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JF-17: a major achievement

That's where you are wrong ... the beauty of Defense industries of Pakistan is that they are mostly owned by Military and operated by men in uniform themselves, saving the havoc and deception of ambitious profits, unmet requirements and falsified results when a manufacturer and consumer are not on the same page. In Pakistan they are not only on the same page, they are the same page.

1. PAC Kamra.

PAC is owned and operated by PAF personnel. It is located INSIDE Kamra's Minhas Airbase premises. If anyone ever gets to visit PAC he will find 90% staff IN uniform and rank badges. Rest of the 10% staff are civilian employees either directly hired for PAC, on deputation from various NESCOM organizations or retired PAC personnel given contract jobs after retirement. (The percentages are my estimate of what i have seen, could not find any link to depict this percentage)

Air Marshal Farhat Hussain Khan — Chairman, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra
Air Vice Marshal Aminullah Khan — Managing Director, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF) at PAC Kamra
Air Commodore Suhail Salim — Member Technical, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF) at PAC Kamra
Air Commodore Mujtaba Jamal — Member Commercial, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF) at PAC Kamra
etc etc ...
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.:: Pakistan Aeronautical Complex ::.
::: DEPO - Defence Export Promotion Organization :::
Wapedia - Wiki: Minhas Airbase

2. AWC Wah.

AWC was owned and operated by PAF personnel until recently, while now it comes partly under NESCOM umbrella because of its very close co-operation with other NESCOM organizations but still continue to be run by PAF personnel. It is a mix of serving and retired PAF personnel, Nescom engineers and technicians, and very few civilian employees and consultants. AWC departments not under PAF control come under AERO which are fully controlled by NESCOM.
Air Vice Marshal Zubair Iqbal Malik — DG Air Weapons Complex (AWC), Wah Cantonment
Air Weapons Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Engineering Research Organization
::: DEPO - Defence Export Promotion Organization :::

3. HIT Taxila. (Not PAF, But Pak-Army)

Heavy Industries Taxila is where Al-Khalid-MBT, Al-Zarrar-MBT, APCs and other armoured vehicles are produced. It is completely owned and operated by Pak-Army management. "It consists of six major production units and their support facilities, staffed by over 6500 highly skilled personnel. About 30% of the 6500 employees are uniformed military personnel."
Lt. General
Ayyaz Salim Rana — Chairman Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT), Taxila.
Heavy Industries Taxila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
::: DEPO - Defence Export Promotion Organization :::
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

4. POF Wah. (Pak-Army)

Pakistan Ordenance Factories is the biggest ordanance manufacturing plant of Pak-Army (there are also some few smaller ones). It may be partly owned and operated by by PA (no firm source available), but what i do know is that entire top brass consists of serving PA officers and that has been the case since inception. It employs more percentage of civilians than in HIT (no source to cite facts) but a huge number of serving army personnel are also working in POF, which is why it resides in the center of Wah Cantonment. "POF is a sprawling complex of fourteen production units and six subsidiaries producing conventional arms and ammunition".
Lt. General Syed Sabahat Hussain — Chairman Pakistan Ordinance Factories (POF), Wah Cantonment.
Pakistan Ordnance Factories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
::: DEPO - Defence Export Promotion Organization :::
:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

and many more ... Hope you understand.

My point being ...

A) "IAF is not a concerned with production of an aircraft in any way" TRUE
B) "neither is the PAF" FALSE

A) "even the USAF do not manufacture plane" TRUE
B) neither does PAF FALSE

"Can you tell me how do you manufacture plane at airbases?"
Every single aircraft in this world is manufactured next to an airbase/airstrip, so that after its assembly either it can fly away on its own or its transporter can fly away ferrying it in its belly. I have never heard of any major aircraft manufacturing plant lacking a runway. I may be wrong here since there is no lack of idiots making that mistake, so i rephrase it, no sane man will make a mistake of manufacturing aircraft with no airstrip next to it.

Now if your point was that PAC (you thinking it's civilian) has its own "civilian" runway. You are wrong. PAC is PAF's property and is served by PAF Base Minhas whose premises it resides in. Rest you can find using Google Maps as i cannot and will not paste Maps here.


Excellent effort, but i can assure you, after a few replies in response to your this post by you know whom, you would be like :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: , as same happened to me just a few posts ago and happens nearly all the time too.
Being a moderator i have to be in my limits otherwise i had perfect words to make you understand well enough.

PAC is in the premises of the Base, its a testing facility as well as an operational fighter airbase.

And PAC is not a plant, its a complex which has four sections or plants. One is the F-6 rebuilt factory, 2nd is Mirage RF, 3rd is the AMF which manufactures the parts for boeing, K-8 trainer, UAVs and the JF_17s, 4th is the Avionics and Radar facility. They all make up the PAC, got it.

And as told, watch the JF-17 rolling out video to clear up your head, as you are the one with no know how about JF-17 or PAC and come up here with your one liner pathetic master piece analysis.

Dear Sir,
Dont burn ur blood, these indians are here to trol and tease......
I and other like me who read your posts are thankful to you for your such positive and knowledgeable posts.
The big issue is that, they have failed in there most of their projects LCA, Arjun, number of missile tests and even they are failed to decide MRCA etc.
There are not manufacturing MKI, infact they are assembling as we used to do for F-6.

They are not succeded, thats y they are just running behind every thing which is pride for us. We are thankful to Almighty Allah, who blessed us success on many projects like Missile technologies RAAD, Babur, Hatf series, Sheen series, H2, H4....yes with TOT we are capable to manufacture submarine Augosta, AC JF-17, Alzarrar project, UAV's, Frigates and many more. So just move ahead we lov to see ur posts...ignore these people :tup:
Excellent effort, but i can assure you, after a few replies in response to your this post by you know whom, you would be like :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: , as same happened to me just a few posts ago and happens nearly all the time too.

Dear, My MO (mission objective) to come to this forum is to get my facts straight and to present facts to others whenever i can. I am an engineer, a scientist and i strongly believe in the "Scientific Method".

Scientific Method
source: Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. Define the question
2. Gather information and resources (observe)
3. Form hypothesis
4. Perform experiment and collect data
5. Analyze data
6. Interpret data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
7. Publish results
8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)

Every problem has two dimensions, scientific and emotional. Mostly we believe our emotional side and believe whatever aligns with our moral, religious and cultural beliefs. And while doing that we sometimes forget that their is a scientific dimension to the problem as well. I try to find a balance among both.

We like to praise our achievements, that's the emotional side. Our enemies try to foil our achievements, that's their emotional side.
But their is only ONE scientific side, there is only ONE-FACT. We need to get our heads out of our arses and accept the facts whenever and how-ever presented to us.

I am here to find facts not fiction. Keep it real people.

is there no one who could answer the above question for me?

Same question has been bugging me for quite some time ....

Request to all Pakistani members to provide or give a link for the info...

It has nothing to do with the questions at hand but the hollow egos of many here that lead to ask the same question over and over again despite the fact that they have been answered manytimes.

Now before one of you guys again raise the same thing i'll suggest its better if you read the JF-17 thread again and this time not with your eyes closed, you will realize that money isnt the only thing Pakistan contributed into the JF-17 project as many of you would like to believe.
look mr.LCA i got delete my post just because of you stupid qes .i am so sorry sir AgNoStIc MuSliM
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