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Jumma Khutba by Mufti Tariq Masood, duscussing Visit to Naval facility

You Hate them Sunni scholars, eh?!

No brother I do not hate Sunni scholars, in fact, I do listen to Maulana Tariq sahb, Engr Ali, Sheikh Tahir ul Qadri shb etc..I hear ulemas from every sect. I do not hate this maulana as well but I've differences with him and many other sunnis have too. You're being sectarian for no reason.
Also how did General Mushraf reach such a high rank. Was he not considered too liberal? Or General Zia ul Haq , was he not considered too extreme?

There are many things I can also not type, but the vast majority of our Military "elite" are pure sharabi kababi.

@Big Tank

This is a very complicated and complex issue, Pakistan and religion. In my opinion all I can say is that there's something intangible in Pakistan which corrupts ideologies, religions etc. No matter how inherently good any given ideology or religion is, whether local or imported, upon arrival to Pakistan it gets corrupted in due time and mutates in to something unclean and sinister. Of course there are always some individuals who shine here and there, but they're a negligible percentage with next to no influence. I believe it stands true for Pakistani Barvelis, Pakistani Salafs, Pakistani Deos, Pakistani Shias, Pakistani Communists, Pakistani Democrats etc.

This is phenomena is beyond the military and religion, or this one particular khutba etc. Yahan kay "insaano" mein koi masla hai kafi shadeed kism ka from all walks of life.
You are a proper shia sectranian individual, brainwashed to have a tunnel vision, devoid of any logical thinking. People like you need to send to Iranian border and kicked acrossed on a one way ticket. Absolute disgrace on our country.

Eh..stop distributing certificates. No one gives a wet phuk to you.
There are many things I can also not type, but the vast majority of our Military "elite" are pure sharabi kababi.

@Big Tank

This is a very complicated and complex issue, Pakistan and religion. In my opinion all I can say is that there's something intangible in Pakistan which corrupts ideologies, religions etc. No matter how inherently good any given ideology or religion is, whether local or imported, upon arrival to Pakistan it gets corrupted in due time and mutates in to something unclean and sinister. Of course there are always some individuals who shine here and there, but they're a negligible percentage with next to no influence. I believe it stands true for Pakistani Barvelis, Pakistani Salafs, Pakistani Deos, Pakistani Shias, Pakistani Communists, Pakistani Democrats etc.

This is phenomena is beyond the military and religion, or this one particular khutba etc. Yahan kay "insaano" mein koi masla hai kafi shadeed kism ka from all walks of life.
This something intangible, did this exist before 1947? Did it exist pre 1857? Did it exist pre 1757?

Now why can you not type many things? Are you bound by the Official Secrets Act or something?

About the military elite, yes I have heard similar that many if not most are as such...so no difference from the civilian elite then...?
This something intangible, did this exist before 1947? Did it exist pre 1857? Did it exist pre 1757?

Can't give you a time frame since I wasn't alive back then, sorry.

Now why can you not type many things? Are you bound by the Official Secrets Act or something?

Too many details and it's my word of mouth, i.e. no evidence in hand. Slight chance I might get in trouble as well. Therefore I can only make generic statements on this forum rather than detailing stories of certain very powerful decision makers in our military or civilian leadership.

About the military elite, yes I have heard similar that many if not most are as such...so no difference from the civilian elite then...?

No different than the civilian elites at all. Absolutely none.
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No brother I do not hate Sunni scholars, in fact, I do listen to Maulana Tariq sahb, Engr Ali, Sheikh Tahir ul Qadri shb etc..I hear ulemas from every sect. I do not hate this maulana as well but I've differences with him and many other sunnis have too. You're being sectarian for no reason.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be sectarian in my post. On a personal level, I am very much for unity amongst Muslims irrespective of sect. I have also on occasion gone to shia mosque and prayed alongside my fest friend.
There are many things I can also not type, but the vast majority of our Military "elite" are pure sharabi kababi.

@Big Tank

This is a very complicated and complex issue, Pakistan and religion. In my opinion all I can say is that there's something intangible in Pakistan which corrupts ideologies, religions etc. No matter how inherently good any given ideology or religion is, whether local or imported, upon arrival to Pakistan it gets corrupted in due time and mutates in to something unclean and sinister. Of course there are always some individuals who shine here and there, but they're a negligible percentage with next to no influence. I believe it stands true for Pakistani Barvelis, Pakistani Salafs, Pakistani Deos, Pakistani Shias, Pakistani Communists, Pakistani Democrats etc.

This is phenomena is beyond the military and religion, or this one particular khutba etc. Yahan kay "insaano" mein koi masla hai kafi shadeed kism ka from all walks of life.

I agree with your point. Everything gets corrupted upon its arrival in Pakistan. Mil Elite have been mostly secular except Zia who just used religion to stay in Power. In real, all he did was lick the west. Take Ayub, Yahya and Mushi. All of them have been liberal, shababi and kababi.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be sectarian in my post. On a personal level, I am very much for unity amongst Muslims irrespective of sect. I have also on occasion gone to shia mosque and prayed alongside my fest friend.

That's okay. I thought you just misunderstood me. I've prayed in Sunni mosques since most of the time. I listen to a lot of Sunni Ulema.
Eh..stop distributing certificates. No one gives a wet phuk to you.

I am not giving you any fking certificate son. Do us all a favour. Fk off from these lands of pure and stick your nose in your Persian mullahs demi gods ***. Pakistan do not need individuals within having split loyalty. Or better join your brethen in syria. People like you are evidence that there should be a strong regulation on shia scholars and their links with Iran and this should be uprooted, who inturn brainwash Pakistani shias. Pakistan cannot afford to have d!ckheads like you, brainwashed and brain dead. Good and bad Taliban you said?? Ahole, I got info for you, Mullah Mansoor was coming from your beloved Iran meeting his family there before being killed.

The meaning of national interest is something not known to your likes.
I am not giving you any fking certificate son. Do us all a favour. Fk off from these lands of pure and stick your nose in your Persian mullahs demi gods ***. Pakistan do not need individuals within having split loyalty. Or better join your brethen in syria. People like you are evidence that there should be a strong regulation on shia scholars and their links with Iran and this should be uprooted, who inturn brainwash Pakistani shias. Pakistan cannot afford to have d!ckheads like you, brainwashed and brain dead. Good and bad Taliban you said?? Ahole, I got info for you, Mullah Mansoor was coming from your beloved Iran meeting his family there before being killed.

The meaning of national interest is something not known to your likes.

I won't even waste my time reading your dirty comment. Do us a favor instead, return to Pakistan and stop bitching about Pakistani Shias from abroad. Face me and put your argument, I'll offer you a dinner at my home with all respect I can :)

I am not giving you any fking certificate son. Do us all a favour. Fk off from these lands of pure and stick your nose in your Persian mullahs demi gods ***. Pakistan do not need individuals within having split loyalty. Or better join your brethen in syria. People like you are evidence that there should be a strong regulation on shia scholars and their links with Iran and this should be uprooted, who inturn brainwash Pakistani shias. Pakistan cannot afford to have d!ckheads like you, brainwashed and brain dead. Good and bad Taliban you said?? Ahole, I got info for you, Mullah Mansoor was coming from your beloved Iran meeting his family there before being killed.

The meaning of national interest is something not known to your likes.

@waz please..
I won't even waste my time reading your dirty comment. Do us a favor instead, return to Pakistan and stop bitching about Pakistani Shias from abroad. Face me and put your argument, I'll offer you a dinner at my home with all respect I can :)

You should read my comments kiddo, they are enlightening.

I am more useful to Pakistan where I am, unlike you lot who moan and bitch while singing from hymn sheet of someone else. I have problem with anyone who is deviod of basic understanding about national interest, be it shia or wahhabi, a Persian arselicker or Arab bootlicker. All your comments are clear signs as to where your kabba is. And with your good and bad Taliban comment, I would strongly advise you to think about where Mullah Mansoor was coming from before he got killed.

Sure, I will face you next time when I am Pakistan. Where do you live?

And stop being a spoil brat and tagging mods will yea?
You should read my comments kiddo, they are enlightening.

I am more useful to Pakistan where I am, unlike you lot who moan and bitch while singing from hymn sheet of someone else. I have problem with anyone who is deviod of basic understanding about national interest, be it shia or wahhabi, a Persian arselicker or Arab bootlicker. All your comments are clear signs as to where your kabba is. And with your good and bad Taliban comment, I would strongly advise you to think about where Mullah Mansoor was coming from before he got killed.

Sure, I will face you next time when I am Pakistan. Where do you live?

And stop being a spoil brat and tagging mods will yea?

Again, I won't read it all since you're acting like a 15yo with no sense of manners. I won't reply to your abusive selection of words with the same. So kindly stop wining like a kid and be a man. Please let me know when you visit Pakistan. Meet me at my home, have dinner and discuss the reservations you've. I'd love if you see me personally and talk with patience. You don't need to "face" me. Kids do that brother, and I hope you're not one. Why would you require to face a fellow Pakistani and fellow Muslim. That's the reason I invited you at my home for a meal. That's the best way to talk and sort things out. I hope I can help you get my narrative.
Again, I won't read it all since you're acting like a 15yo with no sense of manners. I won't reply to your abusive selection of words with the same. So kindly stop wining like a kid and be a man. Please let me know when you visit Pakistan. Meet me at my home, have dinner and discuss the reservations you've. I'd love if you see me personally and talk with patience. You don't need to "face" me. Kids do that brother, and I hope you're not one. Why would you require to face a fellow Pakistani and fellow Muslim. That's the reason I invited you at my home for a meal. That's the best way to talk and sort things out. I hope I can help you get my narrative.

Since you wanted to "face" me (read your comments again) , I can only reciprocate.

I am old enough to understand what "national interests" mean and to achive those, by any hook or crook, every Pakistani should understand this (Sunni , shia or whoever). When state make a choice, ALL should fall behind without questioning state. Worst are those who object based on "imported" narrative of forigen entities.

It's non of my business neither I am one bit interested in your faith, its your personal choice. BUT when you question state with comments like "good or bad Taliban", those are in bad taste with sectranian colour. Look around you, every nation is acting in their own self interest , how long we are going to let our thought process be hijacked by forigen entities who we might consider holy cows.

I appreciate you inviting me, I will be honoured . Meanwhile, carry on debate here.
Very worrying development to be honest.
Tariq Masood is a Deobandi alim who has spoken against the practices of other groups particularly the Barelvi school.

For evidence please see his lecture on how celebrating the birth of the Prophet(saws) is a biddah and not permitted.

Now bare in mind that the Mliad is a national holiday and there are refutations against what is being said, which I won't get into.

Here is another video;

How can such a polarising figure be allowed to come and speak at the armed forces of a nation which are meant to represent all? Why don't we see Imams from other fiqh allowed?
I'm sorry people have had grave concerns about the navy in the past, and there have been purges and investigations but this will make people edgy.
They could have for example invited people like Maulna Tariq Jameel saib, who is a very well respected Deobandi alim and who has done fantastic work in bringing al schools of thought together as Muslims and united Pakistanis. But this move is simply strange and at odds with many things.

You have touched THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT as far as Muslims are concerned in this age of persecution and annihilation directed against the Muslims. Maulanas who create furher division among the Muslims should be carefully avoided. I said carefully because if done foolishly that will also create division. Maulanas who understand how intolerant views harm Islam should be encouraged and rewarded at every level. By tolerance I don't mean liberalism because what liberalism stands for is clearly against the principles of Islam. By tolerance I mean practicing Islam with due respect to other religions and other denominations within the Muslim community. Behaviour patterns displayed by Daesh terrorists, wahabi extremists, takfiri extremists or the shia extremists are simply unacceptable at this time of extremely high level of uncertainty and insecurity. In other hand sectarian mindset must be dealt with an iron fist but also with hikma or else doom is awaiting every single Muslim, be it a Deoband, Berelevi or Ahle Hadith.
Every mullah is going to become pro military when he sees some benefit ahead. We do not mullahs who give us good taliban and bad talib theory. Enough of this. Taliban is a mindset which we need to put out regardless of those who are pro or those who oppose.
Dont be a stereotype in your hatred for Islam ... You are behaving like those anti establishment bitches who keep on bashing armed forces ...

There are good and bad people in every society and unfortunately a vast majority of our religious leaders are morons but we have superior intellucts like moulana tariq jameel, dr. Israr ahmed ...

Kindly refrain from using words like all mullah are same as it will help our enemies to crate a further divide ... We should get out of personal grudges and should follow a principle based approach ... If someone is principally roght then praise him even if he our enemy ...

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