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John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

Friday, August 27, 2021

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When he served as national security adviser, John R. Bolton resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to negotiate with the Taliban. Bolton left the White House on acrimonious terms a week after the president tried unsuccessfully to organize a secret summit with Taliban leaders at Camp David – just before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2019.

Islamabad and Washington have long had an alliance, but Pakistan's military and intelligence services have been uncomfortably tight with the Taliban. Four presidents have grudgingly put up with this duplicity since 2001 because Pakistan provided supply lines for the United States' military presence next door – and also because Pakistan has an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

In an op-ed for The Post, Bolton makes the case that the time has come to take a much harder line on Pakistan.

Pakistan's national security adviser said in an interview with Josh Rogin that the country wants to be treated like an ally, not a scapegoat.

the rants of a retarded walrus! :lol:
Ordinary or high level, saying this kind of non-sense on the eve of defeat by the hands of the most backward group just shows their mental capacity.

He is obviously holding Pakistan responsible for US/NATO defeat in Afghanistan. The bitter truth is that the US couldn't achieve its objectives.
the rants of a retarded walrus! :lol:

:yahoo: It is enjoyable to see this warmonger fume helplessly.
For 1.5 decades US has also demanding that Pakistan shud hand over taliban leaders as well....

Look where that lead to...

Now imagine if we had. Trust me. We had no shortage of people pushing to hand over the Taliban leaders and totally capitulate.
It is important to listen and comprehend very carefully. Our enemies are dead serious. When they utter these words and feelings they really mean it in its entirety.
Been hearing it for the last 30 years. The next target will be Iran , doubt if it will be nuclear armed Pakistan. US is embarrassed and feels humiliated and would want to reassert it's authority in anarchic region. US would be better off working with Pakistan, China and Russia to divide India into manageable states.
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Americans look down on the rest of the world [American exceptionalism]. You can say you want to be allies. End of. No need to add anything. Saying you don't want to be scapegoats makes them suspicious of you.
Any Pakistanis supporting US or asking to buy american weapon or product, need to be ban.

Pakistanis American need to make a choice of support US or Pakistan. There is no grey zone.

It US death or Pakistan destruction only. America is an enemy for Pakistan worst than India.
Any Pakistanis supporting US or asking to buy american weapon or product, need to be ban.

Pakistanis American need to make a choice of support US or Pakistan. There is no grey zone.

It US death or Pakistan destruction only.

Don't worry. This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that will keep Pakistan alert at all times. I love it how Bolton admits that Pakistan doesn't give an inch to US officials. The frustration is visible.
Unfortunately US doesn't reflect any of this. Their paranoia against Pakistan increases every day.

We used to read about such things in Tom Clancy novels. Today the Washington Post is entertaining such wild ideas by an ex US official in their podcast. I wouldn't take this lightly at all. The US end goal is clear. They have sought to dismantle Pak nukes for decades now as Bolton has admitted. Before such open confessions by senior US figures used to be conveyed behind closed doors or based on anonymity. Today we are openly hearing them on Washington Post podcasts.

Can Pakistan even have a working relationship with a hostile country that has set its eyes on dismantling our national security? We often live on the pretext that the US needs Pakistan. What if US doesn't need Pakistan anymore? What if sanity doesn't prevail? What if the Americans do decide to upset Pakistan? That too is a possible outcome. Judging by our response thus far I don't think we are fully prepared to deal with the fallout.

These revelations shouldn't be shrugged off as who cares. Pakistan should care or it might end up very badly.
Relax, Pakistan is way down the list, when US is done with North Korea and going after Iran, this is when you can think on these lines. In my opinion, it will never get to that point.
This guy is discredited across the US. He didn't see a war he didn't like.
Relax, Pakistan is way down the list, when US is done with North Korea and going after Iran, this is when you can think on these lines. In my opinion, it will never get to that point.

As if the Americans can do anything about Iran and North Korea LOL Let's face it. Other than economic sanctions the Americans have never had any real leverage over any country. Afghanistan is all the more a lesson to everyone. A country that the Americans along with their entire bandwagon occupied for 20 years. The outcome is visible.
the rants of a retarded walrus! :lol:
Exactly, Democrat's and Establishment Republican's consider him out of touch and loose canon at this point, he is already in bad book of Trump's base, who is left there to hire him for political advice.
As far as Washington post is concerned, they have drifted so much towards left and now trying to gain some readers from right / neocons.
US should pick someone its own size and embrace the 21st century.

This 20th century imperialism is long buried.
In words of a famous Muslim general

You want my weapons? Come and get them......

Possibility of having an icbm is all that's required to keep US at bay

Don't push us on a path that you will regret
Possibility of having an icbm is all that's required to keep US at bay

Exactly we don't even have to show case it, as long as it's made and put on standby.. I also feel Tipu sultan is a fitting name for such a missile.

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