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Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan

He has an uphill battle to fight.

Those 30-40 judges won't let him do anything.
I think kayani played responsibliy by brokering the deal. I wish pakistani politicians become more professional and submit themselves before the law and constitution, only this way the army can confidently accept its total subordination to the civilian government. And i think people like zardari who takes decisions like dictators will not aide to this concept of responsible and accountable politicians. Because no party cannot act like a dictator not the army and not the politicions. Everyone should be guided by principles, rule of law and constituion. Hopefully this is leads to a brighter and stable pakistani future. All the best guys.
idk but i don't see it as a positive thing! maybe i am scared but lets see what happens. All i pray that may Allah bless Pakistan! amin
Zardari again outfoxed them!!

What a BS agreement, long march should not end!

1. Chaudhary will not be reinstated till 22nd March. This means that he would SUCCEED Dogar, not replace him. This means there is no nullification of the PCO that musharraf imposed, this means, this is an acceptance of the PCO.

2. All of the above, plus when he said "We wanted to reinstate the judges as per Benazir's wishes, but since Dogar was already there and no one wanted to remove a judge, so we had to wait". With this statement the 30-40 recent appointments as judges would not be removed. These 30-40 judges are... well I don't want to invoke contempt of court on me but you get what I wanted to say about them!

3. They called off long march and said they would work with parliament now! Nothing has changed. CJ will get a ceremonial position thats it!

Mr. Zardari promised, according to PM Gillani, not to dismiss any judge and if Iftikhar replaces Dogar it would start a new conflict ....may be another lawyers movement for the restoration of Dogar....:undecided:
after all Dogar is a defacto CJP, the decision is to avoid further crisis and conflicts.
The prime minister also announced that the number of judges for the court has already been increased through legislation to accommodate the reinstated judges.
and long march should end now(alredy ended) let the Iftikhar come and we all hope BLAME GAME will not be started by any party.:pakistan:
Why are decisions taken so often that need to be reversed / undone ?
What BS has this country turned into.. so basically a lesser evil replacing a more evil person.
now i wonder if pak new justice system (doo numberi adliya) will be able to give justice to those who are getting bombed by US drones. will the new judicury be able to stop drone attacks like their party "PMLN" claims. will they have the guts to charge cases aganist the hands that just fed them if convicted.... will the deposed judges confess to the awam for working under a dictator for 6 years and legitimized his rule until 2007.

I only support this movement only because they will tear PPP another one and zardari will be no more..
Restoration of Chief justic and other judges is victory of judicary and people of pakistan. Congraulations to All who struggled day and night to restore judicary.:cheers::pakistan:
Restoration of Chief justic and other judges is victory of judicary and people of pakistan. Congraulations to All who struggled day and night to restore judicary.:cheers::pakistan:

wrong... restoration of CJ iftekar choudry and other judes is a victory for "PMLN" .
wrong... restoration of CJ iftekar choudry and other judes is a victory for "PMLN" .

I don,t agree that d credit only goes to PMLN. lawerys, civil society and people of pakistan made strenous efforts to restore judicary. The all participated in long march.
Guys whatever is being done today is going to build foundations for years to come within Pakistan.

A force of moderates

A force of literates

A force of justice

A force without any one religion

A force without a province

Insaaf chahiye tha bass. We got it! I mean now you and I can all proudly say that sure Pakistan has problems but approach our courts and you WILL get justice.
I remember shahbaz saying: long march jehlum bhi cross nahi karey ga aur judje restore hojayein gey"...

and that happened!
Welcome back Chief Justice!

People power has won! The rule of law has won over the rule of the jungle!:pakistan:


Well Ch. Iftikhar has been restored to the post of CJ of Pakistan. Now whether I like it or not but this is the reality.

First of all, congratulations to all of those who supported Ch. Iftikhar and Nawaz Sharif.

So what is next?

As a Pakistani, my humble suggestions to the chief justice of Pakistan are as follows:

Understand the expectations of your supporters and then decide if they are going to benefit Pakistan and Pakistanis or not.
For example, going on a revenge spree will not benefit Pakistan. If Musharraf or others are targeted then trust me there will be cases against NS and others at all level.

Second, please refrain yourself from any kind of political favouritisms. This is going to be tough as you have tasted fame and popularity but try your level best otherwise your supporters will be disappointed.

Third and most important – LIBERATE JUDICIARY!

The only way is to increase salaries from peon to the CJ level so that no one has to look for bribes.
I don’t mean a rupees 2000 increase; I would suggest increase in income and great benefits.

You may want to take the entire pay and benefits structure of Pakistan Army as an example, get the budget approved and then implement that structure for Pakistan’s judiciary.

While you were CJ, bribes were still common practice in our judicial systems so this should be your most important target.

CJ sahib you have this opportunity to work for the betterment of Judiciary, please don’t throw it away.

As if hes gona listen to you [Mod Edit]

Since hes restored, i see only 1 thing happening, all the shouting dogs now wont have any reason to create fuss in the country - atleast for sometime, we'll get some peace.
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