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Jinnah's blood line thrives in India : The greatest failure of Two Nation Theory

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They are co existing because they are a minority. It's the secular nature of Hinduism that makes it possible.

What happened in Muslim majority Kashmir - could Sunni Kashmiri's co exist there with Kashmiri pundits?.

The two nation theory doesn't say - Hindu's cannot co exist with Muslims - it clearly says Muslims cannot co exist with others. Which is a fact.

Kashmir is an aberration . so I would not take that example . what happened In Kashmir was complicated by the special status of Kashmir rather than the issue that it happens to be Muslim majority state ...

I believe Indian Muslims even if they attain majority will be able to live peacefully with people of other religions .

but that's my personal opinion ....
Two Nation theory today according to Pakistanis means Fair skinned Nordic snowwhite central Asian Pakistanis and dark skinned Dravidian South Asian Indians are two nations who can't live together. :omghaha::omghaha: :omghaha:
Kashmir is an aberration . so I would not take that example . what happened In Kashmir was complicated by the special status of Kashmir rather than the issue that it happens to be Muslim majority state ...

I believe Indian Muslims even if they attain majority will be able to live peacefully with people of other religions .

but that's my personal opinion ....

Kashmir is a mirror to what would happen when there is a majority Muslim population in any of our states - there will be civil war, a call for religious divide, mass killings of non Muslims, terrorism and a insurgency movement in that state. Don't go by romanticized notions of Hindu Muslim bhai bhai.

The existence of India as a secular state is till there is a majority Hindu population.

No - not possible - especially given the communal nature.
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