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JF-17 at Kamra Airbase

Yes it is a small plane.


Length: 14.1 m (46 ft 3 in)
Wingspan: 8.4 m (27 ft 7 in)
Height: 4.5 m (14 ft 9 in)
Wing area: 30.0 m² (323 ft²)


Length: 14.0 m (45.9 ft)
Wingspan: 9.45 m (31 ft)
Height: 4.77 m (15 ft 8 in)
Wing area: 24.4 m² (263 ft²)

Thanks bro

JF-17 is pretty much the same size as the Grippen, but substantially smaller in wing size.

how does wing size make a difference in flying and maneuvering capabilities of fighter jets?
Thanks bro

JF-17 is pretty much the same size as the Grippen, but substantially smaller in wing size.

how does wing size make a difference in flying and maneuvering capabilities of fighter jets?

Yes JF-17 and Grippen are almost the same size but completely different planes in terms of the shape of the wings.
Brother I'm not an expert on this but as per my understanding, For any airplane to fly, it must be able to lift the weight of the airplane, its fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air so the size of the wings is directly proportional to the weight of the aircraft.

The shape of wings is designed keeping in mind the role of that particular aircraft. Delta wings were made for bomber aircrafts because of its poor handling at low speed and unstable at high angles of attack but perfect for achieving high speed. Computer-controlled "fly-by-wire" flight control systems have allowed designers to compensate for some of the delta wing's poor control qualities. Canards are small horizontal fins (or small wings) mounted on the fuselage in front of an aircraft's main wings to provide greater control, particularly during high angles of attack. When they are part of a delta-wing aircraft, they improve its stability and maneuverability.

The latest delta-wing aircraft are the Swedish JAS 39 Grippen, the Dassault Rafale, the Indian Light Combat Aircraft or LCA and the Eurofighter Typhoon. Thus, the delta wing, which seemed destined for obsolescence, has gained a new lease on life.

I see Sir MuradK on the thread, I hope he can shed some light on this.

Hi guys...pictures of aircraft are welcome but i don't think it is good idea to take pictures of aircraft plus building details.
I'm surprised how it was even allowed....basically security should check all pictures before permitting its public sharing!

I believe JF-17 can learn from JAS-Gripen design. we should have bought some of those to replace mirrages and F-7.
I believe JF-17 have talent only to compliment or replace F-16.

we should try to build JF-17 with delta wing together with stealthy blk-2.
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Hi guys...pictures of aircraft are welcome but i don't think it is good idea to take pictures of aircraft plus building details.
I'm surprised how it was even allowed....basically security should check all pictures before permitting its public sharing!
Very right.
jf 17 hmmm. not my cup of chai .... needs wayy more improvment....... lca is going to be one tuff cookie . equipped with AESA AMMRAMM every thang that ondia can buy for .... hmmmm .... jf 17 just needs all chinese parts . WE WONT GET EMBARGO.. they are making AESA & AMMRAMM so go heavy on it ... indiaAF IS GOING TO BE DEADLY mor su 30 with AESA mrca with AESA then LCA WITH AESA PAK FA WITH AESA... soo baicallywe need to be chewsy... if i where air commander for PAF i would go for gas gripen ... and j10b with j 11 for maratime
if PAF allows these pics to be taken, then there is no issue.
why start another JF-17 thread when there is a stickey already open for JF-17 news and information!
Why did you jump in between and started traducing the fighter? cant you digest harmony on the forum?

Nice pics mates, and F-16 looks good in the dull,grey, color only, it makes it look sober.
Hi guys...pictures of aircraft are welcome but i don't think it is good idea to take pictures of aircraft plus building details.
I'm surprised how it was even allowed....basically security should check all pictures before permitting its public sharing!

I believe JF-17 can learn from JAS-Gripen design. we should have bought some of those to replace mirrages and F-7.
I believe JF-17 have talent only to compliment or replace F-16.

we should try to build JF-17 with delta wing together with stealthy blk-2.

As Fatman said, these pic would have been allowed by the PAF officials to be taken. And these pictures seem to have been taken by Chinese, as the tags on the pic are Chinese, meaning the first source of the pics is Chinese web sources.

And in today's satellite imagery age, such pictures have no importance left. Get a paid Google Earth subscription and you will have clear crisp pictures of whatever place you want.

And as for Delta designed aircraft, we are gonna have FC-20, so why need more JF-17 delta wing designed ??? FC-20 will have a delta design with canards.
Official designation: Fighter China-1 (FC-1) Xiaolong
PAF designation: Joint Fighter-17 (JF-17) Thunder
Function: Air-superiority; Ground attack
Designer: Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (611 Institute)
Manufacturer: Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Corporation Ltd. (CAC)
Maiden flight: 25 August 2003


The FC-1 adopts a rather conventional aerodynamic layout, with mid-mounted wings, lateral air intakes, single-frame bubble cockpit canopy, and two under-belly stabilising fins. The drag chute bay is located at the root of the rudder. An electronic equipment pod is mounted on the tip of the rudder. The formal production variant of the FC-1 features a diffuser supersonic inlet (DSI) similar to those of the U.S. F-35 fighter for better air-intake efficiency.


The JF-17s in service with the PAF are fitted with an Italian Grifo S-7 multi-track, multi-mode, pulse Doppler radar radar. The radar has 25 working modes and a non-break-down time of 200 hours, and is capable of “look-down, shoot-down”, as well as for ground strike abilities. Alternatively, the aircraft can be fitted with the Thales RC400, GEC Marconi Blue Hawk, Russian Phazotron Zemchug/Kopyo, and Chinese indigenous KLJ-7 developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (NRIET).

Cockpit and Avionics Systems

The FC-1 / JF-17 features a ‘glass cockpit’ with three large multifunctional displays (Chinese Internet)

The FC-1’s avionics architecture is supported by two mission computers based on Multi-Bus System (MIL-STD-1553B). The heart of the system is a 32-bit Weapon and Mission management Computer (WMMC) which performs mission computations, flight management, reconfiguration / redundancy management and in-flight system self-test.

Navigation -- Hybrid inertial navigation system (INS) and global positioning system (GPS);
Communications -- Independent data link with two Independent wide-band radios with anti-jamming capabilities;
Electronic warfare (EW) -- Self production jammer, missile approach warning system, radar warning receiver (RWR), chaff & flare dispenser;
Identification of Friend and foe (IFF) -- IFF interrogator for target verification at the BVR range;
‘Glass’ cockpit -- Three large Multifunction Colour Displays (MFD) and smart Heads-Up Display (HUD) with built-in symbol generation capability; HOTAS;
Targeting -- Laser Designator and Targeting Pod (LDTP) for target illumination and detection with day/ night capabilities;

Fixed weapon includes a GSh-23 dual-barrel 23mm cannon. Alternatively the aircraft can be fitted with a GSh-30 dual-30mm cannon. There are 7 stores stations, including one under the fuselage, 4 under the wings, and 2 wingtip mounted, with up to 3,700kg weapon payload.

The aircraft is callable of ‘beyond-visual-range’ (BVR) attack capability with the PL-12/SD-10 active radar-homing medium-range air-to-air missile (MRAAM) developed by China Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute (LETRI, also known as 607 Institute). The aircraft also carries two short-range AAMs on its wingtip-mounted launch rails. The options include U.S. AIM-9P and Chinese PL-7, PL-8, and PL-9.

The aircraft can carry a special pod allowing day/night delivery of laser-guided weapons. In addition, it can also carry unguided weapons such as low-drag general-purpose (LDGP) bombs and unguided rocket launchers.


The FC-1/JF-17 is powered by a Russian-made Klimov RD-93 turbofan jet engine rated 49.4kN dry or 84.4kN with afterburning. The RD-93 is a derivation of the RD-33 used by the MiG-29 fighter. In 2007, China signed a contract with Russia to supply 150 RD-93 engines for the JF-17 production.

Liyang Aero Engine Corporation in Guizhou is reportedly developing an indigenous turbofan engine designated WS-13 (or Tianshan-21) as an alterative powerplant option for the FC-1. The engine was said to have been based on the RD-93 design with some modifications.


Crew: One
Length: 14m
Wingspan: 8.5m (without wingtip missiles)
Wing area: 24.4m2
Height: 5.10m
Empty weight: 6,411kg
Loaded weight: 9,100kg (without two wingtip missiles)
Take-off weight: (normal) 9,100kg; (maximum) 12,700kg
Fuel capacity: 2,300kg
In-flight refuelling: No
Weapon payload: 3,700kg
Powerplant: 1X Russian RD-93 turbofan, rated at 49.4kN dry or 84.4kN with afterburning
Max level speed: Mach 1.6~1.8 (high altitude)
Max climb rate: N/A
Service ceiling: 16,700m
Ferry range: 3,000km
Combat radius: 1,350km
G limit: -3 ~ +8.5
Fixed weapon: 23mm or 30mm single-barrel cannon
External hardpoints: Seven (1 under the fuselage centerline; 4 under the wings; 2 on the wingtips)


Guys, plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz don't make it into another JF-17 thread. For that we have another proper thread.

Keep this thread to the new pics posted and keep the discussion around it.

And also don't make it into a Vs competition too.
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