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Jimmy Kimmel Take on Indian Claim of sighting Yeti

No one wants to meet IK because they all want to meet Yeti .... we are losers but IA is definitely a winner

no one wants to meet ik in BRI. but these people think about some tweet of IA. what a bunch of losers. country of losers cant even meet one significant leader than the host, no one wants to meet him....
hope for a better show from so called Elite Members of pdf. plenty of stuff on youtube can be put here and trolled for days without any discussion
@waz @Oscar can we please close this thread??? it will be nothing but trollfest
no one wants to meet ik in BRI. but these people think about some tweet of IA. what a bunch of losers. country of losers cant even meet one significant leader than the host, no one wants to meet him....
hope for a better show from so called Elite Members of pdf. plenty of stuff on youtube can be put here and trolled for days without any discussion
@waz @Oscar can we please close this thread??? it will be nothing but trollfest
Can we also look at his bs @waz @Oscar
typical non sense joke and cheerleaders are waiting to give thumbs up. all regular stuff.... actually its gives me so much of pleasure to see pakistan going downhill and its you people who will make the last of it.

pdf will lose its focus with such threads, admins are doing nothing to stop this non sense.

I'd worry more about losses since the beginning of the year. This is the only information both sides agree on (the rest --- accusations of an IAF Su30 loss and a PAF F-16 loss are claimed by either side but acknowledged by neither):

-1 helo
-1 jet
-6 KIA
-1 captured


We are going downhill so fast that the mighty Indian media-military-Modi machine with all its chest-beating and hyper-nationalist rhetoric can't even take an inch of territory or face us in war.

THIS is what all Pakistanis laugh about. You guys don't get it. We don't fear you, and I think this gets to you. We don't elect psychotic terrorists to lead our country.

6x bigger. Many times richer. A million times more cocky. And can't do jack shit. Talk is cheap. Have a good day.
I'd worry more about losses since the beginning of the year. This is the only information both sides agree on (the rest --- accusations of an IAF Su30 loss and a PAF F-16 loss are claimed by either side but acknowledged by neither):

-1 helo
-1 jet
-6 KIA
-1 captured


We are going downhill so fast that the mighty Indian media-military-Modi machine with all its chest-beating and hyper-nationalist rhetoric can't even take an inch of territory or face us in war.

THIS is what all Pakistanis laugh about. You guys don't get it. We don't fear you, and I think this gets to you. We don't elect psychotic terrorists to lead our country.

6x bigger. Many times richer. A million times more cocky. And can't do jack shit. Talk is cheap. Have a good day.

Thanks. This is the type of post that put Indians in their place as a global laughingstock. But Indians know no shame. They will laugh with you while you laugh AT them.
typical non sense joke and cheerleaders are waiting to give thumbs up. all regular stuff.... actually its gives me so much of pleasure to see pakistan going downhill and its you people who will make the last of it.

pdf will lose its focus with such threads, admins are doing nothing to stop this non sense.
You're welcome to leave. It's not like Pakistanis want to see loser Indians on this forum.

Go and build your own Indian forum. Get lost.
Last edited:

Venus and Jupiter: Indian Army Mistakes Planets for Drones

Here’s a point I’ve made eleventy-bajillion times: People aren’t familiar with the sky. This is understandable, and generally curable—go out and look up!—but it does lead to many folks being surprised they can see human-made satellites, meteors, and even the planets of our solar system with nothing but their eyes alone.

In most of these cases lack of celestial knowledge doesn’t cause any direct harm. But in other cases the outcome could be a lot worse. Like, if you mistake bright planets in the sky with enemy drones.

The Ladakh region of India, in the country’s north, borders with China. The two countries have had a long history of dispute over this land, so the Indian army keeps surveillance in the area. In mid-2012, according to The (Calcutta) Telegraph, the army began seeing two bright objects over the region, which for several months they suspected were Chinese drones. Unsure of what they actually were, the army contacted astronomers, who identified the lights as being the planets Jupiter and Venus.

OK then.

I did a quick check myself, and given some leeway on the timing, it makes sense. In August of 2012 Jupiter would’ve risen after midnight and been visible all night, rising a bit earlier every day. By November it would rise at sunset and be up all night. Venus orbits the Sun more quickly, and it moves more rapidly over that same time period, but in August 2012 would’ve been visible to the east before sunrise, getting closer to the Sun (and rising later) as time went on. All in all, the observations do seem to fit.

Although it’s being reported that the Indian military were saying the objects violated Indian territory, it looks to me like this situation ended up pretty well. It’s hard to know exactly how high tensions were, and how high up in the army ranks this misidentification ran. And while I wish they had contacted the astronomers earlier, the fact that astronomers were contacted at all shows a good deal of sense.

And I’ll note this isn’t the first time (nor will it be the last) these two planets were mistaken for flying objects. People have reported Jupiter as a UFO in the past, and a NYC Fox station even took video showing Jupiter and its moonswhile the reporter thought it was a UFO. Venus has been widely seen as a flying saucer, and even the Moon has seen its share of misidentification.

Not that this makes me feel any better. I’d prefer that countries with itchy trigger fingers not mistake whole planets for enemy hardware, and while this kind of ignorance is curable—it was in this case—who knows when it’ll come back to haunt us?

Tip o’ the UAV wing to Emily Lakdawalla.

If it gives you pleasure then why are you crying like a bitch
Typical bickering bharti, go drown in gao muttar stinky street shitter

typical non sense joke and cheerleaders are waiting to give thumbs up. all regular stuff.... actually its gives me so much of pleasure to see pakistan going downhill and its you people who will make the last of it.

pdf will lose its focus with such threads, admins are doing nothing to stop this non sense.
no one wants to meet ik in BRI. but these people think about some tweet of IA. what a bunch of losers. country of losers cant even meet one significant leader than the host, no one wants to meet him....
hope for a better show from so called Elite Members of pdf. plenty of stuff on youtube can be put here and trolled for days without any discussion
@waz @Oscar can we please close this thread??? it will be nothing but trollfest
After cow pee now u want yeti pee
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