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People of Karachi never needed another Jalsa, they are politically mature people as compared to Lahore, they only needed fail elections and PTI would have won.. even in Lahore, PTI would have won had it been fair elections, our mistakes included cause the defeat.
Yaar I was just repeating what my aunt said, if PTI did the second jalsa MQM would have lost from nine zero, in fact I'm still really pissed about IK not doing anything about the shit election in Karachi.:hitwall:

At the time I like to stay optimistic that god will intervene at some point.
Yaar I was just repeating what my aunt said, if PTI did the second jalsa MQM would have lost from nine zero, in fact I'm still really pissed about IK not doing anything about the shit election in Karachi.:hitwall:

At the time I like to stay optimistic that god will intervene at some point.

people say the same thing about Lahore, had he not fallen from stage, things would have turned... but honestly, in Lahore we were sure of win, but they rigged.. and I am sure same be the case in Karachi... obviously your aunt has better understanding than me.. so another jalsa would have nailed it.

well I hope, and pray to Allah for Imran Khan's win next time...amen.
people say the same thing about Lahore, had he not fallen from stage, things would have turned... but honestly, in Lahore we were sure of win, but they rigged.. and I am sure same be the case in Karachi... obviously your aunt has better understanding than me.. so another jalsa would have nailed it.

well I hope, and pray to Allah for Imran Khan's win next time...amen.
haha I should clarify my aunt's statement, what she really meant was that out of the total seat in Karachi PTI was winning after the 1st jalsa was something like 60% but after the second Jalsa it would have been some like 80%-90%.

people say the same thing about Lahore, had he not fallen from stage, things would have turned... but honestly, in Lahore we were sure of win, but they rigged.. and I am sure same be the case in Karachi... obviously your aunt has better understanding than me.. so another jalsa would have nailed it.

well I hope, and pray to Allah for Imran Khan's win next time...amen.
dude if this anything like this happens during the LB election and Ik doesn't come out on the street then It would be a bigger disappointment then general elections.
haha I should clarify my aunt's statement, what she really meant was that out of the total seat in Karachi PTI was winning after the 1st jalsa was something like 60% but after the second Jalsa it would have been some like 80%-90%.

dude if this anything like this happens during the LB election and Ik doesn't come out on the street then It would be a bigger disappointment then general elections.

LB elections in KP will be fair. as far as other provinces, I dont think they will hold elections anytime soon...
NA-122 that IK lost by 8K votes. Speaker Assembly has got a stay-order against re-checking of votes there.

Halka#147>>>In only 6 polling stations out of 111 re-checking was done. Out of 4762 votes cast 3224 were fake. Then court ordered opening of ALL 111 stations & in desperation, corrupt riggers dumped National-Assembly votes into bags for Provincial-Assembly.

So-called investment of $35 Billion that PML-N claimed, it was actually a loan. Anf that too at rate of 7% where as Asian Development Bank etc loan at 2-3%.

Watch 15:15+ onwards of part-1 & then part-2.



Thread by "Leader":PP-97 Gujranwala, PML-N election rigging proved, results of 37 polling stations declared null by election tribunal.

Poster of following video wrote:

"یہ دیکھیں کیوں کر مولوی ڈیزل المعروف فضل الرحمن نواز شریف کے ساتھ ہے اور کیوں مولوی ڈیزل اس دھاندلی سے بھر پور انتخابات کو انتہائی شرعی اور عادلانہ قرار دینے پر مصر ہیں. یہ ہے دھاندلی کرنے کا صحیح اور جائز طریقہ. اب دیکھتے ہیں کہ یہ مولوی ڈیزل، اس کے حامی اور حواری اور تکفیری خارجی دہشتگرد اس عمل کی کیسے حمایت کرتے ہیں. یہ قومی اسمبلی کے حلقہ این اے - ٢٦٢ قلعہ عبد الله کی ویڈیو ہے. یہ بلوچستان کا وہی واحد حلقہ ہے جہاں ١٠٠ فی صد پولنگ ریکارڈ کی گئی تھی بلکہ ایک پولنگ اسٹیشن پر ٣١٥ رجسٹرڈ ووٹوں کے بالمقابل ٥٨١ ووٹ ڈالے گئے تھے. اس بے ایمانی، دھاندلی اور چوری کا نام مولوی ڈیزل اور اس کے ہم نوا تکفیری خارجی دہشتگردوں نے جمہوریت رکھ چھوڑا ہے."

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The head of ECP should be dragged on the streets, i know he is old man, but that does not mean he is immune from the wrath of the public for all that he said and did during the elections. Let him be a lesson for the others. In Pakistan people will learn only through the hard way.

Why not try him for treason against the nation and mismanagement of funds and lying to the nation, he wasted millions of dollars from public funds on these elections and they call it most free and fair elections in the history of Pakistan.
این اے 128 میں دھاندلی ثابت ہونے پرمسلم لیگ (ن) کے رکن اسمبلی نے جج پرہی اظہارعدم اعتماد کردیا

لاہور: 11 مئی 2013 کو ہونے والے عام انتخابات کے دوران قومی اسمبلی کے حلقہ این اے 128 میں دھاندلی ثابت ہونے پرمسلم لیگ ن کے رکن قومی اسمبلی ملک افضل کھوکھر نے الیکشن ٹریبونل جج پرعدم اعتماد کا اظہار کردیا۔

الیکشن ٹریبونل کے جج جسٹس (ر) کاظم ملک نے قومی اسمبلی کے حلقہ این اے 128 پر پاکستان تحریک انصاف کرامت کھوکھر کی جانب سے انتخابی عزرداری کی سماعت کی، گزشتہ سماعت کے دوران انتخابی دھاندلی سے متعلق جائزہ رپورٹ الیکشن ٹربیونل کوجمع کروائی تھی۔ رپورٹ میں کہا گیا کہ پٹواری راحیل اصغر نے بطور اسسٹنٹ پریزئیڈانگ افسر پولنگ اسٹیشن نمبر11 میں فرائض سرانجام دئیے۔ اس پولنگ اسٹیشن کے تھیلوں سے بیلٹ پیپرز ہی نہیں نکلے جب کہ یہاں بارہ ہزار ووٹ ظاہر کئے گئے۔ اس کے علاوہ اسی حلقے کے 175 پولنگ اسٹیشنز کے پریزائیڈنگ افسران نے بھی بیلٹ پیپرز کا کوئی ریکارڈ ہی جمع نہیں کروایا۔ اس حلقے میں ایک لاکھ 92 ہزار 660 ووٹ ڈالے گئے جبکہ ریٹرننگ آفیسر نے 2 لاکھ 23 ہزار 132 ووٹ کے نتائج جاری کئے۔

سماعت پر جسٹس کاظم ملک نے ریمارکس دئیے کہ چونکہ رکن قومی اسمبلی ملک افضل کھوکھر نے جج پرعدم اعتماد کا اظہار کردیا ہے جس کے باعث وہ کیس کا فیصلہ نہیں سنا سکتے۔

این اے 128 میں دھاندلی ثابت ہونے پرمسلم لیگ (ن) کے رکن اسمبلی نے جج پرہی اظہارعدم اعتماد کردیا – ایکسپریسس اردو

Yet another example of rigging in 2013 elections. League's Members National Assembly Malik Afzal Khokar declared non-confidence on the Judge.

Kar lo jo karna hey.
NA-128 rigging:

1:05+ PML-N lied that they had accepted 5 out of 6 demands. When asked to state that in writing they hadn't accepted ANY of the 6 demands.

5:35+ NO investment coming from China, that is actually a LOAN at a higher interest rate (~7%).
Pakistanis pay 35% tax & for indians NS decided 30% tax.

PP-97 rigging by PML-N:
(Link to Video)
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