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JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

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Ignore it bro, that picture is just an F-35 edited to look like JF-17. That "news" is trash, nothing more. JF-17 will never become a 5th gen fighter, but no need for PAF fans to worry - China and Pak. have it covered ;) You should hear something about it by 2012 according to inside sources.

MZUBAIR bhai, you should be careful about quoting stuff from Wikipedia. You know that Planned Upgrades section you quoted? I know the person that wrote it - he is not an expert! If you like, you can go to wikipedia and change it to say whatever you like - anyone can, so it is not considered a reliable source.


you are absolutely right! if stealth was all about adding "stealthy" features to the fighter then the US would have tried to make its currently succesful F-16 become a stealth fighter! however they went for a complete new airframe!

they did try to make a F-15 version of stealthy fighter....but that as well only had composite material and internal bay!

but pakistan making JF-17 stealth is a bit far fetched.....currently what i feel is JF-17 will be inducted followed by improvements in avionics suite of JF for atleast 2 more decades and not a new airframe from scratch!

meanwhile china will keep working on J-XX and hopefully in time we will buy it off them.....
Why would China sell J-XX to Pakistan?
We should be developing it along with china.... like JF-17.
We should be developing it along with china.... like JF-17.

More money, infact lots of money is required for development of stealth fighter program rather than purchasing stealth fighters. At this moment I don't think so that we have the money to start investing in the development of a stealth fighter program.
The funniest thing i ever heard:rofl: first try to match up with the mighty Indian Air Force. Even USAF doesnt have 6th gen. fighter aircrafts as of now and u are talkin about paf having 7th gen aircraft. Wake up dude:sniper: :lazy:

SURE WE'LL GET 7TH GENERATION BY 2509 A.D lols...:rofl:
Maybe if 4th. gen. planes fly low while carrying lightweight durable flat radar absorbant material panels above the cylinder, bump shaped fuselage parts on top of the plane they can reduce rcs considerably in air to air mode against all directions above that altitude.

As the plane gets closer to dogfight and maneuvrability becomes the prior case the panel or panels can be disposed parachuting down for further use.
We should be developing it along with china.... like JF-17.
it's different from J-17,china still stuck in lots of area:fire control radar,engine, etc. it means lots of uncertain factors,what if J-XX fail,is it wise to invest like this ?you wonder why pakistan perfer western avionics and radar? it's much safe puting money on TOT after J-XX real complete,and it won't cost a lot,FC-20 will be model case.in the long run pakistan will develop everything by herself.china's weaponry should be the backup option for pakistan as for now ,cos there is still clear gap between china's technology and western's
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friends people here talk about building a 5th gen airplane just as if its a matter of few days.
howmany countries in the world can build a 5th gen aircraft ?just look at the us with their money and knowledge how much time it took to get the raptor to the sky,even the russian superior design its still working hard to get a 5th gen plane flying.

people talk about stealthy features what kind of stealth does the new chinese aircraft gong to get ,the pakfa,lmfi both will have plasma stealth,the raptor and jsf have radar absorbing technology what kind of staelth feature does china posses?

i the next 10 years there are going to be very few 5th gen planes.both the us and russia started work in the early 90 s and we will see only these aircrafts in the next 10-15 years, if china starts working from today i will still take 20 years mininum to get the plane flying.


It is highly possible that china will get the stealth tech from Russia, then it will reduce the time frame of 5th generation fighter development.
After all china which spends Billions on defense budget can afford money for buying the tech from Russia. This may be the reason they haven't joined PAK-FA project, in order to develop their own aerospace Industry
It is highly possible that china will get the stealth tech from Russia, then it will reduce the time frame of 5th generation fighter development.
After all china which spends Billions on defense budget can afford money for buying the tech from Russia. This may be the reason they haven't joined PAK-FA project, in order to develop their own aerospace Industry

more likely get engine tech from ukraine 。i really don't count on russia at other parts ,china is on her own
there are only two possible reason china didn't joined PAK-FA project:
1.we can't fully share the 5th tech with them
2 china is developing J-XX for years as rumor,it's not worth to drop out
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Why would China sell J-XX to Pakistan?

Because china is a smart, it knows the amount of money india is spending of defence. Just look at iaf aquiring mki in huge numbers and thats just a start they are going to buy more.

Now they are ready to jump in to bed wuth usa and possibly f18 are on the cards. So china can not ignore this and countering india with pakistans help is easier then countering india by its self.

This serves the interests of both pakistan and china.
are you guys tired of this?india can forget about Kashmir as long as china exist.China jump into bed with USA?are you high?

No kind sir i meant that India is now jumping in to bed with USA NOT CHINA, our trust and gratitude towards china is unquestionable.

What i was trying to say was that china providing technology to pakistan is a bonus for both countries as together they can counter Indian buildup of military and its hostile intentions.
No kind sir i meant that India is now jumping in to bed with USA NOT CHINA, our trust and gratitude towards china is unquestionable.

What i was trying to say was that china providing technology to pakistan is a bonus for both countries as together they can counter Indian buildup of military and its hostile intentions.

i was overreact and didn't read the your post carefully,sorry,it's my fault,i thought you was indian....
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