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Jihadis cheat bosses, pocket terror funds

Do not blame your woes on us, silly Indian. Your Indian state does not provide Muslims full rights, so instead they go on a bombing campaign. Look at the pathetic state of Muslims in India, especially Kashmir, even though that occupied territory is Muslim majority. There's only 2% enrollment for 15% of the population for Indian Muslims? The numbers remain under ten in government jobs too. According to what Indians tell me, I'd expect the percentages to be higher than 10% atleast? Just look at the comments on the ToI article you pulled up, just further backs up my comment. :)

first thing about minority what ur giving enrolment in any field is less than 1 % in ur country ? and then blame others...

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Kamal hai....Jihadi chuna laga rahe hai apne aka ko...haan bhai inke paas bhi Dil hai...kuch armaan hai...
It seem like Jihad has become a profitable business ,Jihadis are gaining both ways the are doing service for God ( accroding to jihadis ) & also making money :hmm:

Maybe you're retarded... Kashmiris have always been pro-Pakistan... Your Indian Army even worse than terrorists, robbing, pillaging wherever they go..

And Dhaka was where Pakistan was made moron :)

What if I told you I was educated in a Indian Madrassa? :lol:

Maybe you should stop occupying Kashmir = end of terrorism in india

Guys...he accepted that he is a madrassa bred mullah!!

Oye mulle.....kashmir nahi milega. Chal Bhaag!!
Well if their Jihadi Chichas ...and Jihadi Abbaas are busy making money...who the hell can stop them....
Hahahaah LOL LOL LOL LOL … CORRUPTION everywhere hahahahaha :P :P :P :P :woot:
ISI please sign me up too and deposit a million dollars in my account please

Sincerely Yours,


:partay: :partay:
=angeldust;3188247]If that is so, why do you not find Hindus or other religious minorities blowing people up in India?

Thats over statement , India has its fair share of troubles .. In pakistan terrorists go and hit a target kill people in max double digits in India a mob every decade or less goes out killing thousands at once there have been many events in the past , You know that very well. Only difference it India's major issues were in the past and we have this night mare at this vary moment.

It would be extremely ungrateful if the Muslim community of India were to say that they are marginalised. When in actual fact, the entire country revolves around them and the need to help them integrate and not alienate them. Yes, the terror masters abroad work on poverty as fertile ground for indoctrination. But there are more poor and destitute Hindus in India than Muslims.
Always remember that.

Seems you dont remember much India had separatist movements in khalistan and existing ones in north east-west (some where) so please dont try and and compare and pick on the religion here.
Go and GEt the hell out of here! you guys given dollars for my pooor people for doing these fake jahads!
If this continues ,no wonder they will recruit an C.A..to calculate their spendings poor terrorists...:rofl:
coming from an operative of Indian Mujahideen - an organisation as comical as its name.
Thats over statement , India has its fair share of troubles .. In pakistan terrorists go and hit a target kill people in max double digits in India a mob every decade or less goes out killing thousands at once there have been many events in the past , You know that very well. Only difference it India's major issues were in the past and we have this night mare at this vary moment.

There is a lot of very detailed information available open source on the internet about incidents of communal violence in India since Independence. Someone has taken a lot of time and effort to collate that, as even relatively small flare-ups with sub 100 mortality figures have been included.

Places, chronology, etiology, politics involved, leadership (state and central), community wise death tolls, resolution, etc. all has been captured. It makes fascinating and sobering reading. Something all Indians should make an effort to read.

What comes out is how people are manipulated by their leaders like expendable pawns, and how inspite of outnumbering Muslims by more than 5 to 1, invariably as many Hindus die as do Muslims. In the bigger picture, not counting isolated purges and pogroms like Gujarat.

If Muslims were to be truly targeted in India, by society and the state, at a people to people level of the mob as wel as institutionally, like Hindus are in Pakistan, you would have seen a very very different India and Indian Muslim community today.

Seems you dont remember much India had separatist movements in khalistan and existing ones in north east-west (some where) so please dont try and and compare and pick on the religion here.

Separatist movements and insurgencies will always be put down ruthlessly by the state. There can be no compromise there. Our sovereignty is inviolable and non-negotiable. Those insurgencies are localised and not pan-India. The footprint of home grown Islamic jihadists suported by you guys is spread all over India. To an extent where any unbiased observer besides you would appreciate the maturity and restraint exhibited by the state and its people, as we deal with the community with kids gloves and move forward trying to weed out the bad apples, without blowing up the barrel.
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