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JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

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for me all we need to do is:
get our first squadron ready and evaluate it for any improvements we want!
in second block:
1. get better engine
2. add two more hard points under belly
3. use more composities
4. get a better radar if possible

there is no need for stealth shape, twin tails, double engines, internal harpoints or so on!! if we need them we may invest in a new fifth generation plane !

for me all we need to do is:
get our first squadron ready and evaluate it for any improvements we want!
in second block:
1. get better engine
2. add two more hard points under belly
3. use more composities
4. get a better radar if possible

there is no need for stealth shape, twin tails, double engines, internal harpoints or so on!! if we need them we may invest in a new fifth generation plane !


Alteast for next 100 crafts (which makes 150 total), we should go for better engine, add 2 more hard points, use more composits, get batter radar and ofcourse its possible.
and of this list the the upgrades that are planned include:
use of more composities
better FLIR
and perhaps a better radar!

the news on procurment of a new engine is still a bt under cover! some sources claim it to be the chines WS13, sometime it is stated to be a french engine (i doubt that)! even it is being claimed that russia may well be offering a TVC engine for JF!!

for the time being we have to sit tight and wait that something better comes JF's way!!

yap I agree. JF-17 with BVRs is more than a match for MRCA and perhaps MKI as well if it is aided by AWACS to negate MKI its main advantage; better detection range. a light fighter not using its radar will significantly lower the detection range of MKI perhaps within the range of Thunder's SD-10. And ofcourse, a better engine with TVC will significantly enhance the manuverbililty of the aircraft.How ever it would be wise to use Chinese engine rather than Russian and French beacuse of threat of sanctions.
Composits will significantly reduce RCS so more problems for MKI and MRCA
Regarding hard points 8 seems good but unless it does not compromise the egility of the aircraft.The ways to enhance manuverbility sould be the prime focus if we are to compete with MKIs and MCRA.six missiles are a good option with 4 BVRs and 2 WVRs with highly egile aircraft. I still beleive that its a game on for MKIs
As far as radars are concerned I read it somewhere that PAF is looking for M-AESA developed by swedish company due to go in trials (correct me if I am wrong) any western AESA will be welcomed by PAF and as last resort, we may chose chinese AESA
I believe that Pakistan has the ability to make the stealth fighter.
I am sure Pakistani scientist can do anything when they put their mind to it :cheers:
The funniest thing i ever heard:rofl: first try to match up with the mighty Indian Air Force. Even USAF doesnt have 6th gen. fighter aircrafts as of now and u are talkin about paf having 7th gen aircraft. Wake up dude:sniper: :lazy:

Man, i LOVE just LOVE when Indians think Indian Air Force is better than PAF.
You must be really stupid to think that.
Screw talking about gens' talk about skill.
Pakistan Air Force's pilots are way more skilled than IAF pilots.
its a FACT.
pakistan wont be getting any stealth fighter before 2025
there are some specific reasons to it,
recently china and russia signed a memorandum of cooperation in advanced military technology fields,
this means that china if it anyhow gets a stealth fighter from russia,it wont be before 2015,becoz thats the period the russians would be unveiling pakfa,which china wont get before 2020,
which when it reverse engineers ,may take 5-10 yrs to deliver to pakistan.
chna has not made even a 4th gen fighter jet without input of foreign designs

what seems possible is that china may develop a stealthy uav in between,but not a fighter.

with Indian money poured in development, and PAKFA being a joint product, pluz the top machine for Russia,
i seriously doubt it will be sold to china atleast bef 2030.
with Indian money poured in development, and PAKFA being a joint product, pluz the top machine for Russia,
i seriously doubt it will be sold to china atleast bef 2030.

i seriously doubt russia still have anything worth to buy after 2030......

So, can u tell me how?:azn:

can they develop any thing required for a 5th gen fighter jet?
Do they have enough funding? (yup, Americans can provide as donation for war on terror:lol::lol:)

OK my list could go on n on, might b u could name few Pakistani tech adequate for 5th gen fighter jet? :cheers:

I must agree with you at the this point , but as a matter of fact i must say we do break the Status quo .

I have a little question , did we had the Technalogy to Build our own Nukes?

No but we did it!

Did we had the technalogy to develop State of the art Hypersonic Balistic missiles and IRBMs?

No but we did it and we are looking forward for an ICBM now!

Did we had the technalogy to Develop a long range Transonic Nuclear capable Cruise missile on par with Tomahawk and Air launced Cruise missile?

No but we did it ...

Did we had the technalogy to develop UAV's ?

No but we did it and we eye the UCAV soon inshallah.

Did we had the technalogy to develop 4th Gen Fighter jet ?

No but we made it thanks to our Buddies:china:

Look alot of members specially Indians have their say about Our potential , lemme tell you how you underestimate us and since we are enimies it is not in Favour of you guys.

You laugh at our situations in the Country and tell us that we do not have Revenue to buy hardware , but i am hopefull that things do change and the Future is better Inshallah.

We did all that and we will Make a 5th Gen Fighter and you will see it , and you will see some amazing developements from our side.

with Indian money poured in development, and PAKFA being a joint product, pluz the top machine for Russia,
i seriously doubt it will be sold to china atleast bef 2030.

guys tell you something
china start the j10 at early 80s put them in AF late 90s
and start the 5th stealth fighter at early 90s
we will start to see the news about china's 5th gen fighter before 2012
with the boost of economy and one party political government
you will be very surprised no late then 2020
i am not judge which political system is better or not
but you have to believe this
"one party political government" if they want to do something they will finally get it
one RICH "one party political government" if they want to do something they will do it faster then your thought
guys tell you something
china start the j10 at early 80s put them in AF late 90s
and start the 5th stealth fighter at early 90s
we will start to see the news about china's 5th gen fighter before 2012
with the boost of economy and one party political government
you will be very surprised no late then 2020
i am not judge which political system is better or not
but you have to believe this
"one party political government" if they want to do something they will finally get it
one RICH "one party political government" if they want to do something they will do it faster then your thought

that's what “great-leap-forward” development mean,lots of budget used on R&D ,small-scale equipment but speed up the upgrading
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We certainly hope that China start flying stealth fighter soon.

As per sinodefence:
"In 1997, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) reported that an advanced F-22-class twin-engine stealth fighter XXJ was being developed by 601 Institute and Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). In 2001, an Internet source photo showed a F-22-like aircraft model was being tested in a wind tunnel at 601 Institute. At the same time, it was revealed that 611 Institute was also working its own advanced fighter aircraft design, possibly based on the design and technology of its J-10 fighter."
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