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Jews Are Speaking Out Against China’s Ethnic Cleansing Of Muslims. Will It Help?

How many Chinese China killed? A lot... How many Chinese killed by others? You can tell...
That's exactly what I mean, Chinese killed Chinese in the past, that's why China was so poor and chaotic, everyone can kick open China's door and give China some beating, take the spoils and leave. One wants to be strong, stop killing their own people first.
That's exactly what I mean, Chinese killed Chinese in the past, that's why China was so poor and chaotic, everyone can kick open China's door and give China some beating, take the spoils and leave. One wants to be strong, stop killing their own people first.
So as long as Killing don't happen anymore then everything else is Ok?
The dragon is peaceful, but if you continue to prod it with a stick then it has enough firepower to retaliate. Certainly, much of the Muslim world would support China, at least from the masses.
So as long as Killing don't happen anymore then everything else is Ok?

Unity is the most important thing to make you strong. Just look at how Western powers destroy other countries. By destabilize the country first. From Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and now just look at their attempt at Venezuela. First, they will destabilize the country, then take side with one contestant, and then destroy the legitimated power of the victim country.

First Case, Afghanistan, in order to beat Taliban, they allied with Taliban enemy first. Then they let both armies to fight each others, while they just send their air power to weaken Taliban's position. Taliban has no friend, that's why it was easy for the US to take out their rule and replace them with a puppet government.

Second Case, In order to beat Saddam Husein Iraq, they ally themselves with Iraqi neighbor first. To surround Iraq; destroying their economy, and closing their logistical route from outside world. Before they did finishing weakened Iraq at the end.

Third Case, Libya. just look at how Khadafi fall. First, they ally themselves with other Arab Countries to contain Libya. Then to instill demonstration and chaos inside the country, before using Libya own rebel and their paid militia as the ground army, and attacking Libya important military point from the sky.

Four Case, Syria. Still the same. It just that their effort was failed because they can't contain Syria; as Syrian is surround by her ally. Like Hizbolah, Shia Iraq and Iran. And later on, Russia. So they're failed to cut Assad logistical route from outside. And give Assad a breather to gather his troops.

Last Case, Venezuela, just the same. But still work in progress. Hopefully the people of Venezuela understand, that they face a worst case scenario that can bring their country into ruin.

Why not North Korea and Iran? Because both countries are still united. Their country is stable. And it is hard to contain both countries like in Libya and Iraq. If there is a turmoil in Iran or North Korea, and they (US) can get the support of both countries neighbors. Then it is the time when Iran mullah Government and North Korea Dynasty fall.

To be honest, Chinese Ancient Chess Wei Qi is the best chess game in the world. As war is always about to contain / surround your enemy.
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Its likely that Jews educate Palestinian to fight for independent and against Israel.

Well done Jews, or not?
Last Case, Venezuela, just the same. But still work in progress. Hopefully the people of Venezuela understand, that they face a worst case scenario that can bring their country into ruin
you don't know about Maduro's failed policies that led to the total collapse of the Venezuelan economy then and helped fuel the current chaos. Not everything is the West fault while the locals bare no responsibility whatsoever. lol
you don't know about Maduro's failed policies that led to the total collapse of the Venezuelan economy then and helped fuel the current chaos. Not everything is the West fault while the locals bare no responsibility whatsoever. lol

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the sanctions.

What a stupid patsy!

Oh, BTW, moron, this is what your BBC said about Gladio:
Yeah, it has nothing to do with the sanctions.

What a stupid patsy!
Iran has faced far more severe sanctions than Venezuela and yet look at Venezuela today and Iran. So stop blaming just sanctions for Maduro's incompetence and failed policies.

Oh, BTW, moron, this is what your BBC said about Gladio:
lol You re still on with this Gladio stuff? I thought you had calmed down about that(since you were putting it in basically every single response . lol. Moreover, you resorting to personal attacks/insults unprovoked means i won't quote or reply to you again. I/m not here to engage in some random useless insults/attacks.
Iran has faced far more severe sanctions than Venezuela and yet look at Venezuela today and Iran. So stop blaming just sanctions for Maduro's incompetence and failed policies.

lol You re still on with this Gladio stuff? I thought you had calmed down about that(since you were putting it in basically every single response . lol. Moreover, you resorting to personal attacks/insults unprovoked means i won't quote or reply to you again. I/m not here to engage in some random useless insults/attacks.

Did I say that it was only the sanctions' fault?

Playing the victim card? Oy vey! :D


May be they educate Palestinian for independent and against Israel, but all in secret.

And all Palestinian supporters turn out to be wrong about Zionism.

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