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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 6]

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As an engineer I think I can change your mind. An engine is that complex that only a few nations re able to produce it. And those have used German designs from the beginning (so have decades of experience and tons of engineers). In a complex system you just start with parts to copy and maybe to improve. Gradually you move on. Just like one needs to produce a basic trainer (Mushaq), then advanced trainer (K8), then fighterjet (JF17) before entering stealth arena as a nation. Exactly that shows that a nation is clearly lying about its abilities... India wants to be partnering PAKFA or able to assemble Rafale... The reality is that it cannot start with the Mushaq level. I understand that many Indians like to think different cause they send a plug and play kit of less then 20 kg to Mars with all the help of USA, Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia (yep) and more but one needs to have to feet on the ground. Indians are no way near China... No way near Israel. No way near Europe, USA. Russia, South Africa, Brasil and indeed no way near Pakistani abilities in this sector.
Mushaq? You mean a license produced Saab Safari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
K-8? So China's Hongdu JL-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia now is developed by Pakistan too?
And of course JF-17. My views on this jet certainly can't be openly expressed on this forum with the same level of audacity as yours about Tejas or MOM (which btw is 1500kg:lol:).
PAF/PAC/China is not showing every improvement to everyone. But the latest article in Combat Aircraft shows what was known in the "insiders" group. The engine has been a big issue in the beginning but has been tackled very smartly. While the first few had the good old RD93 with direct relation to the infamous smokey RD33 (changed gearbox and more thrust) the production examples were already improved. I have shown you guys pipes coming out of the exhaust. This was one of the improvement to reduce smoke by bypassing the chambers and dump fuel. Similar as the AL31... The block 2 had the need for more stores to become near F16 block52 so the wing is improved and throughly tested. You have read the news a year ago that after the accident of the JF17 the wing was "tested". In fact that was the strengthening so it can handle a lot more now. But more stores need more thrust so China did improve RD93 parts. The RD93/RD33 is a very forgiving, rugged and extremely fast reacting engine. Yet it is not sophisticated enough to move towards better thrust like PW220 we have. So China engineered parts to make it a lot better quality. It offered indeed Russia to do it together... You all know the articles.

So now you have better wing, better engine and India has no idea what to say.

btw. there are a lot more improvements inside and the block 3 is very very potent as far as I can judge. I think we can easily say that it is moving beyond the best we have now. Just wait three years and you will remind me what I said.

About a close article that USA is blocking the usage of our F16's. Not really. It fears that China gets its hands on it. That is fully understandable. But Indians are seeing a different reality. The fact is that both Pakistan and China are absorbing know how a lot better then Indians. While the Indians are busy with buying and failing LCA, IJT, prop trainer and many more projects the Chinese move towards stealth and beyond... Pakistan moved from J5, J6, J7 (60 era designs) towards block40-52 knowhow...

Let me put it simple. According Indians we could not get RD93... Klimov even offered rd93 MA... We could not get F16... No DRFM.. Well, we already have it plugged in. We have US pods with DRFM and even JF17 with DRFM.

While the Indians get wet seeing LCA doing night test flying we are a few decades ahead. Without western nations helping us. Without billions spending on bad projects. So, thank you.


This is best post so far in the JF-17 thread!
probably the best junk here

And already have Su 30 MKI,with several indigenously developed .And LCA is moving towards FOC ,by year end.

you are decades ahead ? Do you know JF 17 is a jointly developed aircraft ?Make a decent basic trainer aircraft on your own,then start talking.

Typical Indian. Degrading others. Living in dreamworld. MKI is Russian. Russian needed cash. You financed it. Did not anything. Paid ISrael for avionics... You know how much you pay for maintenance? You know how much you will pay for upgrade? You know what exactly you make of MKI now?

LCA FOC year end. You need to redesign cockpit, panels and engine compartiment. Then restart most of the testing. Isn't there one Indian with knowledge what is really happening? I doubt that. Only busy with fuming and burning on our forums. Reality is you cannot produce anything decent that can fly... I know I am direct. But that is how you stop arrogance.
Thank you for proving my above comment on the comprehension issues of certain community.
Else you would have understood how do and die fits the equation.

Yes dear, like this munir guy said...you are decades ahead of us, be in space technology(as we are able to send 20 k.g gung to mars), air craft technology...bla bla..and I believe his guy is an engineer working for PAF.

The reality is that it cannot start with the Mushaq level. I understand that many Indians like to think different cause they send a plug and play kit of less then 20 kg to Mars with all the help of USA, Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia (yep) and more but one needs to have to feet on the ground. Indians are no way near China... No way near Israel. No way near Europe, USA. Russia, South Africa, Brasil and indeed no way near Pakistani abilities in this sector.

Source: JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 6] | Page 27
Yes dear, like this munir guy said...you are decades ahead of us, be in space technology(as we are able to send 20 k.g gung to mars), air craft technology...bla bla..and I believe his guy is an engineer working for PAF.
Address the posts or issues accordingly, there's no salvation in dragging in unrelated topics into discussion at hand.
He just expressed his opinion.. Almost all aircrafts are in clean configuration when doing aerobatics in air shows.. You can't accurately predict fighters performance just seeing those shows.. For example china aerobatic performance using J7 fighter and trainer kiran mk2 by IAF..
you are right as Indian SU-30 MKI facing mid year engine failure problem and many time landing with single engine.
And what exactly are you guys doing? I rest my case. Call me a troll. You are without any knowledge.
Munir just give a rat's posterior about what these dhakkans have to post. You know your stuff & that my friend is enough.

Mushaq? You mean a license produced Saab Safari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
K-8? So China's Hongdu JL-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia now is developed by Pakistan too?
And of course JF-17. My views on this jet certainly can't be openly expressed on this forum with the same level of audacity as yours about Tejas or MOM (which btw is 1500kg:lol:).

Hey genius here from the same wikipedia article & yeah this is a Pakistani forum so we'll say whatever we want about the Tejas. Tough it!
Work on the design started in 1987 at Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company (NAMC) at Nanchang, Jiangshi Province in South Central China. The Chinese chief designer of the aircraft was Mr. Shi Ping (石屏), heading a team of over 100 Chinese Engineers, while Air Cdr Muhammad Younas Tbt (M), SI(M) was the chief designer from the Pakistani side leading a team of over 20 Pakistani engineers.
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Nomi yaar, thanks for posting the pics but I am kind of tired of seeing photo-shoped JF-17 with awesome load of weaponry. We need to see the real thing.
Maybe they do not want to show it yet. It was mentioned in many articles on this thread that the strengthening of the wings' roots, makes the JF-17 capable of carrying a 5000kg load, so dual racks are very possible, and maybe some quadruple racks in the near future.
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