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Joe Biden tells Chinese to challenge their leaders

Mr. Biden, we like to thank you for your concern and please shove you opinion where the sun doesn't shine.

Biden called and said " we like you to also take the next flight back to china, and leave the US for the land where the sun don't shine ".
why not try Democracy instead of ruled by 200 odd chinese.

CPC has 80 million people from top to bottom. It takes more than 200 people to run this Chinese machine.

We certainly don't want to be run by an Italian housewife, I'll tell you that much.

Biden called and said " we like you to also take the next flight back to china, and leave the US for the land where the sun don't shine ".

You could have made that into a funny but you messed it up.

I like this Guy.

Actually Chinese students Did that but brutally killed in tianenman square. They need to do it again and again until they are free from CCP slavery.

The majority of Chinese people can care less whether the Communist Party or in your term, CPP, though the correct one is CPC (i.e. Communist Party of China) will be ruling China for another century or even another millennium as long as the leaders bring progress; harmony; stability; prosperity!

I myself also can care less whether any political system is of Communist or Democracy or Socialist or WHATSOEVER attribute one country may adopt!

The most important thing is the OUTCOME. If the outcome is truly good for the majority of people then it's good!! Sorry, but I won't buy those empty or misleading words worshiping democracy.... :-)

And unless India can attest its better achievement in uplifting the livelihoods of its population in measurable ways, set them to better prosperity and create more evenly distributed wealth among its population, I won't buy it that democracy is a more effective political vehicle than communism in advancing a country of huge population such as China and India.

Indeed we are yet to see ANY nation with BIG population (>100 MM) adopting the democracy to achieve any outstanding success (being prosper, more evenly distributed economic welfare) during the 20th or 21st century!! :-)
On the contrary I witness many impoverished or failed states of those democracy wannabe.

I wrote some time ago here in PDF about the dialectic of Communist vs. Democracy.

I'll quote it here again for the practical purpose because of its relevancy :-)

Here to regard the many posters that love to arbitrary fire the dead verdict: COMMUNIST.

If one is willing to be sincere and honest with the facts and carefully study the long history and the development of China as a nation and the lives of the Chinese people, the so-called "Communist" China today is just a TOOL, happened to be an effective commanding tool to unite the country to REBUILD from the scratch, ruins and poverty, to rebuild into a strong and prosperous nation under an effective unified command.

What's left today in the Communist China is just the name, the label, yet nothing similar to the Karl Max teaching or Lenin/Stalin ways. Chinese leaders indeed call it Communism WITH CHINESE CHARACTERS :-)

Again, it's just a TOOL adopted to unify and develop the country into a successful and prosperous nation.

I won't blink, and it is not if but when, one day the Chinese people will discard the Communism label and instead adopting some more indigenous political system. BUT FIRST OF ALL, CHINA must achieve an even better state of economy, a much more prosperous condition compared to today's state, a much stronger than today, and a much better wealth distribution state, a much better educated people.
However, it should be solely the affair and decision of the Chinese people, free from any external intervention.

And whatsoever political system the Chinese people as a whole may come out as the conclusion one day, they should never adopt any LIBERAL system that promotes "the winner takes all", let the loser eat the sh*t!!!

I have been witnessing so many dead traps of the widely boasted DEMOCRACY. It's really amazing to see that so many are blinded to take it for granted that the Democracy is the only correct way to the development and prosperity!!

I do NOT intend to insult the members from Indian here, indeed I do respect the long historical culture from Indian people as the source of the teaching of both Hinduism and Buddhism. India has an old, a venerable culture, one of the civilization cradle of the mankind, as is the Chinese civilization!

I just try to point out that India, along with Indonesia, as the populous nations that happen to adopt the pompous democracy, are very good example to judge how big, underdeveloped nations doing when they try to adopt the westernized Liberal Democracy, with the essence of "One Man One Vote" system involving the many political parties!

IN PRACTICE what we witness in both India and Indonesia are the incapability of the LESS EDUCATED folks to make the proper and informed choices; and since they are mostly POOR as well, their votes are easily bought up by the election money. As these kinds of people are the majority, both the less educated and poor folks tend to VOTE UP the POLITICAL CROOKS into the helm of command, further ruins the country and nation!!! CORRUPTION and abuse of power are prevalent scenes then. Over times the negative system entangles the nation and all kinds and layers of society, getting stronger and stronger until the nation becomes failed state!
And I haven't yet mentioned about the real life realities, the dirty ops by the foreign powers and intelligence forces to infiltrate, to interfere, to divide and conquer, to prop up some political party and/or puppet leaders in order to achieve their own agendas!

What I see in India political scene so far, is the crystallized power of the Gandhi Dynasty formation, now under the very command of the powerful lady, Mrs. Sonia, an Italian descendant.
Is it really something to boast from the democracy adoption?

How is the wealth distribution in India? The life expectancy? The illiteracy rate and number of school years of mandatory education? Access to the affordable healthcare system? How about the wealth disparity (or more appropriately, wealth distribution)? How much the top 30% and the bottom 30% of the population have the share of the total national wealth? the point of thoughts may carry on ... i love only to discuss the real and tangible benefits for the lives of the ordinary people at large, i can care LESS all the hypothetical and theoretical thoughts; all the kinds of the values and belief systems, and I'm far from idolize any ideal, UNrealistic thoughts :-)
only verifiable FACTS do matter!!!

Just to refresh one's memory upon the following well-known thought from the China's Father of Modernization:

"It does not matter whether the cat is black or white; as long as it catches the mouse, it is a good cat." - Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997)

Folks, please go ahead tell us "the successful example" of democracy being adopted by ANY BIG populous nation (by BIG, I do mean any nation with population over 100 MILLION)... I wanna see how many successful one; how many failed one even ruined one today.

I just see those SMALL nations as the only successful ones in adopting the democracy system, whereas they have the PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS to achieve a workable and successful outcome: the majority of the population have GOOD EDUCATION and LEVEL OF ECONOMY.
In the past I might be still charmed by the Europe, their economies seemed to be flourishing, people's lives were so nice with so many allowances and money threw into the system; however, today they reveal their true states, all the past prosperity is built upon DEBT, the unsustainable development! And when their economies are scattering down, NOW we are witnessing how they deal with their democracies. Just pay attention.
and it become another China Vs India ....

Joe Biden tells Chinese to challenge their leaders

Their arrogance have no limits ....
world biggest open air toilet , more poor than whole Africa, more infant death than the world........
aren't these the problems that are faced by a developing country,which takes slow but steady measures to counter it,rather than reasons for failure?

Challenge ur leaders and government, we send u a bullet !:rofl::guns:Go son, take that.





↑See, it‘s FAIR !
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1991: USSR dissolved.

2001:9/11 attacks.Start of WoT & fall of Taliban regime.

2011: Arab Spring started.Most Arab dictators except Assad fell.Assad survived because of Al-Qaeda presence in Syria

2021:Chinese Civil War.

And al Maliki is not a dictator? He's been in power since 2006. And Erdogan is not a dictator? He's been in power since 2003. Assad been in power since 2000.

The Democratic / Republican two party system been in power in America for about 150 years, way longer than the CCP has been in power in China.
Right now, the CCP is doing everything it can appease the western powers. If Chinese people challenge the government, they will demand for Chinese territorial integrity to be restored by force immediately, and for Japan and the USA to be nuked off the face of the planet. So what's Biden's motive in stirring the pot? Does he want the Japanese people to be genocided?
Joe biden is getting senile at the age of 71.:o: If we look at what happened to people who challenge the powers to be in the US. Bradley Manning is in solitary confinement, Julian Assange is still held up in a embassy in London and Edward Snowden is in forced exile in Russia. Occupy Wall Street's back has been broken by baton charges, mace, tear gas and mass arrests. The speed at which the Americans are changing their DNA defies Darwin!

The problem with Joe Biden's statement is not that he is being disrespectful to China or that he doesn't understand China. The problem with Joe Biden's statement shows you that he doesn't understand America and what is happening in his own country. It seems to me that he and quite a few others in the US government and amongst the US intellectuals are starting to believe in their own propaganda.

With leaders like that no wonder America is going down the crapper with lightning speed.

PS elections in the US is no panacea either as it is just a musical chair dance made up of the same idiots.
is that what you call elections... party of one electing their next monarch...:lol:

That circle jerk as you aptly put it won't be affected though... his bluster is from UK. He is one those wanna be nationalist... he knows the hellhole back home.
When are you going to go back to that hell hole called India from America ?
Joe biden is getting senile at the age of 71.:o: If we look at what happened to people who challenge the powers to be in the US. Bradley Manning is in solitary confinement, Julian Assange is still held up in a embassy in London and Edward Snowden is in forced exile in Russia. Occupy Wall Street's back has been broken by baton charges, mace, tear gas and mass arrests. The speed at which the Americans are changing their DNA defies Darwin!

The problem with Joe Biden's statement is not that he is being disrespectful to China or that he doesn't understand China. The problem with Joe Biden's statement shows you that he doesn't understand America and what is happening in his own country. It seems to me that he and quite a few others in the US government and amongst the US intellectuals are starting to believe in their own propaganda.

With leaders like that no wonder America is going down the crapper with lightning speed.

PS elections in the US is no panacea either as it is just a musical chair dance made up of the same idiots.

When are you going to go back to that hell hole called India from America ?
Im surprised no one challenge Joe Biden to stfu.
The only thing which I hate about China is HUKOU System. It sounds more like South African pass system which existed during apartheid. Other than that it's a beautiful country with wonderful food :D. My favourite is Hot Pot :D

Can any Chinese members here tell me if HUKOU system still exists in China or it's getting outdated?
The only thing which I hate about China is HUKOU System. It sounds more like South African pass system which existed during apartheid. Other than that it's a beautiful country with wonderful food :D. My favourite is Hot Pot :D

Can any Chinese members here tell me if HUKOU system still exists in China or it's getting outdated?

It's upon abolishment procedure and perhaps in next decade China will adopt something like SSN system in USA. But elite class in Beijing are against the abolishment of Hukou, even a little bit sign of loosing Hukou policy would evoke their strongest opposition.

Anyway, the existence of Hukou is the biggest problem to social equality.
lol you bellicose hyper-nationalists crack me up. What exactly do you think would happen if China launched a nuclear attack on the United States? China would also be "nuked off the face of the planet" Please tell me that you're not delusional enough to actually think otherwise.

You hyper-nationalists talk about nuking everyone and committing massive genocide like it's some kind of video game. Maybe thats how it works in your little circle jerk PDF fantasy land, but out here in the real world, major powers are run by rational actors.

I don't disagree at all. If China launched a first-strike, it should expect a devastating retaliation. My point is that Chinese people wouldn't take that into consideration - if they ever challenge the govt, it will only to force it to take a forceful stance and draw a red line against Japanese provocations. If Biden expects the Chinese people to bend the govt towards US interests, he's a delusional fool.
The only thing which I hate about China is HUKOU System. It sounds more like South African pass system which existed during apartheid. Other than that it's a beautiful country with wonderful food :D. My favourite is Hot Pot :D

Can any Chinese members here tell me if HUKOU system still exists in China or it's getting outdated?

Hukou system is needed as long as china is developing or else you get densely populated urban slum, the resolve to inequality is growth.
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