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Journalist Claims Iran's Supreme Leader Transfers Power to Son as Health Deteriorates


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has transferred his powers to his son as concerns about his failing health have mounted and the country faces increased tensions with Israel and U.S.

Iranian journalist Mohamad Ahwaze reported the major political move on Twitter, citing sources in the country. Writing in Arabic, Ahwaze said Khamenei had handed power over to his son, Mojtaba Khamenei.

"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was scheduled to meet on Friday with the Iranian Leader Khamenei, this meeting between [Khamenei] and President Rouhani was canceled due to the deterioration of Khamenei's health condition," Ahwaze wrote.

Ahwaze went on to explain that the cause of the supreme leader's ill health was not known but suggested it could be due to prostate cancer. Khamenei reportedly deteriorated over night.

The political and religious leader is stepping down amid increased tensions between Iran and Israel following the killing of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27.

Iranian officials blamed Israel for Fakhrizadeh's assassination and promised retribution. The Iranian Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) warned of "severe revenge and punishment."

The U.S. and Israel are strong allies and the Trump administration has backed Israeli policy in the region in the past. President Donald Trump's decision to pull out pf a key nuclear deal with Iran also ramped up tensions in recent years.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Israel less than two weeks before Fahkrizadeh's death. Israel has not confirmed whether it was responsible for the killing of Fahrkrizadeh.

The scientist's death and the Iranian leaders' reaction to it appear to have exacerbated pre-existing political divisions in the regime. In particular, instability in the IRGC is seen as a potential threat to Israel as the group attempts to further its own goals amid a potentially changing political landscape.

Israel's National Security Council warned on Friday that the country's citizens and facilities abroad could be at risk following the assassination of Fakhrizadeh and Iran's stated intentions.

"In light of the recent threats from Iranian elements and in light of the past involvement of Iranian elements in terrorist attacks in various countries, there is concern that Iran will try to act in this way against Israeli targets," the council said in a statement.

"It's possible that part of the current wave of Islamist terror will reach targets identified with Israel or [with] Jewish communities," the statement went on, citing "synagogues, Kosher restaurants, and Jewish museums" as possible targets.

Fake news no doubt. The source is the same person whom news agencies were citing recently on alleged details about Dr. Fakhrizadeh's martyrdom.

According to the Iranian constitution, it is not up to the Leader to designate a successor, the Assembly of Experts is tasked with this. Plus, Seyyed Khamenei is unlikely to promote his son for this role anyway. Last but not least, the Leader must have certain qualifications in terms of Islamic jurisprudence which as far as I know Mojtaba Khamenei is lacking as of now (quite normal given his relatively young age).

In short, this report forms part of the ongoing zionist psy-ops campaign against Iran.
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Fake news just as yesterday's fake news about Hezb leader coming to live in iran...

Fake news production always ramps up after an event such as the assassination to get a multiplier effect....so please do not comment on this thread so you do not help the originators.
How do you know that? Is that a rumor? I have never heard about it. I know he had prostate cancer, but it was in early stage and his surgery was successful.

Metastatic cancer is a cancer that has spread from the part of the body where it started (the primary site) to other parts of the body. When cancer cells break away from a tumor, they can travel to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or the lymph system.Sep 10, 2020

Metastasis , cancer spreads to nearby organs . in case of men with prostate cancer , it spreads to their colon ...
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