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Judge rejects minor girl's plea to skip swim class on religious grounds

Pitiful, shameful comments by members on here who are twice or even three times this little girl's age. Imposing their beliefs and their views on how she should be acting and what she should and should not do. She is simply being asked to be excused from a swimming class. She is not asking for anything more. But of course members who do make these comments do suffer from self-image and infeority complexes.

Can you please let me know how advocating that she should integrate into German society and culture, cuz that is where she lives, is inferiority complex? It has nothing to do with swimming class, but when every damn student in the school is following one rule, this girl ALONE shouldnt be excused.

This is the problem with radical Muslims. They go wherever they want and then attempt to change the culture and practices of the people living there. They always want special privileges, special treatment and they always have to stand apart and never integrate.

And then they complain of discrimination. What nonsense. Would you allow a German national staying in your country to sunbathe in bikinis? What if she filed a case in court asking for special rights to wear bikinis? You'd lose your minds about how it is all against Islam blah blah. Hypocrisy at its best.
Can you please let me know how advocating that she should integrate into German society and culture, cuz that is where she lives, is inferiority complex? It has nothing to do with swimming class, but when every damn student in the school is following one rule, this girl ALONE shouldnt be excused.

This is the problem with radical Muslims. They go wherever they want and then attempt to change the culture and practices of the people living there. They always want special privileges, special treatment and they always have to stand apart and never integrate.

And then they complain of discrimination. What nonsense. Would you allow a German national staying in your country to sunbathe in bikinis? What if she filed a case in court asking for special rights to wear bikinis? You'd lose your minds about how it is all against Islam blah blah. Hypocrisy at its best.

what an ignorant reply. you people have no conception of civility.
what an ignorant reply. you people have no conception of civility.

do you not adhere to US laws in the US? his point that you called lacked civility, was spot on. You adhere to US (a christian Judea country as a majority) laws every day. Are you bowing to US incivility too?
what an ignorant reply. you people have no conception of civility.

Nice evasive maneuver. Happens when you cant explain your position and justify it.

On the other hand, why do you have to go to these countries that have no civility....like Germany for example. Why not go to countries where everything is so damn civil...like Saudi for instance? Where they might cut your head off if you dont believe in God or whatever.
do you not adhere to US laws in the US? his point that you called lacked civility, was spot on. You adhere to US (a christian Judea country as a majority) laws every day. Are you bowing to US incivility too?

What an unintelligible post.

Laws in the U.S. are not based on religion. There is a seperation between Church and State. Since you being an immmigrant I'm not so sure you ever had a change to learn these things.

One of the fundamental values of the U.S. is "Freedom of Religion." Something the likes of your kind cannot understand.

But when your fellow sikhs in Western Countries get discriminated in employment hiring because of their turban or for not shaving because of -standard dress code, code of conduct/ appeareance standards or for being mistaken for Muslims, or for having to have their tubran searched at airports for security screening you people cry foul.
But when your fellow sikhs in Western Countries get discriminated in employment hiring because of their turban or for not shaving because of -standard dress code, code of conduct/ appeareance standards or for being mistaken for Muslims, or for having to have their tubran searched at airports for security screening you people cry foul.

I would generally advocate for Sikhs to follow the American way of dress code even in the US. If they dont, well, then they have to go through the trouble of being stopped and having their turbans checked. Same applies to hiring. I dont advocate special rights for anyone. Be a roman in rome. Blend in, mix with the locals, appreciate and adopt the local culture and enjoy yourself. If you cant, then get out of that place. Thats my policy.
What are the Local, Provincial, Federal German Statues relating to this issue? Anybody knows?
What an unintelligible post.

Laws in the U.S. are not based on religion. There is a seperation between Church and State. Since you being an immmigrant I'm not so sure you ever had a change to learn these things.

One of the fundamental values of the U.S. is "Freedom of Religion." Something the likes of your kind cannot understand.

But when your fellow sikhs in Western Countries get discriminated in employment hiring because of their turban or for not shaving because of -standard dress code, code of conduct/ appeareance standards or for being mistaken for Muslims, or for having to have their tubran searched at airports for security screening you people cry foul.

unintelligible is not knowing that the very same laws would be adhered to in the US.

unintelligible is not knowing separation of church and state is what is happening in Germany ( laws are laws regardless of religion)

Last time I checked sharia was not the law or a law also allowed in the US, even if this girl's parents want folks to adhere to it. after all that's the basis of the request. They would face the same result in the US

I know my fundamental rights in the US, you are confused apparently. Perhaps yours sense for special entitlement is overwhelming.
unintelligible is not knowing that the very same laws would be adhered to in the US.

unintelligible is not knowing separation of church and state is what is happening in Germany ( laws are laws regardless of religion)

Last time I checked sharia was not the law or a law also allowed in the US, even if this girl's parents want folks to adhere to it. after all that's the basis of the request. They would face the same result in the US

I know my fundamental rights in the US, you are confused apparently. Perhaps yours sense for special entitlement is overwhelming.

what a bunch of b.s. at least have some dignity to post a reply with out fabrications and distortions of the truth. typical pathetic behavior.
what a bunch of b.s. at least have some dignity to post a reply with out fabrications and distortions of the truth. typical pathetic behavior.

That's it? That's all you come back with when I break down and educate you about separation of church and state? :no: Come on tell me what is bunch of BS in my statement? I'll even quote it for you to re-read it below.

unintelligible is not knowing that the very same laws would be adhered to in the US.

unintelligible is not knowing separation of church and state is what is happening in Germany ( laws are laws regardless of religion)

Last time I checked sharia was not the law or a law also allowed in the US, even if this girl's parents want folks to adhere to it. after all that's the basis of the request. They would face the same result in the US

I know my fundamental rights in the US, you are confused apparently. Perhaps yours sense for special entitlement is overwhelming.
That's it? That's all you come back with when I break down and educate you about separation of church and state? :no: Come on tell me what is bunch of BS in my statement? I'll even quote it for you to re-read it below.

your garbage post is not worthy of a dignified reply.
your garbage post is not worthy of a dignified reply.

ahhh... the proverbial, I can't debate the issue because he showed me up. so i'll resort to " you such meanie" :lol: anyways been fun. Next time, re-read the constitution of the United States of America when you feel like you'd want to debate it on it's merit, without having a clue about it.
Why don't these stupid judges let the public skip the things they don't want to do.
Because you cant have different rules for different students. A school has to offer a curriculum and stick to it. You cant make religion based laws here.
Sick ******* Europeans. These pedos cannot even stay out of a teenager's life. Privacy is not a privilege, but a right.

That's sick man. If the girl doesn't want to do, she doesn't want to do it. Why force her?

Yes, why does she need to learn how to swim? It's not like people can drown in water...


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