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Jordan Can Now Build Anti-Tank Missiles.

Philip the Arab

Oct 26, 2018
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United States

After decades of relying on allies to furnish its armed forces’ material needs, the desert kingdom’s little known military-industrial sector is advancing faster than expected. A recent breakthrough is a mysterious anti-tank missile called the “Terminator” from Jadara Equipment & Defence Systems, a manufacturing enterprise tucked inside the opaque structure of the sprawling King Abdullah Design and Development Bureau (KADDB).

The Jadara Terminator looks like it’s the first locally made anti-tank missile from an Arab country, although Egypt’s state-owned factories have assembled British and Chinese missiles for decades. How did Jordan pull this one off?

This is what the motor of the Terminator’s missile looks like before it’s attached to the warhead. Via Jadara/Youtube.

Each Terminator missile is packed in a launch tube with a removable strap. Via Jadara/Youtube.

Jadara’s purview is assembling sighting devices and launch platforms for its sole anti-tank weapon, the RPG-32 Nashshab, which is licensed from Russia’s Bazalt. Although Jadara has a sniper rifle in its catalog, its facilities and staff are dedicated to larger armaments. The Nashshab is a short-range launcher for a 105mm PG-32V tandem high explosive munition.

Far more powerful and accurate than an RPG-7, the Nashshab can also be reloaded by inserting a fresh rocket into its 6G40 launcher–an empty cylinder with a trigger assembly and a mount for the detachable thermal sight. This gives the Nashshab an edge over single use rockets such as the AT-4, the APILAS, and the LAW. Jadara has already built a remote weapon armed with four Nashshab launchers that can be installed on different types of vehicles.

Via Jadara/Youtube.

Via Jadara/Youtube.

Yet upon closer inspection, the Nashshab and the Terminator have little in common. Browsing through Jadara’s catalog gives little insight on the laser-guided missile’s origins and development. By the looks of it, however, the Terminator appears patterned after Russian anti-tank missiles such as the Konkurs and the Kornet. In fact, Jordan is reported to possess a stockpile of the latter. But a promotional video clip uploaded on Youtube earlier this year does reveal how the Terminator is assembled.

The Terminator is meant to serve as a portable ATGM for defeating tanks and structures. This is why its missiles come in either HEAT or HE configurations. Jadara’s manufacturing plant outside Amman designed and built all its parts, including a collapsible tripod, a launcher, a guidance unit, and the launch tube for the missile. It turns out the Terminator is armed with a laser-guided 107mm missile that has a maximum range of 2,500 meters and armor penetration reaching 550mm. There aren’t any Russian missiles with these characteristics.

The Terminator when assembled. The covers on either end of the launch tube are detachable. Via Jadara/Youtube.

It turns out the Ukrainian Corsar was sent to Jordan for testing. Via Jadara/Youtube.

Yet the Terminator’s shares a lot in common with a lightweight anti-tank missile made by Luch Design Bureau in Ukraine. The Korsar or Corsar was offered for export more than a decade ago but was never adopted by the Ukrainian military until its testing resumed in 2017 and it entered service soon after. One configuration of the Corsar has a collapsible tripod supporting both the guidance unit and the launch tube. The Corsar’s appearance and specifications suggests a transfer of technology between Luch and Jadara occurred in the last few years and this resulted in the Terminator.

Indeed, video used by Jadara of a firing test for the Terminator’s missile shows the Corsar in its man-portable variant where it’s hoisted on the operator’s shoulder. During the SOFEX 2018 arms show Jadara even displayed a remote weapon station combining tandem missile launchers and an M2 Browning. This resembled another Luch product called the Sarmat that’s suited for the rigors of urban combat. Jadara’s promotional media suggests the Terminator is now in production and will probably replace the army’s stocks of older US-made BGM-71 TOW and M47 Dragon anti-tank missiles.

The Twin Jadara is best suited against light armored vehicles and structures. Via Jadara/Youtube.

For Jordan to have locally made anti-tank missiles shows its military-industrial development is a lot more results driven than wealthier Arab neighbors like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Should additional FGM Javelin missiles for its army be too expensive or inaccessible, an alternative is developing a larger fire-and-forget missile for the Terminator. At this point, nothing is impossible.

Pretty good leap for Jordan and in the future I hope Jordan can make more sophisticated equipment such as a Hellfire type missile. One thing is for sure, Jordan is developing a replacement for the RPG-32 that will feature better range, performance, and penetration but with a heavier system. But something you should admit is that in 19 years Jordan has started making a industry to be proud of. They are making 20 million dollars from the UAE on missile and binocular deals just this IDEX and I imagine there are many, many more deals we don't know about that make KADDB much more money.
Nice development ... Share any video if available

"In armed forces Jordanians are much better than other Arab states" , That's what my father used to say
Nice development ... Share any video if available

"In armed forces Jordanians are much better than other Arab states" , That's what my father used to say
Here you go I have firing videos from Jadara and info about the missile from Jane's.

Other Arab states are developing their armed forces and their defense industries very rapidly and I wouldn't discredit states such as the UAE who already have the capability to make IFVs, and COIN aircraft.
Wahash IFV unveiled this IDEX.
If it can take out the merkava then all good. But if it cant then bin it now
If it can take out the merkava then all good. But if it cant then bin it now
It doesn't need to right now. These are meant to replace the M47 Dragon and Tow missiles and have much better penetration but are meant for more IFVs, APCs, structures, Side and Rear armor of a tank. I think right now the job of destroying Merkavas is up to the Javelin missiles but in the future I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a fire-and-forget version of the missile with this process. 1. Missile launched with booster motor 2. Missile ascends to say 200 meters, 3. Missile starts terminal descent and starts looking for laser painting which is done by on-board lasers. Now software controls the ascent and descent with accelerometers and I assume laser pointers could be put on either wing or in the front as long as the lasers could track a certain target even if moving as the Kornet-EM does. Automatic target tracking is complex but if it could be put into place without infrared seekers I'm sure it would be much cheaper than say the Javelin, Spike, or the MMP.
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This is the concept I'm going for but I guess even a small camera would be needed which tells the laser to point when it sees a target. Eliminates the need for the seeker to connect to the missile directly because all the camera needs to connect to is the laser.

All right, this is the exact concept I would like to see. Camera tracks a targets motion of course the missile on a gimbal for movement with a laser under the camera. When the camera sees target movement it highlights it and stays on target by keeping central sight on the target. The laser would automatically be moving towards the target without the need for communication between camera and laser.

Also, I assume the same concept could be tested with a drone but unsure if it would work.
they can do nothing, cocky guys is attackin Turkish weapons but is using Turkish tech for ther shit weapons:-).

sometimes you have let kids know ther places...

You know that was a JV right in which Jordan has the majority shares? Most of the products that Jordan use have absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine such as vehicles, anti-tank weapons. Again, your products aren't superior to any other countries than can produce the type of products as you.

they can do nothing, cocky guys is attackin Turkish weapons but is using Turkish tech for ther shit weapons:-).

sometimes you have let kids know ther places...

Its a part of KADDB you know that right? Most of the products on that front screen are Jordanian. You are one company out of some 10+. You literally only offer 12 products.:blah::blah:
You know that was a JV right in which Jordan has the majority shares? Most of the products that Jordan use have absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine such as vehicles, anti-tank weapons. Again, your products aren't superior to any other countries than can produce the type of products as you.

Its a part of KADDB you know that right? Most of the products on that front screen are Jordanian. You are one company out of some 10+. You literally only offer 12 products.:blah::blah:

Stop using Turkish tech and go buy your weapons:-).
Whatever you say bum. Now do us all a favor and crawl back in your Turkish forum hole you crawled out of and please I beg you never come back.

You are the second arab i debunked, we are making it bla bla aahaha. In the end you are using Turkish tech, be gratefull that we give. We are not milking you out but still hostile, who works with us will see benefits and the one who don't want to. Will be milked out, good that ther is smart people in Jordan and is working with Turkey. You are making you own weapon, and stay with Turkey and you will make a anti tank missile one day.
You are the second arab i debunked, we are making it bla bla aahaha. In the end you are using Turkish tech, be gratefull that we give. We are not milking you out but still hostile, who works with us will see benefits and the one who don't want to. Will be milked out, good that ther is smart people in Jordan and is working with Turkey. You are making you own weapon, and stay with Turkey and you will make a anti tank missile one day.
Hah, you act like you use no foreign tech? Again, the only thing you supply are weapon sights. Anti-Tank missile is Ukrainian tech. Vehicles are indigenous. Weapons are indigenous. Everything except your weapon sights are not yours, so stop claiming things that aren't yours it just makes you look stupid.
Hah, you act like you use no foreign tech? Again, the only thing you supply are weapon sights. Anti-Tank missile is Ukrainian tech. Vehicles are indigenous. Weapons are indigenous. Everything except your weapon sights are not yours, so stop claiming things that aren't yours it just makes you look stupid.

woowwww... anti tank missile is ukranian and say whaat?



so when are you going to make anti tank missile?
woowwww... anti tank missile is ukranian and say whaat?



so when are you going to make anti tank missile?
Its a transfer of tech so they are making the missile themselves and in the future can make better missiles. That link is set up exactly the same as all the other KADDB sites if you would look which tells you KADDB basically owns it. kaddbinvest.com/
Go to Our Products please and you will see what Aselsan Middle east offers please and you will see its just sights.
This is the Ukrainian missile with TOT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RK-3_Corsar
Its a transfer of tech so they are making the missile themselves and in the future can make better missiles. That link is set up exactly the same as all the other KADDB sites if you would look which tells you KADDB basically owns it. kaddbinvest.com/
Go to Our Products please and you will see what Aselsan Middle east offers please and you will see its just sights.
This is the Ukrainian missile with TOT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RK-3_Corsar

Ukranian are using Turkish tech..

Turkish defense giant ASELSAN has entered into an agreement with Ukrainian defense company LUCH to co-operate on the development of modern rocket launcher system for light armored vehicles. According to the ASELSAN’s statement Thursday, Ukrainian-made Skif missile was successfully integrated into ASELSAN’s rocket launcher system. ASELSAN and Ukrainian defense company LUCH have been working on the integration for the last six months. The system has passed two tests, successfully hitting targets at a range of 5 kilometers (3.1 miles).

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