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Journalist’s killing sends shockwaves across India

Shame on (such) Modi's India:

And look at this:

Mr. Modi you are following a Twitter handle that called a murdered journalist lady a B*tch.
What new India are you making with such demeanor of yours?

How many times has the Central Government voluntarily suggested the CBI investigation?
So why here?
To save who?

India is rotting from within when its citizens abuse and kill their journalists, and more, our BESHARM PM follows such people.
Commies want to kill another reporter for exposing them over Gauri's death!!

Congress and Commies completely exposed in Gauri's murder.


She translated Gujarat Files in Kanada language.
May be thats the reason she was done away with?

The PM of the nation follows a man who mocks the death of jouranlist with choicest abusive words:


You think this PM is going to hand you over a new India?

My foot.
Congress killed Gauri. She was investigating Siddu Khan's govt in Karnataka and hence she was bumped off.

Why are they afraid of CBI investigation?
Did Sonia Gandhi ordered the hit on Gauri the same way she got Sunanda killed?
2 birds with a single stone. Worse is the eco system helping Congress get away with murder.
Congress is not genocidal or are mass murderers. RSS-BJP is not a political party; rather an extremist organization. Wherever RSS is, they tried to stir up religious tensions and killings. Hey.. we all know about the dreams of that expired swines Kuru Golwalkar, Bheer-Savarkar, Hedgewar, Godse etc. We know they want Hindu Rashtra devoid of Muslims, Christians, Communists. Hey, RSS agenda is now been taught across states like Kerala. We all know your terror group is the ISIS of India. RSS silences any opposing voices more so than naxals.
Congress is not genocidal or are mass murderers. RSS-BJP is not a political party; rather an extremist organization. Wherever RSS is, they tried to stir up religious tensions and killings. Hey.. we all know about the dreams of that expired swines Kuru Golwalkar, Bheer-Savarkar, Hedgewar, Godse etc. We know they want Hindu Rashtra devoid of Muslims, Christians, Communists. Hey, RSS agenda is now been taught across states like Kerala. We all know your terror group is the ISIS of India. RSS silences any opposing voices more so than naxals.

Congress is not mass murderers eh...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sikh genocide is perhaps everyone's imagination.
What about genocide of Kashmiri Pandits?
What about the thousands of ethnic cleansings of Hindus after independence under able guidance of Congress, do they not count?
How about emergency?

There are only two groups Congress cares about & Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists are not part of that group. They would exterminate every citizen of India to lick the armpits of these 2 groups and smile while exterminating us.

Problem with your kind is the prism you have built over your narrative. Most of the other people are not believing what u are selling ;)

Coming back to topic,
It's blatantly obvious Congress killed this lady like they killed Sunanda Pushkar on orders of Vatican slave Sonia Gandhi.
The so called freedom of speech in India is reserved only for those who speak the government (read right-wing extremist Hindu) language, everyone else from petty soldiers complaining on you tube videos to journalists with conscience get freedom from life.

So called freedom of speech in India is based on killing journalists , how cruel and primitively savage.
World over the condemnation is pouring in from overseas.
While in India the PM is following dead journalist's abusers.

Just be the best abuser on Twitter, abuse AAP, Congress, and voila!
The PM is following you.
No amount of shite washing will absolve Sonia Gandhi from murder of gauri and Sunanda.
She killed 2 woman just to cover up her crimes.

CBI must use third degree on Siddiramayya Khan and Sonia Begum and get to the bottom of the truth.
Didn't the BJP have a state funeral for the gow rakshak guy who killed a muslim man on the false pretext of eating beef? Wasn't his body draped in the Tricolor and a politician even paid homage? Oh wait, lets honor a murderer, but defame a senselessly murdered journalist who was wrongly convicted and was out on bail still fighting the case. Kudos.
No, the current state of affairs of intimidation and neo-ultranationalism based on a misinterpreted context of Hindutva will NOT be tolerated. The voices of reason will prevail. This stupidity will stop. And sane people will do that. Just watch.
First thing first, Do you even know what state funeral is? Now coming to gau rakshak guy, he wasn't convicted was just only an accused, unlike this journalist. But for you the first guy is guilty without a due process of justice while you are casting aspersions on the court in the case of journalist. Justice Secular this cockeyed, self entitled sense of superiority won't work anymore.

"The voices of reason will prevail. Yeah I agree voices of reason WILL prevail but not of professional breast beaters who cry hoarse over a murder without any investigation. You guys are nothing but vultures who are gorging on the dead body of this lady for your politics. This stupidity will stop, here also I agree with, people are seeing through this fake outrage without any proofs election after election.
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