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Just a Nice Pic....

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Not sure what kadonkey meant by that three of a kind and aces high? Do you? I remember pulling this photo out of the US DoD website back in 2008 along with several others great pics and posting it on the Iran Defense Forum where many of us were participating at the time and then soon after that, this picture was on Google images and it ended up all over the world! lol. It really is one of the neatest, aviation pics out there. Bright Star exercise with the USAF and the Egyptian Air Force over the Nile Delta and taken from above all the aircraft.

Only the F-14 Tomcat, the EA-6B Prowler and the A-7 Corsair are US jets. The rest are all EAF between the trailing MiG-17, Shengyang F-6, MiG-21 with the killer zebra, spinach and sand camo, the F-16, F-4 Phantom II and the orange swathed Mirage V-SDE.
Not sure what kadonkey meant by that three of a kind and aces high? Do you? I remember pulling this photo out of the US DoD website back in 2008 along with several others great pics and posting it on the Iran Defense Forum where many of us were participating at the time and then soon after that, this picture was on Google images and it ended up all over the world! lol. It really is one of the neatest, aviation pics out there. Bright Star exercise with the USAF and the Egyptian Air Force over the Nile Delta and taken from above all the aircraft.

Only the F-14 Tomcat, the EA-6B Prowler and the A-7 Corsair are US jets. The rest are all EAF between the trailing MiG-17, Shengyang F-6, MiG-21 with the killer zebra, spinach and sand camo, the F-16, F-4 Phantom II and the orange swathed Mirage V-SDE.
I didn't look closely but I assumed he meant 3 aircraft of the same type which is not the case. Lol. need to ask him I reckon.
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This pic has me a bit perplexed, but definitely interesting. Mirage 2000 of L'armee de L'air Francais with some US celebratory paint scheme I'm guessing it's commemorating WWII and D-Day. But then the technicalities.....

High AoA and the vortices coming off the wingtips indicate it's either taking off or in an incline with full afterburner but then why the air brakes? The other thing I noticed is the heavy vortices coming off the pre-canard winglets of the Mirage 2K. That's a considerable amount of drag. No flaps or aileron action which means it's attained desired AoA and now just needs to maintain that pitch until it gets to the desired altitude. So if that's the state of the aircraft in that pic, why the deployment of the air brakes? Especially with full afterburner? I'm pretty sure they're automatic, but I'm not sure if the pilot does have the ability to override the auto feature and deploy them manually? Either way, strange condition for them to be deployed.

Anyone know why those airbrakes would be deployed if it's not in the process of slowing down?
This pic has me a bit perplexed, but definitely interesting. Mirage 2000 of L'armee de L'air Francais with some US celebratory paint scheme I'm guessing it's commemorating WWII and D-Day. But then the technicalities.....

High AoA and the vortices coming off the wingtips indicate it's either taking off or in an incline with full afterburner but then why the air brakes? The other thing I noticed is the heavy vortices coming off the pre-canard winglets of the Mirage 2K. That's a considerable amount of drag. No flaps or aileron action which means it's attained desired AoA and now just needs to maintain that pitch until it gets to the desired altitude. So if that's the state of the aircraft in that pic, why the deployment of the air brakes? Especially with full afterburner? I'm pretty sure they're automatic, but I'm not sure if the pilot does have the ability to override the auto feature and deploy them manually? Either way, strange condition for them to be deployed.

Anyone know why those airbrakes would be deployed if it's not in the process of slowing down?
It normally happens once an aircraft does touch and go maneuver.

It normally happens once an aircraft does touch and go maneuver.

That might just be it! I think you nailed it. Rare circumstance but it makes all the sense. The computer realizes he's landing and automatically raises the air brakes when his intention is to touch and go, When he pushes the throttle to take off again, it takes a few seconds for the computer to realize what the heck is going on LOL and then lowers them. The pic is taken right before they go back down. Makes sense. :tup:
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