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JF-17 Navy Variant???

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lol You guys are:crazy::crazy::crazy:
Read the Thread Post #1 and the Title

This is the post #1
I was thinking why doesn't PAF and PN work together to produce a Navy variant since you have the ra'ad for Stationary warships and providing air support to the navy.
How about a completely new JF-17 with everything from Avionics for sea-warfare?
Ultimately Pakistan Navy should be the one to operate these!!!

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/jf-17-navy-variant.443017/#ixzz4GdtX6DTE

And look up what I posted --- A Dedicated Naval Strike Platform of JF-17 variant. Even India have Jaguar IS a Dedicated Ground attack fighter plane, and Jaguar IM -- A Naval Strike fighter Plane.

Now before putting the Smiley like :crazy::crazy::crazy: and try to decorate the Post, without much substance or MASLAA Janab, I want to ask Aakhir Masla Kya Hai !!!

well he aint gonna get one

Well then I would say to him, Good Luck for his Quest
I was thinking why doesn't PAF and PN work together to produce a Navy variant since you have the ra'ad for Stationary warships and providing air support to the navy.

Hi dear @BondedByBlood
I never knew that PAF and PN can design jets! Anyways coming to the issue of integrating weapon system this heavy to a platform requires a lot of changes in software apart from certain hardware changes. Look,when we wish to integrate any weapon system to one of the hardpoints then we need to study the effect of that weapon on the overall CG of the plane. Now a plane can only fly if two fundamental criteria are met-
1)It is trimmed at a particular alpha -(C-em =0)
2)It is stable at that alpha- (C-em-alpha < 0)
--Kindly note that in these days of relax static stability this criteria,is usually implemented using high performance computer actively controlling the stabilators.
When a new weapon system is added to the plane it affects the location of CG vis-a-vis neutral point and hence this has to be incorporated in the control system of the plane.This task becomes much easier in a plane equipped with fly-by-wire.Things become especially tricky if the weapon is placed at any hard point other than the central line. I am of the opinion that all major modification of the jet are carried out in china and i really doubt pakistan can fiddle with the control laws or modify it to incorporate their own weapon system.If ra'ad is ever integrated onto JF-17,it will be carried out at CATIC(designer of this jet.)
Hi dear @BondedByBlood
I never knew that PAF and PN can design jets! Anyways coming to the issue of integrating weapon system this heavy to a platform requires a lot of changes in software apart from certain hardware changes. Look,when we wish to integrate any weapon system to one of the hardpoints then we need to study the effect of that weapon on the overall CG of the plane. Now a plane can only fly if two fundamental criteria are met-
1)It is trimmed at a particular alpha -(C-em =0)
2)It is stable at that alpha- (C-em-alpha < 0)
--Kindly note that in these days of relax static stability this criteria,is usually implemented using high performance computer actively controlling the stabilators.
When a new weapon system is added to the plane it affects the location of CG vis-a-vis neutral point and hence this has to be incorporated in the control system of the plane.This task becomes much easier in a plane equipped with fly-by-wire.Things become especially tricky if the weapon is placed at any hard point other than the central line. I am of the opinion that all major modification of the jet are carried out in china and i really doubt pakistan can fiddle with the control laws or modify it to incorporate their own weapon system.If ra'ad is ever integrated onto JF-17,it will be carried out at CATIC(designer of this jet.)
That's what I was saying,Correction Raad is already Integrated into the JF-17.
So why not something like air launched torpedos?
Better avionics one that you find in Naval surveillance/anti-submarine warfare aircraft/airborne early warning Into the JF-17 variant.
well he aint gonna get one
Hey English,It's not about Me which I obviously Mistakenly said "I want",do you want to contribute to the thread or not? you haven't wrote anything useful here so I want you to have some self-respect for yourself and stop replying here.
Damn this forum is ruined by people like you who Instead of having viable discussions Ruin thread .Too Much mongol blood ?
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That's what I was saying,Correction Raad is already Integrated into the JF-17.

Can you kindly back your statement based on credible pictures(Not PS'ed!),or research literature or simple statement from either designer(CATIC) or user(PAF/PN).I hope you understand what I am saying
I want a completely new Jet something like having having ASW Capability Sonobuoy launchers ....lol ?,weapon stations to carry homing torpedoes,

And I want a new sub-10kg full suspension ride that won't break when I clear 5+ meters drop-offs
and cooks donuts
& for my son to find his calling in life ( like yesterday ) & a wife that doesn't nag!

Actually, your wishful thinking may well be closer to reality than mine,
so never mind what I just said, :angel: Tay.

P.S. As most already told you, unless you buy a maritime patrol platform,
Pakistan already has what it needs with the Thunder and its future blocks.
Yeah sure. Just like when we sent our Mirages to France for Ra'ad integration.

Look my dear friend,i dont know what your academic qualification is,but it is suffice to assume that I am fully aware of what I wrote and unlike a lot of members here-i have had experience of working on some of the systems.Now instead of writing what you wrote it would really helpful if you could furnish literature to counter my point or backing your claim.I know truth is not really convenient at times,but that doesnt mean we should look the other way!
As for the ra'ad it was indeed integrated with the mirage but at centre line hardpoint which has lesser effect on CG vis-a-vis a point located on either starboard side or the port side.Look if you put the missile below wings,and when the missile is fired and it leaves that particular hard point then the CG might leave the plane of symmetry and shift towards the other side of the plane of symmetry.Now the flight control laws have to be updated to account for this behaviour. In case of centre line hardpoint,this issue rarely arises because even if missile leaves the hardpoint,the CG will remain in the plane of symmetry albeit shifted slightly up(in -z direction).
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Look my dear friend,i dont know what your academic qualification is,but it is suffice to assume that I am fully aware of what I wrote and unlike a lot of members here-i have had experience of working on some of the systems.Now instead of writing what you wrote it would really helpful if you could furnish literature to counter my point or backing your claim.I know truth is not really convenient at times,but that doesnt mean we should look the other way!
As for the ra'ad it was indeed integrated with the mirage but at centre line hardpoint which has lesser effect on CG vis-a-vis a point located on either starboard side or the port side.Look if you put the missile below wings,and when the missile is fired and it leaves that particular hard point then the CG might leave the plane of symmetry and shift towards the other side of the plane of symmetry.Now the flight control laws have to be updated to account for this behaviour. In case of centre line hardpoint,this issue rarely arises because even if missile leaves the hardpoint,the CG will remain in the plane of symmetry albeit shifted slightly up(in -z direction).
Why don't you go ahead and prove that it is beyond PAC's technical capabilities to make modifications to JF-17's flight control software.
Look my dear friend,i dont know what your academic qualification is,but it is suffice to assume that I am fully aware of what I wrote and unlike a lot of members here-i have had experience of working on some of the systems.Now instead of writing what you wrote it would really helpful if you could furnish literature to counter my point or backing your claim.I know truth is not really convenient at times,but that doesnt mean we should look the other way!
As for the ra'ad it was indeed integrated with the mirage but at centre line hardpoint which has lesser effect on CG vis-a-vis a point located on either starboard side or the port side.Look if you put the missile below wings,and when the missile is fired and it leaves that particular hard point then the CG might leave the plane of symmetry and shift towards the other side of the plane of symmetry.Now the flight control laws have to be updated to account for this behaviour. In case of centre line hardpoint,this issue rarely arises because even if missile leaves the hardpoint,the CG will remain in the plane of symmetry albeit shifted slightly up(in -z direction).

Your experience on working of some of these system has no qualification in determining what is worked on elsewhere. Time and time again you have brought it up WITHOUT ANYTHING beyond stating that just because you have a small amount of aeronautics work under your belt you think the PAC is lesser qualified than you; that is not academic or even logical but generally a condescending and pithy argument.

As for the RAAD, it has no place on the JF-17 simply because of clearance issues currently and because so far the delivery platform for it is slated to continue operating a little longer.

I think, he wants the Dedicated Naval Strike Variant of JF-17.
Why is there a need to have a dedicated variant when the standard variant does everything the navy needs from it?

Hi dear @BondedByBlood
I never knew that PAF and PN can design jets! Anyways coming to the issue of integrating weapon system this heavy to a platform requires a lot of changes in software apart from certain hardware changes. Look,when we wish to integrate any weapon system to one of the hardpoints then we need to study the effect of that weapon on the overall CG of the plane. Now a plane can only fly if two fundamental criteria are met-
1)It is trimmed at a particular alpha -(C-em =0)
2)It is stable at that alpha- (C-em-alpha < 0)
--Kindly note that in these days of relax static stability this criteria,is usually implemented using high performance computer actively controlling the stabilators.
When a new weapon system is added to the plane it affects the location of CG vis-a-vis neutral point and hence this has to be incorporated in the control system of the plane.This task becomes much easier in a plane equipped with fly-by-wire.Things become especially tricky if the weapon is placed at any hard point other than the central line. I am of the opinion that all major modification of the jet are carried out in china and i really doubt pakistan can fiddle with the control laws or modify it to incorporate their own weapon system.If ra'ad is ever integrated onto JF-17,it will be carried out at CATIC(designer of this jet.)

That statement alone shows you are posting without actual information on knowledge and ONLY based on assumptions; a VERY bad academic approach.

Pakistans P-3 Orion
The PN Aviation Force consists of:

  • 6 Westland Sea King Mk.45 – Anti-submarine/ Anti-Surface Warfare helicopters have been based at Karachi.
  • 8 Aérospatiale SA-319B Alouette IIISAR transport/anti-ship helicopters[83]
  • 7 Lockheed P-3C Orion – Naval surveillance/anti-submarine warfare aircraft/airborne early warning/airborne and bombing missions. Future supply of 7 more under an agreement with Lockheed Martin signed in 2006.[84] Two upgraded P-3C Orion delivered on 7 January 2010 while one was delivered in November 2009. Another two advanced P-3C Orion aircraft to be delivered soon .[85][86]
  • 7 Fokker F27-200 Friendship – Naval surveillance aircraft[87]
  • 4 Hawker 850 – Charged with electronic warfare as well transporting VIP personalities, individuals, or groups.
  • 32+ Dassault Mirage V – Anti-ship attack aircraft flown by Navy fighter pilots which are based at PAF base Masroor in Karachi[87] (the fighter jets are operated by the Pakistan Air Force but piloted by the Navy fighter pilots who served under the command of the senior ranking Navy officer) scheduled to be retired and replaced by JF-17 Thunder(Block II) in 2015 but are in active-duty service with the Navy.
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles include NESCOM Burraq, Satuma Spy, Satuma Informer and the UQAB-II[88] drone.
  • 12 Harbin Z-9EC anti-submarine warfare helicopters equipped with a surface-search radar, low frequency dipping sonar, radar warning receiver, Doppler navigation system and armed with torpedoes.

I think in the list IN would be most concerned with P3C orians as they have the leg and capabilities to remain on station for extended time with decent boat tracking and offensive weapon suite.
I was thinking why doesn't PAF and PN work together to produce a Navy variant since you have the ra'ad for Stationary warships and providing air support to the navy.
How about a completely new JF-17 with everything from Avionics for sea-warfare?
Ultimately Pakistan Navy should be the one to operate these!!!

FC-1 in service with PAF can fill the role unless you are asking for a carrier variant,
they already reassigned squadron for that. goodday

I want a completely new Jet something like having having ASW Capability Sonobuoy launchers ....lol ?,weapon stations to carry homing torpedoes,
How about sonar? something like the long range Heli Sonar to a Long range Jet sonar???? or you can operate a Sonar at the speed of an Jet?.
look man I'm not a professional but I think It's about time Instead the navy asking the Air-force for help should get itself its own Pilots and jets.
That will also help the air-force focus on more Important places like providing air cover for Land forces ETC if there's ever a war.

Reyne do yaar :fie:
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