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Jinnah made a mistake and I am ashamed of being Pakistani!

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That what u think and thats why u cant support ur statements with any rational facts. Punjabi, Sindhi are official languages of India. So how We have 16 different languages but a single proud Nation, even Pakistan falls in same line as part of Greater India. Afterall we are same blood, same color, Indians are recognized as Pakistanis abroad just and just coz we have same genes.

And U assume just like the whole world, even India dont respect you? :D

India is not a single proud nation. India is most poor country of the world. Most of the people don't have toilet access, they sleep in streets. And there is about 113 seperatist movements going on in india.
And as far as greater india is concerned. Yes this shows your mentality. You Indians are totally drunk and proud and don't respect any country. And if india ever thinks of attacking pakistan, I'm telling u we Pakistanis will defend our country till the end.
And by the way pakistan is small country but it has 70+ languages. And even if we use same language that doesn't means that we are same country.
And we don't have your greedy and Ganda and rapist blood, and we don't have a same color, and don't have same genes. And people don't recognize us as Indians.
And we should have remained with India so that we could make it's contribution towards world extreme poverty 36%.

Look guys who is leading the world here. :)

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World Bank Dataviz
Ashamed ? Says who ? What should we be ashamed of ? Our mistakes ? Sure . Our country ? Not a chance . Possibly , people living out of this country should stop making assumptions on our part and try to make us that its true .
lol...whatever floats ur boat......... u need to ask urself and on what u are ashamed or why are u ashamed....ur mistake, ur country, ur nationality..... ur inner self is a better judge....... and I guess most of u must be knowing the answer.....
I am not a judge..... u people must judge urself......but do not live in denial.....thats dangerous....

I am not ashamed of myself (WTF question to begin with). Nor is anyone I know 'ashamed' of themselves. I don't know want you me to answer? Just stop quoting me, you're wasting away my perfectly good brain with your delusions..
lol...I wasting ur brain.....damn....and I thought...anyway leave it...
but one thing...what I said is nt delusion but fact...... u are just denying it......:agree:
[quote="Dem!god, post: 5656531, member: 153687]
I am not a judge..... [/quote]

Then STFU genius.

He already has said that he is not ashamed of anything.
Well these articles are meaningless since we have complete diplomatic, trade and military relationship with USA. So keep masturbating by reading these news pieces.

Oh that is because they need you, but dont trust you. Forgot OBL? How they came into the heart of your country and plucked out your national guest, absolutely disregarding and burning your sovereignty to the ground?
Have you heard the bullshit LOLywood songs some songs even sounds like beggars singing in trains, they sounds more annoying to the ears. Do you really think Pakistani singer would sing for such garbage film industry.
My friend theme song of Spider-Man 2 was created by Pakistanis (strings)
And nustrat fateh Ali khan is regarded as the kawal of the century.
Oh that is because they need you, but dont trust you.

Well as far as things are working in our way. It is fine. We don't trust them either.

Forgot OBL? How they came into the heart of your country and plucked out your national guest ?

Even obama himself admitted Pakistan's contribution towards nabbing OBL. And nope nobody cares even if he is dead or alive or whatever.
that is one question u need to ask urself.....and I guess all pakistanis know this answer pretty well....
why u are ashamed of urself.....??
I know no one here will say a word and u all will argue till the end....and I really appreciate that....u should fight....
but I think deep down in ur heart u know .. many thing posted here in the article is true.....and many U living abroad must have felt it sometime...why ur country is such a mess...and why every time someone ask my country name ...why u people deliberately try to avoid answering that question.... thats for u to think and say....why are u ashamed....
Why u r so anti pakistan
Then STFU genius.

He already has said that he is not ashamed of anything.

he does not need to prove it to me.....he is ashamed or not.... do u thing any one will say here if he /she is....
he better need to judge himself.....

Do u think Indians are angel?

nope....who said u that.....not everyone ..... but we have few...
what's new?no one is happy in pakistan poor her!but reality is hard to swallow she must accept it and live with it like the rest !
I am ashamed that she was born as a Pakistani ....

But she has a right which she must exercise .... she & her kind should not die as Pakistani.
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