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Joint development of 5-generation fighter by Pakistan and China?

what ever, China has to wait till Russia finishes its PAK-FA
The Design and other avionics - need to be borrowed (copied) from Russia.
so they have to wait!!!
well Udhay u r a new boy on the block coming straight brain washed from ur BHARAT RAK Sack....
chill out dude...i might be new on posting...
but i've been following Defence.pk more then a year!!!
China is believed to have been conducting preliminary research on its fourth-generation fighter aircraft since the late 1990s. The fighter, codenamed by Western intelligence as J-XX or XXJ, was described as an advanced F-22-class twin-engine stealth fighter with extensive radar cross section (RCS) reduction features such as internal weapon bay. So far very little information regarding the project has been revealed, though it is understood that the two primary fighter aircraft design institutes of the China Aviation Industries Corporation (AVIC) – Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute (601 Institute) and Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (611 Institute) – have both been working on their own designs to bid for the PLA’s contract.

In 1997, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) reported that an advanced F-22-class twin-engine stealth fighter XXJ was being developed by 601 Institute and Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). In 2001, an Internet source photo showed a F-22-like aircraft model was being tested in a wind tunnel at 601 Institute. At the same time, it was revealed that 611 Institute was also working its own advanced fighter aircraft design, possibly based on the design and technology of its J-10 fighter.

Despite intensive media interest, it is very likely that the fighter programme is still in its early theoretical evaluation (论证) and programme definition (方案) stage, during which various technologies are examined to meet operational requirements. Theoretical evaluation of the programme and development of key technologies and sub-systems would also be carried out in these stages. While China may be able to benefit from some “off-the-shelf” dual-use technologies available in the commercial market, it will almost definitely seek assistance from its traditional military technology supplier such as Russia, as well as some Western countries.

There has been speculations China’s fourth-generation fighter could enter service as early as 2015. However, designing and developing a fighter of this class will involve huge amount of investment and technology advancement across many fields, including new materials, high-performance aero-engine, avionics, flight control software, stealth technology, computer-aid design and manufacture (CAD/CAM). Only very few countries in the world nowadays possess the capability of designing and developing a modern high-performance fighter aircraft independently, and a project of this scale could last decades before the aircraft finally enters service.

Russian Sukhoi Company (JSC), which has developed close ties with Shenyang over the licensed co-production of its Su-27SK fighter as J-11, has been reportedly working with Shenyang in developing the next-generation fighter technology and sub-systems. Although Russia has yet been able to develop an operational stealth fighter, the J-XX project may benefit from its technologies in two particular areas: thrust vectoring engine and stealth design. Additionally, China may also seek potential partners from Russia, Israel and Europe to co-develop avionics and weapon suites for its 4th-generation fighter aircraft.

read completely and then talk!!!:cheers::cheesy:
Europe?.....I thought there was an European arms embargo on China. I am sure of it. If India is a partner in Sukhoi's PAK FA program the I dont think the Chinese will be allowed access to it. The whole article is full of anomalies.:tsk:
chill out dude...i might be new on posting...
but i've been following Defence.pk more then a year!!!

creeping in!;):enjoy:;) sir!uday;
might be new on posting...
but i've been following Defence.pk more then a year!

guss what!:lol: its not enough man "?following Defence.pk more then a year!"?

here comes men in black! fourm deffenders:eek:;):lol::cheers:
If India is a partner in Sukhoi's PAK FA program the I dont think the Chinese will be allowed access to it.

Just like the Su-30? and the Chinese still got a deal. Not only that, the Chinese developed/re-developed 70% of the entire jet and named it J-11B, and all Russia did was protest indirectly. You can argue that India did not "co-develop" the Su-30, and so could not tell Russia how to deal with the Chinese. However, you are buying ~230 of these machines, so you must have had some sway. Afterall, you were able to stop Russia from selling to Pakistan. Not China, though. Seems China meant more to the Russians. Must have hurt a few egos in India.

I doubt Russia will allow India to jointly-develop a 5th Gen aircraft if India tried to dictate terms. Remember, India is the student here, Russia is the teacher, regardles of the financial investment. Students don't tell teachers what to do. We were in a similar position with the JF-17. The only difference is, our partner was not best-friends with our arch rival.

If its any consolation, Pakistan has gone through this too. The US has done far worse to us, and it has only made us stronger and more self-reliant. So don't feel too bad about the Russia-China partnership.
well how about that mr. indian russians experiments with stuff and sell them to India and other tiny buyers and china always reject them why don't russians keep them :)china is second world largest economy don't tell me china could not buy SU-30 in large numbers..explain mr. indians why did china rejected the thrust vector upgrade SU-30 and opted for non thrust vector..boy you need to give me solid reasons..China has $$$ for its own engine program it could have bought some of these and secretly worked on it but china didn't next time indians like you come around try to make some sense before posting low posts that china has to wait for russian PAK-FA etc etc...regarding engines for j-10 i'll post them next time newbie.
So that is why China is buying AL-31F to equip their J 10B...C'mon the Su 30MKI was customised for Indian air force and we insisted on the TVC. I had a Chat with A. Krishnaswamy the then ACM of IAF whose period in which the SU 30s were procured. Hetold me that the IAF wanted to change the doctrine and the whole operational hierarchy that is why they went for SU 30MKI. Till then there was no need for the SU-30MKI. The Chineese operations or their doctrine did not ask for thrust vectoring hence they did not go for it.
Satish i repeat again China is world's second largest economy it can give $$$ to Russia to get hands on that Thrust vectored engine if it wants too..but China rejected..

There is a HOT Debate going on China, India & Russia boy oh boy this topic is getting hotter and hotter day by day so I ask you guys to just Chill we are not going to war with indian & Russia so why dont u guys waste your energies on such topic just chill and live happily.

well by the way what is Pakistan stance in all this situation tell me that Paksitan is gonna have partnership in this stealth J-XX Jet Program with china in future or not? :enjoy:
China will not buy PAK-FA.

The time may prove all (before 2012)

Yeah man that's the Spirit and on Reality CHina i think in current situation is capable enough to make built Jet Engines and all the Avionics on it's own it doesn't need anyones help to make a jet and it's avioncis Radars and all the stuff etc....

China is going great guns in all the departments you name it and it will reach more heights in future to force it's will in the world.

Pak China Friendship is great and we Pakistanis are proud of it. :smitten::china::pakistan:
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