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July 4, 1999 - The Day Clinton Stopped Pakistan from Nuking india

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Garbage propaganda. No such plan existed

They (west) may have been worried about escalations but no plans to consider going nuclear existed. This is misinformation
India the paper tiger getting thrashed by little Pakistan for over 6 decades. :rofl:


India the paper tiger getting thrashed by little Pakistan for over 6 decades. :rofl:

Only in the other thread, i saw some responsible posts from u, it seems, you were out of form, and now u r back :D
Pakistan didn't need to nuke India. Indians were getting smacked all over Kargil and it was only after the coward ns relented that Indians did any damage.

LOL, and that is why Nawaz Sharif ran to US, Musharraf to China and Pakistani Foreign Office to UN and the Ummah.....and we all know what their answer was to Pakistan's plea.
thats also mine birthday. So be prepared Indians because the Lion is coming :pakistan:

July 27 is also around the corner :P my birthday and Vijaya Divas.

That day its also my birthday, so be prepared Indians :) Lion of Religion is comming :pakistan:
why clinton, why? kya bigara tha tumhara?
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