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Just heard about a Ballistic missile targeting Hawaii

Had this happened in Pakistan, people would have come out on roads to find out where the missile was exactly heading to, and then followed that.. :lol:
It happened in 1965 war. When people were asked to take shelter and turn off house lights when they hear air raid siren . The exact opposite was done by people living on eastern border areas specially Sialkot.
Fires were lit on roof tops and people stood with their guns shooting at passing Indian jets :lol:
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On a serious note, a false alarm poses a serious threat till a mad man is handling affairs in the United States..
People will find a way to blame Trump for this too...
Trump might have peed in his pants
Tell that to your Army chief who wants to check that if Nukes really work?
Oh yarra, not the same nuke war stuff again. I was mentioning to how would someone personally may have reacted to such nuke alerts in past (in Europe n US is what i mean). He got a feel of that today :D

Trump might have peed in his pants
Imagine how would have that reacted who pressed the wrong button. :lol:
Oh yarra, not the same nuke war stuff again. I was mentioning to how would someone personally may have reacted to such nuke alerts in past (in Europe n US is what i mean). He got a feel of that today :D
Hope he gets a feel today and also the world gets a feel today as well. Because the shit just got real for Hawaii for 40 mins till it was declared a false alarm. I think this was first ever because there were none given in Japan.
thank God its a false Alarm, the world can't have more nukes ..
Another pearl harbor???Man i dnt know about u guys survivin or not...

No Pearl Harbor.. But if there was, I'm sure you rationally and realistically realize that whoever fired the missiles would also receive many missiles right back.

and I don't know if they would be "survivin or not"

Bottom line though.. Certainly glad it was a false alarm. All that really matters to me at the moment.
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People will find a way to blame Trump for this too...
While you would be inclined to blame ISI as usual :D
Why push NK so hard, leaving it with no options.
While you would be inclined to blame ISI as usual :D

We all know ISI was responsible for this message. It was revenge for Donald J Trump's policy shift.
We all know ISI was responsible for this message. It was revenge for Donald J Trump's policy shift.
:lol::lol:... but then it should have been in Washington D.C.
Not in my favorite Hawaii :lol:
:lol::lol:... but then it should have been in Washington D.C.
Not in my favorite Hawaii :lol:

Visiting Hawaii & surfing the North Shore is on my bucket list :enjoy:
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