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Journalist Haroon Rasheed on PPP Longest Rule/18th Amendment: Pakistan has now become Confederation


Dec 1, 2015
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Very valid points he has raised - starting from 31:30 to 37:53

He is absolutely right....

Sindh province, with on top of it - PPP's Decades/longest Rule since 2007, looks more like Sindh Republic than Sindh Province.

A Different Country with Monarchy/Kingdom of ONE PARTY.

Pakistan is now a CONFEDERATION....

Some serious experienced people who have seen history, all over Pakistan are getting worried over this !!!

This is leading to SindhuDesh straight away...

Despite being close to Pindi....He said in live program that PPP has been given FREE HAND to rule till whenever she wants...

So, media is now frequently mentioning it in live programs, mentioned by even those who are considered very close to establishment.
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Very valid points he has raised - starting from 31:30 to 37:53

He is absolutely right....

Sindh province, with on top of it - PPP's Decades/longest Rule since 2007, looks more like Sindh Republic than Sindh Province.

A Different Country with Monarchy/Kingdom of ONE PARTY.

Pakistan is now a CONFEDERATION....

Some serious experienced people who have seen history, all over Pakistan are getting worried over this !!!

This is leading to SindhuDesh straight away...

Despite being close to Pindi....He said in live program that PPP has been given FREE HAND to rule till whenever she wants...

So, media is now frequently mentioning it in live programs, mentioned by even those who are considered very close to establishment.

He is an old fool, who needs an audience to feel important, so they've given him a show. Sometimes he is right, he has that granddad style of speaking so it's kind of enjoyable, but in terms of information, he's mostly full of crap. As here.
Rather cities / districts should get more power directly from federal government not the provincial government.

Pakistan cannot move forward economically if PPP strangulates karachi beyond 2023.

Even to give interview for job in Sindh Government, you need to pay Rs 500 - Rs 1000 to enter the interview room.

More than 95 % of SHO's of Sindh Police in Karachi, DON'T HAVE DOMICILES OF KARACHI CITY.

Similar is the case with GRADE 19 and above officers of the Sindh Government.

Bribery is RAMPANT, no accountability.

But what do you expect, when the so called patriotic institutions, claiming to protect territorial integrity of the country are CONVERTING SHOPPING MALLS INTO WAR COLLEGES OVERNIGHT.
He is an old fool, who needs an audience to feel important, so they've given him a show. Sometimes he is right, he has that granddad style of speaking so it's kind of enjoyable, but in terms of information, he's mostly full of crap. As here.

He is right here too. Pee Pee Pee is playing the same role that it played in 1971. Sindh is treated like a personal fiefdom of Zardari family. They are minting money every day and nobody is there to stop them. Establishment is fully backing this corrupt party to loot this country and destroy its biggest city as much it wants to
He is right here too. Pee Pee Pee is playing the same role that it played in 1971. Sindh is treated like a personal fiefdom of Zardari family. They are minting money every day and nobody is there to stop them. Establishment is fully backing this corrupt party to loot this country and destroy its biggest city as much it wants to

I don't know yaar, I recognise what they are doing, but Pakistan is not a confederation, that was his main point. And the only reason the pee pee pee is getting away with it is because no one has challenged them. They've accepted they wont win, even without trying.

It's like any part of the world, especially developing countries, if a political party is given free rein, they go crazy, same applies here.

I'm sick of these Pakistanis when they go into overdrive of doom and gloom, just sick of it by now.
He is right here too. Pee Pee Pee is playing the same role that it played in 1971. Sindh is treated like a personal fiefdom of Zardari family. They are minting money every day and nobody is there to stop them. Establishment is fully backing this corrupt party to loot this country and destroy its biggest city as much it wants to

I sometimes really wonder why the establishment is keeping mum on this matter? Are Askari, movie theatres the only reason behind it or what? If we look into this from a different perspective let's assume they are backing, they'd be a loser in the longer run. The people might move away, I literally wanted to shift away because the life in Karachi has become worst. Roads, water, air pollution/dust, snatching etc. Getting back to my point the city might stop delivering slowly if not rapidly and you can easily feel the frustration amongst the common man. Because everyday is tiring here no matter in what aspect you look at it.
I don't know yaar, I recognise what they are doing, but Pakistan is not a confederation, that was his main point. And the only reason the pee pee pee is getting away with it is because no one has challenged them. They've accepted they wont win, even without trying.

It's like any part of the world, especially developing countries, if a political party is given free rein, they go crazy, same applies here.

I'm sick of these Pakistanis when they go into overdrive of doom and gloom, just sick of it by now.

This country might not be a confederation on paper but practically it is a confederation where a whole province is given to a particular party and that party is given complete freedom to do whatever it wants to

There is no accountability to this party. None of its leader is given punishment despite dozens of corruption cases against its leaders. A random Pakistan is supposed to pay heavy taxes while Pee Pee Pee is stealing money daily. Corruption is rampant and nobody is there to ask this party where is all the money that they received from the federal government in past ten years. This is confederation practically
I sometimes really wonder why the establishment is keeping mum on this matter? Are Askari, movie theatres the only reason behind it or what? If we look into this from a different perspective let's assume they are backing, they'd be a loser in the longer run. The people might move away, I literally wanted to shift away because the life in Karachi has become worst. Roads, water, air pollution/dust, snatching etc. Getting back to my point the city might stop delivering slowly if not rapidly and you can easily feel the frustration amongst the common man. Because everyday is tiring here no matter in what aspect you look at it.

Just last Sunday I saw two armed guys robbing a family in front of everyone on a main road in North Nazimabad area. Fortunately that family was in the car and it's driver managed to drive the car away. The robbers tried to chase them but then left them for some new victim

The robbers looked pathan or Afghani
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Establishment is providing support to PPP. At least, I have no doubt.
This country might not be a confederation on paper but practically it is a confederation where a whole province is given to a particular party and that party is given complete freedom to do whatever it wants to

There is no accountability to this party. None of its leader is given punishment despite dozens of corruption cases against its leaders. A random Pakistan is supposed to pay heavy taxes while Pee Pee Pee is stealing money daily. Corruption is rampant and nobody is there to ask this party where is all the money that they received from the federal government in past ten years. This is confederation practically

I think Pakistanis strongly need to change their mind-set, they are too obsessed with the establishment, and do not understand how the rest of the world works. That creates the impression "bas hum he gunha garr hein" meaning rest of the world is fine.

The ppp was not given anything, they were elected, anyone can challenge them. Yes they cheat, but look around the world, who doesn't cheat in elections, especially in developing countries.

We have a habit of being obsessed with the establishment and corruption and the secret hand. It distracts the nation from tackling real issues.
Cheating happens, but the conversation should be about how to bring about improvements, not constantly cry about it.

Corruption happens, but the conversation should be about how to improve the system, the system will punish the corrupt, if it doesn't then make more changes. But we need to stop crying and shouting about it all the time. The world is corrupt but they only hear Pakistanis crying about it, and concluded let's stay away, so no investment, bad image and so on. It's all about the approach.

An establishment exist in every country, the players in the establishment are different in different countries, but we need to get over this obsession. Improve governance and the role of the so-called establishment will disappear automatically. Just look at Turkiye and Indonesia.

The so-called establishment is not powerful as people think. There would have been no 18th amendment, Nawaz would not have gone to modi swear-in ceremony, prime ministers would not have appointment their own ISI chief, nawaz could not have sacked an army chief, there are so many examples to show politicians have lot of real power, establishment is just an overblown drama, because Pakistani people prefer simple answers. That's why the constant crying.
Zardari is smart he understood that he needs to "Faujis" to ensure safety and continuation of his rule in Sindh kingdom all he had to do to tame Fauji Mafia was legalize their land grabbing dont question expansion of Dhas and award thaikas to FWO,share some of corruption money with Fauji Mafia and he is set for life!

gg boys!!
Establishment is providing support to PPP. At least, I have no doubt.

Yaar if idiots vote for PPP what the hell do you want "establishment" to do?

Our people are ignorant and rather then take responsibility for their own actions and choices they want to pin the blame on somebody

EVERYONE knows Nawaz is a lanti crook
EVERYONE knows bhuttos and zardaris are lanati crooks

Yet with even this knowledge we have lanats supporting them @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE shed some light on why our people are so ignorant?

What can the establishment do when our own actions and behavior is the cause

The afghans have the same problem, generations of stupidity, beghairati, deshtagardi and they think Punjab and ISI is the cause of their failure's

He is an old fool, who needs an audience to feel important, so they've given him a show. Sometimes he is right, he has that granddad style of speaking so it's kind of enjoyable, but in terms of information, he's mostly full of crap. As here.
He is right on Sindh. Sindh is left behind and 18th amendment is the biggest poison for Pakistan. 18th amendment type thing works in countries which have close to perfect democracies and not MAFIAS like PML N and PPP and JUI with them. 18th amendment must go. The part where he really sucks is defence information and which our almost all journalists sucks at.
Note the two ppl who visit bani gala the most, azam khan and malak riaz. Shows imran khan is a fool and even corrupt. This azam khan is an unelected guy made defacto PM by the stupid PM.
Even a worst enemy of Pakistan wont impose a huge imbecile like buzdar as CM. This shows imran khan is no better than zardari and nawaz, infact worse. This liar U-turn scumbag have imposed big idiots on us, i hope the ppl of Pakistan slaps this moron in next election.
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Yaar if idiots vote for PPP what the hell do you want "establishment" to do?

You have misunderstood my post. I am not at all saying that the Establishment is the sole or only responsible of our ills. Not at all. My proposition is different. We collectively, as a society, are responsible. Ultimately, all institutions of the state, and responsible people therein, including Establishment, political parties, media, judiciary, bureaucracy etc. etc. are the product of the society. They are not from Mars. If the society is rotten, naturally these institutions would also be the same. Mafias, sitting in these institutions, provide support to eachother, in their common interests, with, of course, the public support.

The real question is that how, the society, and, consequently, the institutions of the state, can come out of this vicious cycle.

I have no answer for the aforesaid question.
You have misunderstood my post. I am not at all saying that the Establishment is the sole or only responsible of our ills. Not at all. My proposition is different. We collectively, as a society, are responsible. Ultimately, all institutions of the state, and responsible people therein, including Establishment, political parties, media, judiciary, bureaucracy etc. etc. are the product of the society. They are not from Mars. If the society is rotten, naturally these institutions would also be the same. Mafias, sitting in these institutions, provide support to eachother, in their common interests, with, of course, the public support.

The real question is that how, the society, and, consequently, the institutions of the state, can come out of this vicious cycle.

I have no answer for the aforesaid question.

Yeah but they can't do anything if our people keep voting these idiots in

Short of another military takeover, if they get involved our liberals lose their shit

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