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Jim Rogers: I would throw India out of BRICS

That is isolationist and opportunist view. In global politics and age that view has virtually no place. China displayed that view often but beginning to realize that is not sustainable for its status and ambition.

Well that is our official policy, non-interventionism.

That's why Xi Jinping is shaking hands with Modi, and not condemning him. Because what Modi does to his own people is not our concern. :no:

This is what I told Chinese-Dragon.

India is no friend of China and never will be.

India and China will partner in BRICS to counter the US just like US and China allied to counter the Soviets. But US and China just had one common enemy and had no special bond.

It is china who is entering our territories and pissing India off, if china stops doing it without doubt India will cooperate with China
Shaking hands is very common in geopolitics. Xi and Abe apparently shook hand too. Does that mean they are buddies :lol:
Japan PM Abe shakes hands with China's Xi at G20| Reuters

Again, you have a very ignorant view of geopolitics, you have no clue how things work in the geopolitical arena.
You probably think Abe is pro-China too. Thats the way your mind works. This is not some high school playground.

Xi Jinping is pro-BRICS. He let India become an equal partner in the BRICS bank, with the same share as China has, not your country. :lol:

Why? Because he serves Chinese interests.

He understands full well that our main strategic rival is America, and that a rising India is a challenge to American global hegemony.

India does not like us, that is a given, but that does not mean they cannot stand against American hegemony, and thus further the interests of ourselves and the BRICS.

This is what I told Chinese-Dragon.

India is no friend of China and never will be.

India and China will partner in BRICS to counter the US just like US and China allied to counter the Soviets. But US and China just had one common enemy and had no special bond.

Current Chinese leadership trying to court india at the expense of time tested friends. That Chinese hedge will come back to bite China some day. We have age old experience with indians and we say it from that experience. In Modi's inauguration first thing he did invited exiled Tibet separatists to send a message to China. Then he went to Bhutan and delivered harsh rhetoric against China. Then Modi appointed proven anti China figure as indian national security advisor. I suppose Xi and team must be sleeping on all these tell tale signs.

Modi and BJP regime has strong influence from US through indian business houses and NRI. Xi and China under any delusion can not compete with that. Not to mention indian establishment considers China as eternal enemy. Indian nuclear and defense policy are built to face off China.

India is opportunist and will try to exploit current China US and China Japan face off to extract Chinese money and resource. And then india will strike back against China with US backing. Just like in 1962, US backed indian position against China.
Current Chinese leadership trying to court india at the expense of time tested friends.

Chinese leaders know what they are doing.

They know who our "real" rival is. America. Which the self-described "mighty American" Beidou surely knows, but is trying to pretend otherwise.

He didn't let India become an equal partner, India did its best to make sure China didn't get majority vote.

Rising India is a far greater challenge to China because India will have more power to counter Chinese influence in Asia.

Everyone can you what a noob you are :lol:

Too bad for you, Xi Jinping is furthering the interests of China by strengthening the BRICS. :china:

Your opinion (and the opinion of other China haters) is irrelevant, you will see BRICS strengthen in the future to become a major challenger to the current uni-polar world order.

We already have the BRICS bank, and currency fund. Russia is pushing for an energy union, China is pushing for greater use of our own currencies instead of the US dollar.

And your beloved mass murderer Modi gets to choose an "Indian President" for the BRICS bank. Maybe he will choose himself. :lol:

Look forward to more such news in the future, that will be a great laugh. While we strengthen, our enemies such as yourself will squirm.
:woot: :rofl: So that's the reason why India should be 'thrown out' of BRICS?? Jeeez! :crazy:

Never mind that India has the 3rd largest GDP (PPP) in the world!

with 2nd largest population India better have top five GDP to feed its poor hungry naked people. :D
In honesty what can India contribute? Money? No. Expertise. No. The reason why the president is an Indian is so that he can get a lower loan rate for India to buy the Rafale for $20b

Please use your 3rd largest GDP (PPP) and buy more toilets

U LOST ur recent job as toilet cleaner ! but no vacancy here ! try the next door.
Chinese leaders know what they are doing.

They know who our "real" rival is. America. Which the self-described "mighty American" Beidou surely knows, but is trying to pretend otherwise.

When you say "Chinese leaders know what they are doing." that must be absolute.

America may be rival today but india considers China as eternal enemy. Well, to current Chinese leadership that has different meaning. Who can argue with that?
all what I see here is Modi will harm China, Modi will eat China ,Modi will do every thing to China...

& all this from a Bangladeshi & a falae flagger...

so ladies Modi as a PM of India is only serving for the interest of his country & China is the nation witch can very much secure it's interests in all scenerios..

If the border issues solved then I see no reason for India & China to co operate with each other very much.
India till now has not any big ambitions to overlap China in her dominated areas..

so stop twisting your panties & watch the new era arise....

When you say "Chinese leaders know what they are doing." that must be absolute.
America may be rival today but india considers China as eternal enemy. Well, to current Chinese leadership that has different meaning. Who can argue with that?

Hey chill out dude. :D
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I was probably the most anti-Indian member on this entire forum for the past few years.

you actually are the most pro-india member from china. i have seen that in years of visiting.

If Modi kills his fellow Indians, that is of no concern to me.

you are human, yes?? hasn't living in a communism-socialism-governed society taught that basic fact?? four million humans north koreans died in the korea war, 1950-53... 200,000+ died in the nato invasion of the libyan jamahiriya, 2011... doesn't that make you sad and angry??

My concern is for Chinese citizens. That's who we are responsible for, citizens of the PRC.

socialism sees nationalism as a disease. why do you want to become ill with it??

If Modi kills Indian Atheists (since I am an Atheist) I would not care either, that's his own country.

modi is a mass-murdering criminal who should be punished, along with his close circle... all this in the presence of world media and world leaders.

his group... the sangh parivar, rss, bjp, ram sena etc... should be eradicated.

Let him do what his people allow him to do, if they do not care then why should I.

i live in india and i do not allow it. many indian members here also support honor killing and dogs killing humans. would you also not care about that too??

and that a rising India

do you know the economic and social reality of this "rising india"?? economically, india was a rising bubble which has now burst.

and that a rising India is a challenge to American global hegemony.

do you even know what mao said about the first indian prime minister ( nehru )?? he said... "nehru is the messenger of the capitalists".

from india's war with china to the invasion of libya... india hasn't challenged usa hegemony... india has helped forward it.

U LOST ur recent job as toilet cleaner ! but no vacancy here ! try the next door.

and you just lost your job as "software coolie" and "code monkey". but no vacancy here. try jumping to the next tree... on jupiter.
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you actually are the most pro-india member from china. i have seen that in years of visiting.

you are human, yes?? hasn't living in a communism-socialism-governed society taught that basic fact?? four million humans north koreans died in the korea war, 1950-53... 200,000+ died in the nato invasion of the libyan jamahiriya, 2011... doesn't that make you sad and angry??

socialism sees nationalism as a disease. why do you want to become ill with it??

modi is a mass-murdering criminal who should be punished, along with his close circle... all this in the presence of world media and world leaders.

his group... the sangh parivar, rss, bjp, ram sena etc... should be exterminated.

i live in india and i do not allow it. many indian members here also support honor killing and dogs killing humans. would you also not care about that too??

do you know the economic and social reality of this "rising india"?? economically, india was a rising bubble which has now burst.

do you even know what mao said about the first indian prime minister ( nehru )?? he said... "nehru is the messenger of the capitalists".

from india's war with china to the invasion of libya... india hasn't challenged usa hegemony... india has helped forward it.

and you just lost your job as "software coolie" and "code monkey". try jumping to some other tree.
False Flag go take your trolling Some where Else
False Flag go take your trolling Some where Else

those two words... "false flag" and "troll"... must be the most heavily useds word on the internet... courtesy, patriotic indians.

now go call arundhati roy a troll... or go say that to ehsan jafri's grave.

edit : so crying about humans dying is "trolling", according to you.

edit : and by the way, i always wanted to ask... why is your user-name, the name of s soviet-socialist organization?? and do you think your views will be respected in russia ( your country flag )??

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