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July 4, 1999 - The Day Clinton Stopped Pakistan from Nuking india

I do not think that Pakistan would have nuked India as they know the result of nuking India.

even if they wanted to do that they couldn't done that, because at the time there was no delivery system for nuclear bomb in pakistan. their missiles don't even work properly. during kargil war Musharraf orders his general to launch the missile against india, but his commanders refused to do that because the accuracy of the missile systems of pakistan was worse so they fear that the missile could hit pakistani cites.

A retired Pakistani nuclear scientist has claimed that former Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s 1999 military adventurism in the Kargil region of divided Kashmir failed in part because the North Korea-aided, nuclear-capable Ghauri missiles he wanted to deploy then had a faulty guidance system.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the scientist said that during the Kargil crisis of May-July 1999, Musharraf, who was then army chief, “wanted to deploy Ghauri missiles, but air went out of his balloon when the top general in charge of the missile program told him the missile had a faulty guidance systems

Over a year earlier, on April 6, 1998, Pakistan had carried out what it described as a successful first test of the intermediate-range ballistic missile, developed by Khan Research Laboratory with North Korean assistance.

Even Musharraf, who witnessed that Ghauri launch as a local corps commander, had been led to believe it was a success then, according to the nuclear scientist, who until recently had long been closely associated with the country’s nuclear and missile programs.

The truth, he said, is that the ballistic missile failed to reach its predesignated impact point in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan and its debris could not be found — something that would have undermined the missile’s deterrent effect if it were made public.

North's missiles tied to Musharraf blunder | The Japan Times

Pakistan went to ask his former daddy.
actually clinton saved pakistanis from indian forces... after kargil war musharaf was left with eggs in his face.
The title of this thread seem to suggest that the video is about Clinton somehow saving India from Pakistan, but instead the video is all about how stupid and clueless Pakistan was at that time about the consequences.
Clinton himself clearly said that Pakistan used to try and get USA involve to get to control the war.
He also said that Pakistani government (Sharrif) was clueless about what was going on with their own nuclear weapons
A retired Pakistani nuclear scientist has claimed that former Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s 1999 military adventurism in the Kargil region of divided Kashmir failed in part because the North Korea-aided, nuclear-capable Ghauri missiles he wanted to deploy then had a faulty guidance system.
Am I supposed to be surprised? :woot:

:lol: :lol:
:what: Why did he miss the nobel prize for best literature in fiction along with Musharraf.
Ah it went to lewinksy for below the belt performance :D.

There was some serious stuff going on away from media and public view. Once Pakistan understood its Kargil blunder, and feared the advancing Indian army is going to capture GB and P0K. Pakistan had 2 options: 1) Approach international community especially US to convince India for a ceasefire 2) If the international mediation failed, it was ready to start a nuke war with India or at least use nukes as bargaining chip with US to mediate for a ceasefire.
The truth, he said, is that the ballistic missile failed to reach its predesignated impact point in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan and its debris could not be found — something that would have undermined the missile’s deterrent effect if it were made public.

North Korean missiles!!! Museum pieces. Bah!

How about Chinese missiles given to Pakistan?

2) If the international mediation failed, it was ready to start a nuke war with India or at least use nukes as bargaining chip with US to mediate for a ceasefire.
We should have called their bluff. Once they use nukes they are done with. No bloody bargaining its just blasting.
Frankly what would have been their standing in international society and they would be been denuclearised.

The problem with pakistan is that western audience gives them a lot space. So pakistan puts up a monkey show. If india stands firm and we dont care then they will come down to earth.
Look whos Talking
mean while in india

Its a test fire, not operational one. What makes you think any country can build missiles without failures or snags ?
Any reason why british company used isro to launch satellites if they were not reliable? Oh I see they wanted insurance money from failed launch.
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