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Jordanian Ambassador Kidnapped in Libya


Feb 9, 2014
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Jordan's ambassador to Libya kidnapped by gunmen

(Reuters) - Jordan's ambassador to Libya was kidnapped in Tripoli on Tuesday by masked gunmen who attacked his car and shot his driver, Libya's Foreign Ministry said, the latest in a slew of kidnappings as Libya struggles to establish rule of law.

The driver survived the attack and was in hospital, Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Laswad said.

Jordan's Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour told lawmakers in parliament that the ambassador, Fawaz al-Itan, had been abducted from his car as he was leaving his house but that the identity of the perpetrators was unknown.

"The Jordanian government holds the kidnapping party responsible for the safety of the ambassador and will take all necessary measures to protect his life and release him," Ensour said, without elaborating further.

Kidnappings have become commonplace in Libya and abductors frequently target foreign officials. Since the start of this year alone, five Egyptian diplomats, a Tunisian diplomat and a South Korean trade official have been abducted.

The weak interim government has been unable to disarm former rebels and Islamist militants who fought in the uprising that deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 and who have formed increasingly powerful and violent militias.

Parliament has deep divisions that further undermine Tripoli's authority. Last week, Libya's interim prime minister resigned after just one month into the job, saying gunmen had tried to attack his family.

Random acts of violence are also on the rise. In December, an American teacher was shot dead in Benghazi and in January, a British man and a New Zealand woman were shot execution-style on a beach in the west.

Tribal groups, militias and even local citizens frequently resort to road blockades and more seriously to shutting down the OPEC member's vital oil facilities as a negotiating tactic.

The bulk of the country's oilfields and some major ports have been shut down by federalists in the east and tribes in the west demanding more rights or demonstrating against parliament.

Jordan's ambassador to Libya kidnapped by gunmen| Reuters
I ordered this operation after BE called me a 'stateless terrorist', his nation payed the price for his shameful actions. :lol:
He wasn't any better, this was probably in response to Egypt holding a Libyan diplomat on a accusation of attempting to murder a policeman.

Honestly I think Libya under Gaddafi was much better. He was an iron-fist but at least kept control of terrorists and Libya was enjoying some stability. They had free healthcare and education.
These terrorists that kill and abduct diplomats are the very same that got supported by NATO, France in particlar.
Now the situation is much worse.

The state is disintegrating because different tribal extreme AQ-like groups are at each others throats and competing over control. And innocents get stuck in the middle.

Gaddafi is surely missed by many Libyans.

Hell is your country where your men rape tens of thousands of women a month, besides, you Indians aren't even welcomed in Israel they consider you unlike them. @Infoman

Honestly I think Libya under Gaddafi was much better. He was an iron-fist but at least kept control of terrorists and Libya was enjoying some stability. They had free healthcare and education.
These terrorists that kill and abduct diplomats are the very same that got supported by NATO, France in particlar.
Now the situation is much worse.

The state is disintegrating because different tribal extreme AQ-like groups are at each others throats and competing over control. And innocents get in the middle.

Gaddafi is surely missed by many Libyans.

I wouldn't say they're terrorists, this is just politics. The problem is there are too many splinter/tribal groups to know who was exactly behind this. We don't know if they're Libyan nationalists or militants. I still disagree with you about Libya, it wasn't better to have a leader like him but the conditions may have been better pre-uprising, that's to be expected though as the county just got out of turmoil and there's no order.

It's funny though that when non-Muslim entities or nations assassinate/kidnap political leaders around the world everybody turns a blind lie or express that they're entitled to do whatever they want yet are outraged when it's done in Muslims countries. We can bring of thousands of examples of non-Muslim nations affairs similar or worse than this one so these trolls could quit looking at the Middle East as if it's the worst region in the world.
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I already discussed Libya in great detail in previous posts and this news is no different.

France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants

Basically Libya is in a transition period where the civil society is getting rebuilt from point ZERO after 45 years of dictatorship. In fact it is a miracle that it has not been more bloody given how heavily armed the average Libyan is and how it is still largely a society shaped by tribalism and regional rivalries.

Libya is still suffering from the short-lived civil war but this will soon end and a new civil society from scratch (that's what is taking place) will soon see its light.

Libya is a very rich country. Just give them some time.

90-70 years ago 80 MILLION Europeans died. What is 30.000 dead Libyans in the past 3 years due to a civil war (goal achieved) and fighting in comparison? 2 times as many are born each month in Libya if not more. The population is growing and was growing despite the 6 month long civil war.

I am optimistic no matter who is going to rule Libya. They just like any other country in their situation need time to find their ground. Let them elect different rulers and see where it takes them. They need to learn from their mistakes the hard way. As all others before them learnt it.

Let us hope that he will return safely.

No way would a closed off, corrupt and dictatorial Libya controlled by the Gaddafi family for decades be better on the longer run than the new democratic Libya. At least the Libyans can decide their future now and I am sure that they will learn from their mistakes.
Hell is your country where your men rape tens of thousands of women a month, besides, you Indians aren't even welcomed in Israel they consider you unlike them. @Infoman

Ohhh Hamas terrorist's Propaganda minister Strikes once again....
US democracy at work...they installed justice now enjoy the justice!
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