUDICIAL ACTIVSM' and its pressurizing tactics to form a parallel government system.

Nawaz and ex-ISI Hameed Gul chalked out this plan to mobilize a new movement i.e Lawyers movement. Why? Because the Public failed to come out on streets in favor of the Politicial parties, even after months of agitation calls. Nawaz FINANCED the whole movement and Hameed Gul organised it, with few stupid SOLD-OUT civil services like that of Asma Jehangir (give them money, they'd dance away).

The understanding was that Nawaz will finance everything and ex-CJP (who will ultimately become the new hero) will slowly relieve Nawaz of his haunting cases, including the Hijacking case (in which 180 passengers were aboard), Hadibia Mills case, Raiwind estate case, Helicopter case, and the murder & extortion cases of Shahbaz Sharif. Then they could stand in elections.

For all this to happen, the ex-CJP had to take up few cases against the Government (e.g Steel Mills, Hajj Quota, KHI traffic, Missing person, Sabzi daal, etc) that would project him as the saviour of poor and a man against oppression. The bribed Media had to give extensive coverage to him and highlight his so-called pro-poor stance.

This way, when the ex-CJP would STRIKE-OFF cases against Nawaz..... no one would dare to challenge and question, the so-called new saviour. Nawaz would run scot-free, with all his corruption legalized. No wonder, why Nawaz specifically wants this PCO ex-CJP scum back !
IRONY, Criminal will hear the petitions of judges!
Is it legally correct by judge to visit criminal and beg for a job?
It was a dark day when esteem of Pakistani court is undermined.
It is no less than an act of treason to the profession of judiciary.
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